Baltimore Incident

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Baltimore Incident

Postby ashfire » Sun May 01, 2016 1:01 pm

A recent incident in Baltimore involved a young man walked into a Baltimore TV station and told the guard he had a bomb strapped to him while he wore a animal costume and a medical mask. The station was evacuated before police arrived. It was also learned that the young man had set his car on fire in the parking lot. While police were setting up with a SWAT unit the young man exited the building and started to walk down the street. Police order him to stop and shot him three times dropping him to the ground. Police used a bomb robot to strip him and removed what was found to be a fake bomb. He was taken to the hospital where he is confined.
Now the story came out he had a mental break down and crazy ideas he was trying to get the TV station to broadcast off a computer device he tried to hand them. Now the story the news media had to come out with was he was into anime and cosplay for the way he was dressed. The picture they show look like he was into Goth. I hope this doesn't make cosplayers and those into anime look bad because of one person having problems.
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