what's YOUR idol (something to think about)

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what's YOUR idol (something to think about)

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sun Aug 15, 2004 2:30 pm

This was something I was thinking of during worship in church today and ironic thing was, the message was something like I was thinking of...

Now, I know there's been lots of talk on different sins and stuff, like on downloading etc, but I think there's another one we should really keep in mind...

A few years ago when I got into anime, I was really into it, and at one point when I came back from either teen camp or youth convention, did I try to stay away from "bad anime" (Inuyasha etc) because of the practices on it and so on. I hardly watched anything anime around that time, because I thought it was taking too much time away from God. Later on, I decided that it's not like I was gunna practice anything off the show and tried to read bits of Bible in between my eppies as much as possible.

The message in church today, was about things in the world that could take your time away from Him, which before I was thinking anime/video games/comp/etc. To do these so much, that you forget about more important things... I'll jump at the chance to go to youth group events and go to church every Sunday I can, but I'm sure there must be people here that has anime, ANY anime and things like that, taking their time away. So really, even if you do buy anime instead of downloading it, if you watch it for hours on end, it can still be a bad thing...

Yeah, I'm a bad preacher, but maybe I can get the message across with something that I try to not do myself. It can be hard though if you have no life and don't have much better to do, but as long as you can get a bit of Bible in a day (which can be hard for people like me who don't like reading much), or find a time of the day when you can do that sort of thing, then it'll be good... or something like that...
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Postby Golden_Griff » Sun Aug 15, 2004 2:52 pm

Tenshi no Ai wrote:It can be hard though if you have no life and don't have much better to do, but as long as you can get a bit of Bible in a day (which can be hard for people like me who don't like reading much), or find a time of the day when you can do that sort of thing, then it'll be good... or something like that...

Yes, I don't like reading much either which is probably why I don't read the bible as much as I should. I have been trying to get some daily bible reading in recently, in which I'm doing better at than, say, several months ago. But the time that could be spent studying the word of God is spent most of the day on the computer. So, although I don't like to think much about it in that light, the computer is my "idol." It's one of the first things I interact with whenever I get home. But with the school year opening up again hopefully I'll be able to direct some of my attention elsewhere.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sun Aug 15, 2004 2:59 pm

This is a very true point that needs to be heard. The words "idol" and "obsession" are not so far apart.

I have a strong tendancy to become heavily focused on projects. These can be writing, drawing (rarely), storyboarding, plotting, etc. But generally I think about them a great deal. Rather than try to stop my energies in this manner, I decided that I should rechannel them in a Godly direction. Slowly, I've been moving my projects to projects for God's glory.

All my writing now at least hints to Christian values; several of my series and a novel are explicitly Christian. I planned a Christian video game in full. Project Clarity and Pilgrim's Progress have absorbed greater amounts of my time. Amid these things, I still have secular projects, and I can only hope they honor God in other ways before they are completed.

Have I gotten rid of my idols? I'm not certain. Meanwhile, I do my best to live my life more for Him, and study whenever possible.
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Postby cbwing0 » Sun Aug 15, 2004 4:19 pm

I noticed something interesting in my Bible reading a few days ago that is relevant to this discussion. The final verse of the 1 John is, "Dear children, keep yourselves from idols" (1 John 5:21). The majority of the book deals with love and obedience to God, which on the surface makes this verse seem out of place; but, now that I think about it, it is quite appropriate. Idolatry is essentially misdirected love; that is, unhealthy love for things other than God.

Having said that, the biggest "idol" in my life is probably my computer and video games. If I don't watch myself, I can spend hours upon hours with either of these, which obviously diverts my attention from God. Thankfully the internet is a powerful tool for witnessing; and I try to take advantage of that whenever I can. I think it also helps to spend time on Christian sites, such as the CAA. In fact, I live in a pretty isolated area, so the interent is really my only effective avenue for evangelism.

That is not to say that I don't waste too much time on games, funny sites, etc. Of course this will not be such a time-waster once school resumes, as I will actually have other things to occupy my time.
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Postby RoyalWing » Sun Aug 15, 2004 4:37 pm

I am very having a problem with this. I stay late up and when I go to bed I am so tired that I just jumble up this little thing and go to sleep. I can't really say that I read the Bible all the time. But then I get worried and feel guilty, and go to read it. Personally, being a Christian has lots of responsibility I didn't expect at the beginning. I worry about it alot, and I am trying to do my best. What I am happy about is that now usually when I go on the internet, I just go to CAA. It helps to encourage me, because in the people here I see good example and what I would like to become... some people here are so close to God and that's what I really want! I know it might sound corny but that's how it is! But I know just being here it's certainly not enough! I have to action.

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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sun Aug 15, 2004 4:43 pm

RoyalWing wrote: Personally, being a Christian has lots of responsibility I didn't expect at the beginning.

Likewise. I'm learning so many new rules and what not that you should try and follow and live by, and yeah it can be hard. Of course, there's no such thing a "perfect Christian", but there is such thing as "a Christian that tries hard". It's just hard with a world full of things like video games and so on that keep us occupied... although they're fun, they can take up quite a bit of time, as can watching anime...

Another part of the message today was about atheletes. All their time and dedication, and for what? "People's appreciation and a gold coin? What do you get with dedication with God? Eternal life" as quoted.
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Postby Swordguy » Wed Aug 18, 2004 12:27 pm

some people here are so close to God and that's what I really want! I know it might sound corny but that's how it is!

actualy that is what drove me in the begining. i saw my brother and the exsample he set forth. he had a relation ship i did not which dorve me to get closer to God.

as for idols yes i was stugaling with that a little while back which did rewure a bit of fasting from and avoid the things that where getting in my the way with my walk with God
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Wed Aug 18, 2004 3:05 pm

My idol is Ashley.
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Postby Ssjjvash » Wed Aug 18, 2004 3:35 pm

A while ago, my idol had become Trigun...oops, I didn't even see it coming. Then my pastor preached a sermon about not having idols and so I cooled off a bit.

To help me out, not knowing he was doing so though, my dad got rid of the channel it came on. Gr, look it what it cost me!!
At least it's no longer my idol!!
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Postby Kat Walker » Thu Aug 19, 2004 7:05 am

I...spend too much time vegetating on the internet. I can't say I really have an obsessive streak, since I haven't been much of a hardcore fan of anything for a very long time. God occupies my thoughts a lot, but I've realized lately how much I need to sit down and think of more pro-active ways to strengthen my faith. Doing some legit Bible studies as opposed to scanning random chapters, finding a church, being a more obvious Christian/better witness and so on.

One could say in an ironic way that a general apathy has become my idol. I can't really think of the last time I had a good idea, or sat down and did a satisfactory drawing. I abandon projects as soon as they lose their appeal, and I'm afraid that this attitude might seep into my walk. Maybe I'm just going through an uninspired rut for the time being, hopefully it will pass.
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