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Scary Medical Developments

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:11 pm
by silvanis2.0
Hello again, praying friends. So, I've been welcomed into the magical world of testing my blood sugar levels. They gave me a meter, lancets, and test strips all up front! It turns out that I am hypoglycemic and we are not yet sure why, so I need to test my blood consistently to see if there are any patterns. It's sort of a scary place to be. I know that God has plans for me and will care for me no matter what the outcome, but right now it is hard to make trust outweigh my fear. If you have any prayers to lend, I would be very grateful.

Re: Scary Medical Developments

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:18 pm
by ClaecElric4God
Praying, Silvanis. Praying that God would give you peace in this struggle, faith to outweigh your fear, and that the blood test and other medical issues would be resolved quickly and simply. But above all, praying that God would draw you closer to Him through all of this. There's got to be a reason He wants you to go through this, and I'm praying you're able to make the most out of it.

Re: Scary Medical Developments

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:43 pm
by goldenspines
I'll be praying, Silvanis.

Now, if you do have hypoglycemia, it's not the end of the world, believe me. :3 It comes in varying ranges of the effects it will have on you, so you do need to make sure to pay attention to how your diet affects you and ask your doctor for any advice or extra measures you can take to keep your insulin down.
I have hypoglycemia and I treat best by making sure I have enough protein in my diet, eating small meals throughout the day (no really large quantities of food, but a lot of little ones), and not having tons of sugar at any one time. As a side note, if you like milk, it will be your best friend and an easy way to get some quick protein.

But most importantly, research into this more (though wiki's article on it is a bit scary, but they illustrate the most extreme things that can happen if left untreated, so knowing you have it is half the battle to getting it treated properly!) and also, ask your doctor for advice on how to manage it AND keep track of how what you're eating affects you (if you get grumpy/tired/light headed/inability to focus/etc. then make a note of it and learn what can help prevent it).

Re: Scary Medical Developments

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 8:50 pm
by PandaPop
Praying for your strength and trust in God to grow as go through this Silvanis and that you have loving people around you to help you through it as well!

Re: Scary Medical Developments

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:26 pm
by K. Ayato
I have hypoglycemia as well. As long as I don't have long gaps (4 hours or more) between meals and have a healthy snack in between should the need arise, I'm okay.

Re: Scary Medical Developments

PostPosted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 12:40 am
by silvanis2.0
Thank you for the prayers and encouragement, everyone! I'm already feeling better about the whole situation. :n_n: It will definitely take some getting used to.