Promotion for a Right-Wing Movie?

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Promotion for a Right-Wing Movie?

Postby Haibane Shadsie » Mon Jun 28, 2004 5:51 pm

After checking a certain topic I started down in "In the Spotlight," it's a question that I have.

If a heavily right-wing movie came out that say, bashed Kerry, or bashed Clinton... I bet scads of people on this board would go "Woohoo! I'm going to go see that!" and be all in support of it. I don't think we'd have many people who thought diffrently speak up and say "Oh, that movie's so biased and evil!" having not seen it...

I understand why the thread got a lock on it. It started to turn into fighting, which is not good. However, is it just me, or is any non right-wing view on here quickly locked? I remember how quickly the anti-gun thread turned into a fight... All the "pro gun" people seemed to have felt a NEED to come into the topic an say what idiots the anti-gun people were, but... when a pro-gun thread was made, when the anti gun people would make comments on it, they'd get berated and told to get out of the topic and that they were idiots for posting in the topic...

It's just not fair.

Of course, what do I expect from a dictatorship? This board is not a democracy.

"You're lucky that a thread promoting a Bush-bashing movie has stayed open." (before it was locked)

Would any MOD here say "You're lucky a thread promoting a Gore-bashing movie has stayed open?" or "You're lucky a thread promoting a Kerry-bashing movie has stayed open?"


Well, the original purpose of my thread was served - I got to speak upon my mixed feelings on the film and to warn sensitive people about it.

I want to see a parody made of that movie... someone taking all the Bush-big-business conspiracy stuff in it and splicing it with X-Files music, maybe adding aliens - like that Weekly World News shot of Bush shaking hands with an alien... that would be funny. I think that's something that people on all sides of the political fence can laugh at. For the left-wingers who might agree with it, it was done in a funny way, a lot of oddball humor, for the right wingers, the conspiracy stuff itself protrayed in the film is something "ridiculous" to laugh at. I mean... its' funny! I thought it was! Why can't I disscuss that further? Lighten up!

Since a certain Mod gave links to right-wing antil Moore movie sites in the thread rather than LETTING PEOPLE WHO HAVE SEEN THE MOVIE disscuss it in an INTELLIGENT MANNER.... I'm going to give a link to my live journal. My last entry in it was a big political rant - my own opinion's, no one else's. Read at own risk. I posted it BEFORE I saw the stupid movie.

Just this.. the general aura of the board (Don't say anything the Mods dissagree with, oh no!) is much of the reason why I've been scarce around here. This is the first time I've been back on a regular basis, even to lurk, in months.

It's also why, though I'm still a Christian, strong believer in Jesus in my heart, I've become rather disinfranchized with organized religion (church) and going to church. I haven't been in a while.

Of course, to many of you, especially the mods, that automatically makes me evil, right?

If I get banned for this post - myeh. I don't care. I don't come here enough anymore, anyway. People who want tokeep in touch with me can read my live journal and check out my account on Deviant Art.
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Haibane Shadsie
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Postby Mithrandir » Mon Jun 28, 2004 6:36 pm

Wow. Looks I got lumped into the "evil by association" clause. That's funny, I don't remember being anything but civil to you. Actually, what I normally do is remove anything that gets nasty. The fact that you only see one side of it is, in my opinion, completely immaterial. If I see something that's not eddifying to the community at large, I pull it. Regardless of left vs right. To further clarify, and to directly address your point, no I would not let the type of thread you talked about stand.

I'm quite frankly baffeled that you lash out at everyone in a position of authority here. I assume you are hurt and/or frustrated.

I understand why the thread got a lock on it. It started to turn into fighting, which is not good. However, is it just me, or is any non right-wing view on here quickly locked?

It's not just you. Anything that is obviously ANYTHING-WING will draw pot shots from the extreme opposite view. When the discussion is not blatenly against one of our rules, and when people are civil, the threads are allowed to stand. Any ultra-anything-wing 'debate' will rapidly decend into name calling.

Of course, to many of you, especially the mods, that automatically makes me evil, right?

That was low, uncharitable, and in my opinion uncalled for. If you have a point to make, then go a head and make it. Putting words into my mouth when you have no idea what I would say is just petty. If you have something against a certain individule or individules, take it up in PM. Don't sand blast a large group of innocent people because you think someone wronged you.

Thread closed.
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