Calling All Captain America Experts!!!

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Calling All Captain America Experts!!!

Postby steenajack » Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:53 pm

I am in need of assistance for a college project. I'm going to be giving an informative speech about the Captain America movie. It's basically like an unbiased review...only in public speaking format. ^^; I would REALLY appreciate any help from you guys. I simply need to know things like:

Your reaction/opinion about the movie and why.

Accuracy of movie to comics.

Any other weird tidbits and facts you know about the movie and comics.

Any info about the creators (both movie and comics).

Stan Lee's reaction possibly? (if you can link me to a reliable site).

Also, I would appreciate any links to any credible sites, or clips or images you think would best fit with what you're trying to long as the image or clip is credible as well.

Furthermore, I would like permission to quote and/or cite any of you guys. You don't have to give real names or anything like that, and I'll make sure to give you credit, I just want to make sure I have your permission first.

You can answer all, several, a few, or one of the "questions" above.

In conclusion I'd greatly appreciate any help I can get for this at all. If I'm unclear about anything, please let me know so I can clear it up. If you have an opinion, but so not wish to post here, feel free to send me a PM.

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Postby Hiryu » Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:02 am

I recently took a public speech class. If you're not sure or have a question about something involving the writing/practicing process, I can help there.
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Postby steenajack » Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:20 pm

Thank you very much. :D
Please, feel free to check out my sites:

My Deviant Art[/color]
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