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Casual Prayer Request (Nothing dire, but prayers still very much appreciated)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:30 pm
by jmark
I feel a little bad that I came here to share in a love of anime and yet my first official post is in the prayer request section. Sadly things at work have been a bit hectic and, add in stress of my commute, I'm usually exhausted by the time I get home. That kind of relates to what this prayer request is about. But before that, one important thing; whether or not this prayer is heard will not break me or break me. I have been blessed many times in my own times of hardship over and I know that there are others within this forum more deserving of immediate attention so I ask this of you as a "If you have a moment" prayer, if that makes sense.

I currently work for a good company but financially things continue to be somewhat tight. It pays substantially lower that the same position with other companies but at the same time allows me live a decent enough life. But there are two things that concern me. The first is that my car is on its last legs and if it goes I can't afford a new used one and wont be able to work there anymore. The other is that, since my father's passing, my mother has had a hard time financially as well. I can be there for her personally but financially have very little to offer. Yet despite her own money issues she will still call and ask if I have enough money for groceries and in fact did so just an hour ago. That hasn't been the case in a long time and it just makes me want to help her out even more.

Well, this past Sunday, while just walking around a mall to keep my mind off things I got an email on my phone from a company I had gunned for since graduating in 2007 asking what day would be good for an interview. The very next morning I sent a reply asking for any time Wednesday through Friday so I would have enough time to put in for time off from my current job. So far I haven't heard back from them but it's only been a day and a half. I'm trying to be patient but this would be a big game changer. Now, this position wouldn't leave me running out to buy an Audi A6. Maybe a Mazda 6, but more importantly I would finally be able to help out others financially as they helped me, especially my mother and that would mean a lot. Add in that it's a lot closer to where I live and wouldn't require the use Beltway 8 (AKA: The Devil's Toll Road) and there's perks all around.

If it doesn't happen I will still have a job that I don't hate which is still something to be grateful for. All the same, if you could in an idle moment say a short prayer that I do in fact hear from the company soon, that my portfolio is enough to please them and, should I get that far, when the time comes to discuss pay I wont undercut myself out of sheer desperation I would really appreciate. Thanks for taking the time to read this and the next post WILL be anime related. Promise. God bless!

Re: Casual Prayer Request (Nothing dire, but prayers still very much appreciated)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:32 pm
by drill
Will be praying, jmark.

Re: Casual Prayer Request (Nothing dire, but prayers still very much appreciated)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:26 pm
by PandaPop
Praying :)

Re: Casual Prayer Request (Nothing dire, but prayers still very much appreciated)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 1:35 pm
by ClaecElric4God
Haha, don't worry, we don't mind if your first request, or the next fifteen for that matter, aren't anime-related. This is Christian Anime Alliance, after all.
Anyways, wow, that's a lot on your plate. I'm currently trying for a job that's on a number of levels substantially better than the one I currently have; and would take care of some needs in my life - had an interview last week, in fact - so I definitely know the feeling. I'll definitely be praying for you. Keep us updated!

Re: Casual Prayer Request (Nothing dire, but prayers still very much appreciated)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:36 pm
by Panda4christ:3
I'll definitely be praying <3 and I agree with claec, I'm not entirely sure how you make a prayer request anime related anyhow '3'

Re: Casual Prayer Request (Nothing dire, but prayers still very much appreciated)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:54 am
by anlptgtsg
Praying. Stress really bring us all down. " I will still have a job that I don't hate" :thumbsup: Praise God.

Re: Casual Prayer Request (Nothing dire, but prayers still very much appreciated)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:28 pm
by jmark
Hey everyone. Just a little update. After going through hoops with the companies' HR department who seemed to frequently forget about my interview I finally got in for a meeting. Low and behold the guy interviewing me was a friend I went to school with. Who'da thunk it? Things went very well and I got a rather flattering follow up letter (Thought I was suppose to do that) but recently I receive an letter both the interviewer and the HR department which alluded to the fact that some inner-office politics where at play and, for the time being, the process was being placed on hold. I'm not sweating it, however. It's not over yet and other opportunities will soon be opening up. Just got to be patient. (Ugh). In the mean time, thanks again for your prayers! I really do appreciate it.

Re: Casual Prayer Request (Nothing dire, but prayers still very much appreciated)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 7:04 pm
by ClaecElric4God
Thanks for the update! Glad to hear things went so well. I'll still be praying for you.