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PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:58 pm
by goldenspines
Oh wow, Kamen Rider Raticate owned Lt. Surge. That's pretty great. I was hoping you had a ground move like Dig up your sleeve. XD

"I drew you!" XDDD; And this helps XD

PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:09 pm
by Peanut

Peanut: Yes, yes you are introducing a literal Deus Ex Machina in this game...and yet not doing anything with it...why?


Peanut: Why, why are you guys disturbing the balance of things? It's just...not right.


Peanut: I mean, it would be one thing if you mention your names but actually inserting yourselves into the game? Really?!


Peanut: You've given me so many existential questions just with this appearance.


Peanut: I mean, how would you like it if God was living on your planet and yet he just kind of sat their and told you that once you finish something he'll give you a piece of paper with no real significance.


Peanut: So your the one I have to thank for making Psychic Pokemon literal juggernauts that can one shot everything in this game.


Nate: Hey, me too!


Nate: I bet you I like her more.


Nate: Well if that's the case, can I have their numbers? Can I have them?

Peanut: All right! The fourth wall has had enough violation for one day! Let's go Nate.

Nate: Man, you never let us Pokemon have any fun!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:26 pm
by Peanut

Peanut: Really now...


Peanut: That's what the sign says...


Peanut: Wait...


Peanut: Oh come on! I thought we were done with nuking the Fourth Wall!


Peanut: Friends?

Winry: Do you think he means us Pokemon?


Peanut: No, I think he means the players real friends.

Introducing! Ich1900 the Pidgey!

Peanut: Another Pidgey?! Gosh darn it...


Peanut: Oh...I have big plans for you Okami...big plans...MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

*Lighting explodes in the background*

PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:30 pm
by Peanut

Peanut: First, I buy a Thunderstone from this huge Pokemart.


Peanut: Then I give it to Okami.



Peanut: Now that she's a Jolteon...I'll give her this TM.



PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:05 pm
by Peanut


Peanut: I beat the tar out of you and then she burns your twisted, hurting body?

Winry: Don't worry, I'll make sure your ashes get scattered throughout the Kanto region.

AnteBellum: Oh! Can I use my psychic powers to turn his brain into a smart bomb and use it destroy this casino!

Mr.Hat'nClogs: Can I devour his soul?

Nate: Can I make an epic speech, then rider kick the tar out of him, and then wallpaper his house with pictures of Laser Nipples Nate?

goldenspines: Can I tape all of this?!

Peanut: Sure...why not...

Team Rocket Grunt: Um...I'm going to run away and tell the boss your coming now...

*The Grunt runs away*

Peanut: Nate...track him...

Nate: No problem.


Peanut: What's this?


Winry:...geez, you'd think a criminal orginization as wide spread as Team Rocket would have better security then this.


Team Rocket Grunt: Sir! Quick! They're coming and want to--

*Peanut and his pokemon appear. Suddenly the Grunt has many terrible, painful things done to him...there was nothing left of him by the time they were done.*

???: It was a matter of time I suppose.

Peanut: So, you're the man in charge of this outfit?

???: Why yes, I am Giovanni. Leader of Team Rocket. I must say, I've been impressed with your work so far.

Peanut: Really now? I can honestly say that I've been disappointed with yours.

Giovanni: I haven't gotten your name.

Peanut: I'm Peanut. The No More Hero.

Giovanni: Well then Peanut, why have you busted in here to see me today?

Peanut: I've come to give you a simple proposition. Come up with some better plan to take over the world or suffer me destroying your organization and rebuilding it into something truly terrifying.

Giovanni: Oh the heroic...wait...what?

Peanut: You heard me! I have a hard time respecting a group of villains that steal TMs to corner the hole digging market.

Giovanni:...well it seemed like a good idea at the time...

Peanut: So what do you say Giovanni? Do we have ourselves a deal, or do I have to do I have to have what was done to your grunt done to you?

Giovanni: Just try me.


Giovanni: I'll show you the power of Team Rocket.

Mr. Hat'nClogs vs. Onix

Peanut: Bubblebeam Mr. Hat'nClogs.

*Mr. Hat'nClogs wins*

Mr. Hat'nClogs vs. Ryhorn

Mr. Hat'nClogs: Do I even have to ask?

Peanut: No.

*Mr. Hat'nClogs wins*

Winry vs. Kangaskhan

Peanut: Burn it Winry.

*Winry pulls out a lighter and some gasoline*

Winry: Gladly.

*Winry wins*


Peanut: Now then...will you change into a decent villain?!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:10 pm
by Peanut


Giovanni: Though I must question giving them lighters...

Winry: But...its my best friend...




Peanut: Well...actually you're right...I really have no clue what you are trying to achieve by cornering the hole digging market...



