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Postby Edward » Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:53 pm

TopazRaven wrote:Hm, so much villian love here. I can't say I've ever rooted for the villian, though I do find some of them rather interesting. I don't usually find the hero 'boring' either, so I'm not sure why people always say that.

Probably because the typical Lawful Good hero has been done over literally thousands of times. Having an anit-hero or a villain as a protagonist is relativly fresh and new, though even anti-heroes have been around for quite a while. But I think even a Lawful Good hero can be interesting if the person or people writing a book or movie script are good and original enough.

I think everyone likes heroes. It's just that some people like different kinds of heroes. But I don't really know what I'm talking about, so you should just ignore this post.
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Postby akorecki1 » Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:16 am

I sometimes fall in love with the villain I have to admit but not in FMA I like Edward and Alphonse although I do like Greed he is funny.
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Postby FllMtl Novelist » Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:55 pm

Edward (post: 1503491) wrote:Probably because the typical Lawful Good hero has been done over literally thousands of times. Having an anit-hero or a villain as a protagonist is relativly fresh and new, though even anti-heroes have been around for quite a while. But I think even a Lawful Good hero can be interesting if the person or people writing a book or movie script are good and original enough.

Yes, the Good hero who defends Good because Good is Good is Good gets boring. The motivation is usually either drably executed, or makes the character flat. People like anti-heroes or unexpected heroes because their motivation to vanquish evil differs from the norm, and thus makes them more interesting to us.

The same goes for villains (with me at least). I really dislike villains who are evil because "Whee, evil fun! Because... evil! Yeah! And I'm going to go kill everyone you love, for the sake of proving how evil I am!" When evil for the sake of evil is the only motivation, it's every bit as boring as good solely for the sake of good. For some reason, it's often villains who have more unorthodox and unusual motivations. (Perhaps because they tend to die/get imprisoned, so the author doesn't have to properly deal with their story's ending.) When done well, they're either a specific, quirky, interesting brand of insane, or just average people who have logically adapted to horrible things and become villains as a side effect. Both are pretty cool. B)

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Postby Sanji07 » Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:57 pm

I would probably be a cross between "The Heart" and the character who seems emotionless but is very caring (that is, until you get to know me...I'm not so 'emotionless' then ^^;; ).
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:05 pm


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Postby Kerusso » Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:07 pm

Changed and updated list. Here's my top five, in approximate order of favorite-ness:

1. Chessmasters
2. Genre Savvy characters
3. Shrinking Violets
4. just about any character that's Crazy Awesome
5. Cloudcuckoolanders
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