how have you changed?

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how have you changed?

Postby phantomeofanime » Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:51 pm

Are you new to the faith? or have you been a christian all your life? How has God saved you?
"There's no such thing as a painless lesson...they just don't exist. Sacrifices are can't gain anything without losing something first. Although...if you can endure that pain, and walk away from will find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle.....yeah...a heart made fullmetal." -- Fullmetal alchemist Brotherhood.

"Never Judge a peron by their past, you should always love them in the present and help them in the future." -- Me

"It was good for me to be afflicted, so that I might learn your decrees." -- Psalm 119:71
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Re: how have you changed?

Postby Xeno » Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:23 am

There is already a thread for this. "How Has Your Faith Changed Since You First Joined?"
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