Giovanni: Oh, and say hello to your dead Pokemon for me.

*Giovanni disappears in a puff of smoke*

Winry: I wonder what he was talking about?

goldenspines: Um...Peanut...I think you may want to look at this...

*goldenspines gestures to some documents that describe a plan to capture ghost Pokemon, disturbing the dead in Pokemon Tower* won't allow this!

Nate: Before you go storming off looking for revenge, I'd suggest you take this.


PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:14 pm
by Peanut
Peanut (looking back): The possibility of those bumbling fools at Team Rocket defiling their graves sent me into a blinded rage. My mind was focused on nothing else but preventing that disaster from happening. However, before I could do that, I had to get back to Lavender Town.


Peanut: We got you covered buddy...








Winry: it's now become communal water?

Peanut:...those guards must be close...

PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:36 pm
by Peanut
Peanut (looking back): Getting back to Lavender town was a cinch after those guards drank that water, but my discovery in Saffron City showed me they had done a lousy job of keeping it from the hands of Team Rocket. I didn't have enough time to stop, I would have to deal with that problem sometime after I took care of the Lavender Town situation.



Peanut: We're here...


goldenspines: Maybe we know, before the violence begins...

Peanut (looking back): Confronting my mistake for the second time was...hard. But I knew I couldn't avoid it any longer.


Peanut: Can you...give me all a second...

goldenspines: Sure.

Nate: We'll keep an eye out for any Team Rocket Grunts

Image's not much, I know. Winry burned the rest of them...I'm surprised two managed to survive. I can't tell you how sorry I am. It was my misjudgment that lead to your guys deaths. I...I should have paid closer attention and not pushed you two as hard. You didn't need to level up that quickly, or I could have switch you out for a stronger Pokemon...I'm...I'm just sorry...anyway, I have some people that need to be punished for their crimes...I'll visit you guys again someday...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:39 am
by goldenspines
*sniffles* I suppose the Pokemon Tower is more meaningful if you are playing the Nuzlocke run. 8(

But yay, you have a Jolteon! And wait, how did you beat kangaskhan with Winry so easily? I thought it knew some ground moves(even though it's a Normal type), but maybe I'm wrong. I haven't played the game in a while. XD

Good luck beating Team Rocket again. \o.o/

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:50 am
by Okami
I nearly fell off my bed laughing when you made me a Jolteon. Grand choice, Peanut. ^__^b

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:11 am
by mastersquirrel
Jeez, I leave for a couple weeks and this happens? Awesome stuff Peanut. I would appreciate being placed on the short list for Pokemon names. (Though I suppose Master Squirrel is a bit long... Squirrel or M. Squirrel would probably work better...)

I mourn your missed chance at a Dugtrio. Truly these are dark times.

PS: Your taunting of Giovanni was great. :lol:

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:51 am
by Ante Bellum
Peanut wrote:AnteBellum: Can we blow it up after we check?

Peanut: Absolutely not!

AnteBellum: You're no fun...

Peanut wrote:AnteBellum: Oh! Can I use my psychic powers to turn his brain into a smart bomb and use it destroy this casino!

Hey, what gives? That sounds nothing like what I'd...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:32 pm
by Angel37
I *love* your commentary. It wins so much. Nate is hysterical....

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:41 pm
by Mr. Hat'n'Clogs
I've been gone to camp since Monday, so I just caught up.

Coming back from camp to learn you're Gyrados may be the coolest thing ever.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:51 pm
by Rusty Claymore
At this rate, everyone in the box will end up being gifts for Peanuts grandchildren XD

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:04 pm
by Nate
Mr. Hat'n'Clogs wrote:Coming back from camp to learn your Gyrados may be the coolest thing ever.

To learn my Gyarados what?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:22 pm
by Mr. Hat'n'Clogs
Nate (post: 1401950) wrote:To learn my Gyarados what?

Ah, my apologies. Sleep was not in abundance.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:28 pm
by Nate
It's cool man. :p

Besides, at least you're a cool Pokemon. XD

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:58 pm
by Winry
goldenspines (post: 1401817) wrote:
And wait, how did you beat kangaskhan with Winry so easily? I thought it knew some ground moves(even though it's a Normal type), but maybe I'm wrong.

Psh, me and my trusty lighter are unbeatable =P Oh, better make sure we pick up more gasoline before the next gym...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:02 pm
by ich1990
Peanut (post: 1401745) wrote:Image
Introducing! Ich1900 the Pidgey!
Wow, ich1900 (must be my ancestor) is a pidgey. He is a bench warmer pokemon, but I am sure he is earnest.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 10:49 pm
by Peanut
Bad news, I'm having computer issues and I'm about to go away for a this may be put on hold for a while. Don't worry, even if I have to nuke my my computer in order to fix it I won't loose this data or any of the screenshots I've taken so far.

ich1990 (post: 1401999) wrote:Wow, ich1900 (must be my ancestor) is a pidgey. He is a bench warmer pokemon, but I am sure he is earnest.

ich1900 is the coolest dude I know from the 1900s...I hear he was buds with Al Capone. He's only a benchwarmer because I have 3 other Pidgey-esque Pokemon...its kind of the same thing with Lady Rushia...if goldenspines wasn't already a Butterfree I may have used her by now...

