Twitter: lazyblogging on the lazyweb

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Twitter: lazyblogging on the lazyweb

Postby blkmage » Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:59 pm


This is a thread about twitter, the one microblogging service to rule them all. Lately, it has exploded in popularity. The basic idea is that you are limited to 140 characters per post, forcing you to keep your thoughts brief and preventing you from rambling on. The appeal is that it's quick to update and quick to check. Other neat features include replies and linking to various topics and conversation threads.

What is this thread for? This thread is for finding other interesting people to follow. This thread is most certainly not for you to wonder why anyone would bother with this service. Yes, we know you hate it and every other new communication tool and you can't fathom how anyone could find it useful. That's lovely; this thread isn't for you. I don't need to have people who have the compulsion to let everyone know how much they hate this service crapping up the thread.

Personally, I use twitter to keep loosely connected with various people ranging from friends to acquaintances I've met over the internet. It's nice and noncommittal and it's particularly useful for bouncing ideas off other people or making a quick, general query. It's also the source for some great hilarity.

So, post your profile and I guess what you generally talk about.
On my twitter, generally, you will find my impressions of various anime and manga related things, interesting things about mathematics and computer science, and occasional bits about Canadian politics. That's obviously not an exhaustive list, as I have been known to talk about, say, cooking or something once in a while. Topics are current (I've been looking at grad schools, so you will find a lot of stuff about computer science research groups recently!).
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Postby goldenspines » Thu Sep 30, 2010 10:12 pm

As brilliant as that picture is, Blkmage, we already have a thread for finding others on Twitter right here:

We try to discourage duplicate threads on the site. Thanks. ^__^
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Postby blkmage » Fri Oct 01, 2010 5:06 am

That's what I get for collapsing subforums I don't read. ┐( ´ー`)┌

Alright, I guess we're done here.
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