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How to Respond?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 7:35 pm
by Sheenar
I don't usually post much in this area, but a friend posted something on Facebook tonight. I am wondering how to respond. I'm at a loss for words. This is something that I have struggled with myself --why does God heal some and not others? The answer escapes me, but I trust that God has a purpose and a plan --and will see me through.
This friend is an unbeliever. She posted this video with the comment--"I'm not gonna lie: I was bummed when I realized I was delusional.": is tied to this website: do I respond to this? I want to respond in grace and love.
Re: How to Respond?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 7:55 pm
I think it might be helpful to respond both with an answer to the video and a message of God's love. I might write that the God presented in that video is not particularly an accurate description of who He is. For one, He's not magic - some being that does miracles for no reason and responds out of prayer at our whim. He does, however, offer peace and love to anyone who is willing to accept it, no matter how we look, what we do, and what difficulties we have. And of course, I think your offer of being there for your friend will help demonstrate how God's love flows through His thankful people.
Re: How to Respond?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 7:59 pm
by K. Ayato
That's a tough question. In response to the issue of healing, I think we all get too hung up on a specific type of healing instead of seeing how God as Jehovah-Rapha (I AM healer) heals on every level and more often than not in ways we don't expect. Classic example as well as personal would be the wife of a pastor whom I knew since childhood. Later on in her life, she was having trouble with her heart, including heart attacks and slow heartbeat. As a result, she lost a lot of weight and was on a lot of medications. The hardest part was how she seemed to be on the road to recovering her strength, and she'd land in the hospital once again, fighting for her life. We all prayed for healing. I personally prayed that she stay with us, because I for one wasn't ready to say good-bye. God ended up taking her home. The loss was hard, but I learned that God still answered our prayers, just not in the way we had hoped. She's experienced the ultimate healing: being forever in His presence.
That being said, healing isn't just relief from physical pain and ailments. I don't mean to use this as a pat answer to the question of why God doesn't always heal the way WE want Him to, but in Isaiah 55 (one of the chapters I covered in my morning readings today), it's very clear that God sees things differently than we do. Also, it's okay to let Him know you don't understand why He allowed something to take place in a certain way. I'm going through something personal myself, and occasionally share during prayer time my frustration and that I don't understand. Ultimately, God is in control, whether it makes sense to us or not.
Don't be bummed, Sheenar. Remember that God is Healer. He may choose to provide insight into your condition and give a solution to your pain and discomfort, or He may decide not to. Still, keep in mind that He is still Healer and working through you to give Him praise. I'll never understand why He didn't stop the bleeding and save my first baby (the way I wanted) at the first sign of miscarriage, but He still answered my prayer. That little one is happier in Heaven than he/she could ever be here on this earth and will never have to experience pain and grief. Also, He used that to remind me that He is still God and that I can still choose to trust Him when things don't make any sense. And now, I have a new little trooper growing in me ^_^.
I know this is long, but I hope it brought some perspective. Final thoughts on this are that it's okay to ask God for healing, even a specific kind, but at the same time, we shouldn't get caught up on the specifics and end up disappointed and angry when He still heals, but in a different manner.
Re: How to Respond?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:29 pm
by Xeno
It's a loaded question. Don't respond to it. In response to people getting too hung up on a specific kind of healing, that's because that specific kind of healing gets preached in certain kinds of churches, thus when the view "god will work miracles for this group, but not for this other group for no obvious reason other than his own whim" it seems rather fickle. Either way, just let the thing be. You said your friend is an "unbeliever" (and can we please stop using this vague, generic term and state if they're an atheist or an agnostic or muslim or whatever, because that will really alter how the conversation will go), so having the two of you arguing over this is going to be a nightmare.
Re: How to Respond?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:31 pm
by Vega
I understand how responding could be quite difficult. If you are trying to help retain some of your friends faith, which I think you are, then a response must be tactfully and carefully constructed. A simple, "this video is wrong!" wouldn't do much except for strengthen the argument that Christians are delusional people who deny other faiths yet accept beliefs that mirror the others. Upon watching the entire video I saw quite a bit of valid points made. Of course i'm not a christian so what I see as valid may not be taken as such by you guys. Well good luck with your friend and I only hope that your friend finds clarity no matter what your friend decides to believe in.
Re: How to Respond?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:54 pm
by Vilo159
I like how Momons aren't Christians, even though he talks about Christ in that part. That whole video has so much wrong with it, its laughable. Nice and offensive, and terribly done. Not convincing at all. No to mention the hateful part about all religions being a poison to humanity, which no good person of any belief or disbelief should thing, because its just wrong.That being said, I'm really sorry that your friend believes that. Its really a shame.
The easiest answer to your friend may not be the most loving or effective, but you could always just point out all the problems logically with the movie, like how distorted all the evidence is and how even the most uneducated christian could knock a hole in it. But that won't solve the root problem.
Other than that, I can't give a real good answer. Like TWWK said, I would just bear my testimony and offer to be there for her. Show her that you love and care for her, and be an example of Christ. That's what I would do.
And to answer the question of why God heals certain people, the easiest answer is that we don't know. We don't know the mind of God. But like K. Ayato said, he does heal and comfort everyone in their own way. Our prayers aren't always answered the way we want them to or think they should, but we need to remember that God knows what is best for us.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Right now I would suggest that you pray. Pray for a way to help your friend, pray for understanding/the ability to accept what you don't understand yet, pray for comfort. And once you finish praying, read the scriptures. That is the easiest way to find answers, to read how God has answered others.
Edit: I take back the part about it being so weak anyone could knock it over, because obviously not everyone can. Lets replace that with, its pretty obvious that the stories are distorted, so why don't you ask someone of that belief to tell you how it really goes?
Re: How to Respond?
PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:40 pm
by Sheenar
Xeno wrote:It's a loaded question. Don't respond to it. In response to people getting too hung up on a specific kind of healing, that's because that specific kind of healing gets preached in certain kinds of churches, thus when the view "god will work miracles for this group, but not for this other group for no obvious reason other than his own whim" it seems rather fickle. Either way, just let the thing be. You said your friend is an "unbeliever" (and can we please stop using this vague, generic term and state if they're an atheist or an agnostic or muslim or whatever, because that will really alter how the conversation will go), so having the two of you arguing over this is going to be a nightmare.
That's what I figured --I posted a response, but just a basic one (just briefly spoke of how I have struggled with the subject and what I have learned/gleaned from my experiences so far). She didn't respond, so I think that's it on the subject.
I used the term "unbeliever' because I'm not sure what specifically she is --she follows several tenants of Buddhism, but may be agnostic? She comes from a Catholic background.
Thanks for the responses, y'all. I really appreciate it.
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