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Games you wished existed

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:39 pm
by Kerusso
I don't think I need to explain this, but I will anyway. Tell me about a game you'd like like to see on shelves (even if it'd never happen in real life), be it an original concept or a part of an existing series.

I'll start of with two:

1. A sandbox simulator that allowed you to mess with the world timeline. In other words, you could travel back in time, prevent the Industrial Revolution from happening, and then see how that affect the present.

2. A game about ninjas. Now, before you guys say, "Uh, Kerusso, you're a little late on that." allow me to elaborate.

Ninjas in real life performed multiple functions: assassinations, sabotage, espionage, etc. This game would basically recreate the life of ninjas back in Japan's feudal era... which would mean no supernatural abilities (sorry guys, no Sharingan for you), but ninjas had plenty of weapons back then to make up for it.