Anime ReviewsContributors ⇢ Tsukuyomi
Contributor Report: Tsukuyomi

The following is a list of all ratings and reviews submitted by Tsukuyomi. The links below can be used to quickly scroll down to a specific title.

Ouran High School Host Club (Jump to title)
- Overall: 7
- Violence Rating: 1
- Nudity Rating: 0
- Theological Themes: 0
- Other Negative Themes: 0
Review A great series about friendship and growth.

I thought this was a really good anime. All of the characters had their own charm and brought something special to the series. There's the overly zealous one, serous one, playful ones, carefree one, and the silent one. A perfect balance if you ask me (or close enough..).

I really loved how the series showed how each character grows throughout the anime.Not just on a personal level, but in relationship with one another. Overall, I thought it was a great series about friendship and love!
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