Kokoro Daisuke wrote: TNC, I'm showing my mom your post. xD]:sweat: Hmmm, I think you might want someone a bit more authoritative. *hehe* But, thanks for thinking it might help.
No problem.sheherazade wrote: Thanks TNC, you good practical 2 cents helps me. I just did not react well to finding that. Thank you for posting.
Osaka wrote:Or you could use band-aids!
Kokoro Daisuke wrote:I've had lots of people tell me about them because I personally like the taste of blood (if I get cut or something]
*hugs Aka-chan* x_X; I know the feeling. I like licking my cuts, and when my mother found out, she made me sit down and watch a documentary about vampire cults.
no just some proof on how you aquired this information.Mangafanatic wrote:I hope that doesn't mean posting a link to any such group. . .
CobaltAngel wrote:LOL! Actaully she's sucking Meroko's ear.
Shatterheart wrote:Sarcasm is like a butt...everyone has some...and some need to be kicked.
CobaltAngel wrote:LOL! Actaully she's sucking Meroko's ear.
Kawaiikneko wrote:I love the mineral water that tastes like iron also!
Kawaiikneko wrote:I heard saliva has a mineral in it that speeds up healing, so that's probably why when you're little your first instinct when you got a cut was to suck on it (well at least that was my first reaction...).
Mangafanatic wrote:Meroko's ear!! I remember now!
*gasp!* Miksuki is a bunny vampire!!!
Hitokiri wrote:I had a bloody nose which drained into my thoat and my stomach resulting in my burping tasting like metal....
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