Nate (post: 1401964) wrote:It's cool man. :p

Besides, at least you're a cool Pokemon. XD

Are you saying Kamen Rider Raticate isn't cool? What is wrong with you man...

PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:13 am
by Mr. Hat'n'Clogs
So why are we not calling him Kamen Rider Ratinate, exactly?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:32 pm
by Peanut
Mr. Hat'n'Clogs (post: 1402051) wrote:So why are we not calling him Kamen Rider Ratinate, exactly?

Because, in order to protect his identity, Nate is only known as Nate by a select few. To the rest of the world he is known as Kamen Rider Raticate! Including his name in his alterior ego would cost him greatly...and its much more dangerous then me using the name Nate to give him commands...

PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:17 pm
by GrubbTheFragger
XD i just noticed that me and Fish died. I was scrolling up and suddenly i see Grubbthefragger on a grave stone. It was great

PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:21 pm
by Peanut
Also, another post thanks to using a different computer!!!


Peanut: This isn't a good time toonman...


toonman: I mean you can tell me, your good buddy from Pallet Town why your face is all gloomy and your Pokemon looks like their favorite Pokemon friends have been killed.

Peanut: That's because they have...


Peanut:...they've been buried already...

toonman: Who?

Peanut: Two Pokemon you never had the priveledge of being smacked around by...

toonman: Their names?

Peanut: Fish and Chips and GrubbtheFragger.

toonman: Fish and Chips? Isn't he that Muslim dude? Well, he's probably not feeling to cool right now.

Peanut: *a little bit angry* What's that?

toonman: You know...

Peanut: *a little angrier* No, I want to hear it from your mouth.

toonman: His beliefs have sent him to Pokemon hell.

Peanut (looking back): Uncontrollable rage seized me, and the next thing I knew, I was doing something I had wanted to do since I first met toonman all those years ago.

*Peanut's fist flies into toonman's face knocking him back to the ground. His Pokemon look on, shocked*

goldenspines: Did he...

Ante Bellum:...just punch out toonman?

Nate: Awesome.


goldenspines: Shouldn't we intervene?

Winry: I think its better to just let them work it out...

toonman: Why?! Why did you hit me! This is a world where men hide behind monsters and let them do their fighting!!

Peanut: If you think that hurt, just wait! I'm going to eviscerate you and poor salt all over that wound! Your screams of pain WILL BE THE MUSIC THAT I GO TO SLEEP TO TONIGHT!!!

toonman: Oh gosh, you're not joking! You're actually going to kill me!

goldenspines: Now?!

Winry: It'll be fine, he's just venting some rage.

Peanut: That's right toonman...I'm going to kill you. LIKE I SHOULD OF YEARS AGO!!

toonman: *pulling out a Pokeball* My Pokemon, save me!

Winry: Now we intervene.

goldenspines: Why not earlier?!

Winry: Because he wasn't using his Pokemon earlier.

goldenspines: actually wanted Peanut to kill toonman...didn't you...

Nate: There comes a time when every man needs to step out from the protection around him and fight his own battles. I think that's what Winry was getting at.

Winry: No, I just wanted to see him kill him so I could burn up all the evidence.

MSP:...this is why I never speak in this let's play...

PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 8:58 pm
by Angel37
NICE. Peanut your dialogue-ing is fantastic. 10 cool points to you! I love this thread. *hugs thread*

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:19 am
by firestorm
ich1990 (post: 1401999) wrote:Wow, ich1900 (must be my ancestor) is a pidgey. He is a bench warmer pokemon, but I am sure he is earnest.

and he looks delicious (:3 *sharpens claws* I think it's tyme for dinna!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:30 pm
by Winry
firestorm (post: 1402284) wrote:and he looks delicious (:3 *sharpens claws* I think it's tyme for dinna!

Dinner! I can help out with that. Would you like that medium, well done, or burnt to a crisp? Please, please, pick the last one...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:18 pm
by firestorm
Winry (post: 1402596) wrote:Dinner! I can help out with that. Would you like that medium, well done, or burnt to a crisp? Please, please, pick the last one...

How about burned to a crisp with EXTRA BARBEQUE (:3
careful, I feel like we started a sub-plot XD!! filler time!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:25 am
by Angel37
o.o....oh dear....