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Anyone remember MECC games?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:36 pm
by FadedOne
Having major nostalgia issues at the moment. Looking at a bunch of educational/fun games I used to play as a kid.
Anyone else the old MECC 'Trail' games? You know, Oregon Trail, Yukon Trail, Amazon Trail, etc.....the way they were best before Learning Company usurped everything.
Trail games
Someone reminisce with me!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:50 pm
by ShiroiHikari
I don't think our school computers had these. :\
PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:59 pm
by Tarnish
I still have a copy of the Oregon Trail! I still play it, even! I'm the only one in my family to ever finish it XD
I got the Amazon Trail out of a cereal box...>__> It was too buggy for me to finish.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:28 pm
by indyrocker
I remeber them all so well along with math blaster on the old 5.3" floppys. I never got far in them tho once I got a cd vertion of the Origen trail one I found out how to hack it and beat it in less than an hour heh gota love bein board with nothin to do but mess with those games. Tho Yukon was a bit to easy to beat.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 5:20 am
by glitch1501
oregon trail was a truely epic game, you just feel so bad when little karen gets cholera....
PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 5:38 am
by KBMaster
I've played Amazon Trail, but I didn't finish it. I have Oregon Trail and I can beat it now without breaking a sweat. Usually, my people don't die, but then there are those times when I shoot them or when I'm mauled by bears. I'm homeschooled, so sometimes I got to play this instead of history. Nyuk nyuk nyuk.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:50 am
by FadedOne
glitch1501 wrote:oregon trail was a truely epic game, you just feel so bad when little karen gets cholera....
What, you dont kill your people off for fun!?
lol, the original DOS version of that game was awesome. Temember the hunting sequences with a black screen and random pixelated bushes and animals. Good times. Writing epitaphs is the best part too.
My favourite of them was the Amazon one actually. I'm certain Yukon was could never strike it rich! (did anyone ever get the huge strike that was on the back of the CD case? I think not.)
I can't remember if Africa Trail was before or after TLC, but I know
MayaQuest was MECC. Those ones weren't quite as good though, imo.
I remeber them all so well along with math blaster on the old 5.3" floppys.
Math Blaster!!! There was an old old version of that, but then they came out with
MB: In Search of Spot. That game was awesome. ^_^
(Is it just me, or do today's educational games suck in comparison? Either that or i'm just too old to enjoy.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:13 am
by Tarnish
FadedOne wrote:Is it just me, or do today's educational games suck in comparison? Either that or i'm just too old to enjoy.
Probably depends on what you're playing...'cause those Cluefinder games are pretty fun!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:14 am
by GrubbTheFragger
Oregon trail was such a fun game. its been so long since i played it but still a classic and i will always remember those who died on that long trek across country. I did actually beat it though.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 2:08 pm
by MasterDias
Ah yes, I used to the play the Oregon Trail games years ago. Also did some stuff with Amazon Trail but I don't think that I ever finished it.
Yukon Trail had amusing bits but was pretty easy.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 2:28 pm
by Mega.EXE
we had those i'm not sure which ones though
PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:07 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
I still have my copy of Oregon Trail II
MAN! I had so much fun with that game. The best part in OT was hunting
PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 6:03 pm
by rocklobster
I used to love MECC's games. Can you still purchase them?