Plans for ongoing manga(tell me what you think)

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Plans for ongoing manga(tell me what you think)

Postby heero yuy 95 » Tue Jan 18, 2005 7:07 pm

Hey everybody, it's me again. Remember when I posted about my own manga. Well, it's just about near its end, and I already have plans for my second saga in the ongoing chronicles of "Robowars".
Here's the story:
The year is 2045. After the defeat of the Legion Empire and the destruction of their battlefleet, peace reigns once again. about a month has passed. All large heavy industries see opportunity in space as technology increases. Where as earlier efforts were put forth for short-range battle cruisers for the war effort. The time of peace brings forth a new breed of spacecraft. Mining and freightor vessels. Many industries have plans for mining operations on the moon and mars. Joe Cool has gone back to working as a mechanic at a local garage because their is no need for a mercenary during peacetime. Sera has decided to quit the U.S.S.F. and look out for her true calling. Matt continues to run his store while Jenna, who is no longer a space pirate, works there for an honest living. But she still has her gunship. However, not all is well. Mergen Heavy Industries, sour about being turned down by the military for their corrupt leadership, builds up its own small militia of advanced war machines. Two of which, their ultimate creations, are a pair of advance human replica androids. A male and a female variation. They are both equipped with advanced computer "brains" capable of taking information and learning human emotions. They also have superb combat abilities. I have it planned where through a twist of fate, the female variation will end up in Joe Cool's hands. He will teach her love and compassion and make her into a loving "person". Her male counterpart, on the other hand, will be dispatched to hunt down and destroy her. He will become hateful and learn all the negative things of the world.(btw please don't take this offensively, I don't mean to be sexually biased in any way, I am a guy after all). This will all be overshadowed by Mergen's ultimate sinister plan( I dunno quite what it will be, as I am still in the concept stages).

This is what I have come up with so far, so what do you think?
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heero yuy 95
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Postby Hitokiri » Tue Jan 18, 2005 7:54 pm

I might be out of the loop but have you drew the manga yet?

It's good to be ahead in the storyline but if you map out the entire manga with different arcs, sagas, and what not, you begin to lose track of your story...thats at least what I figured out...the hard way.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:42 am

My thoughts on your story: it isn't anything that hasn't been done before, but also not anything that has been done to death. Depending on your execution, it could come off in a positive and interesting light. Aside, "Joe Cool" is probably not the best name; many people will think of the comic strip "Peanuts."

Regarding what Hitokiri said: I can't be absolutely certain if I interprete you correctly. If you said that you begin to lose track of your story if you plan it all out before hand, I disagree very much. I would make the exact opposite statement, and I generally think that if the entire story is not planned out (not to exacting detail, but in general) beforehand the overall story will lack focus and feel repetative.
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:07 pm

Aside, "Joe Cool" is probably not the best name; many people will think of the comic strip "Peanuts

Soooooo????!!!! It's not like I'm gonna sell it! I only know, like, two people who bother to read it!
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Postby Hephzibah » Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:22 pm

heero yuy 95 wrote:.Soooooo????!!!! It's not like I'm gonna sell it! I only know, like, two people who bother to read it!

Easy laddie! He was only trying to help :thumb:

Ok, my thoughts on the plot. Very intruiging, and I like it how the bots will have to fight eachother with different emotions. However, i agree with UC on both accounts, i.e. that maybe 'Joe Cool' isn't the best name unless there is a detailed history behind it (like Duo Maxwell *sigh*); and also that you should plan things out before hand.
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:02 pm

Okay, you all have a good point in the whole "joe Cool" thing. I 'spose
i could give him a cooler, more original name. I think I'll name him Saber. How does that sound. One little problem. It'll look kinda' strange with his name suddenly changed. Oh well, he's still the same character.
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:09 pm

Oh yeah, I already have drawings of the male and female androids. I would like to post them in the art section. But I have one question. The female character, her name is K.A.T.-9 or Katt for short, has quite a short skirt and it shows some leg. I styled her outfit from Kosmos's from Xenosaga. I don't mean for it to be fanservice-y and it's no more revealing than Kosmos's, but I just want to be sure. Is there a staff member I could post it to first just to be sure? If so, please tell me who. Thanks in advance.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:55 am

Feel free to send me a private messaging containing it. I can tell you if it is acceptable.
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Postby Hitokiri » Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:57 am

uc pseudonym wrote:Regarding what Hitokiri said: I can't be absolutely certain if I interprete you correctly. If you said that you begin to lose track of your story if you plan it all out before hand, I disagree very much. I would make the exact opposite statement, and I generally think that if the entire story is not planned out (not to exacting detail, but in general) beforehand the overall story will lack focus and feel repetative.

Well, I agree it's defiently important to map out the entire storyline from start to finish so you kno where your going but don't overdo it is what I meant. Don't focus on the end of the manga when you are just starting it.

For instance, my manga I was working on, I was focusing on about 40 chapters later when I was starting on it. A lost track of the story and it went over my head. I had to basically redo the entire story so hat it becomes resonable.
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Postby Mave » Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:54 am

My thoughts?

What interest me the most is the technology that enables the androids to have feelings even if this theme has been done before since you have both male and female who most probably develop different emotions. It would be ironic if this technology screwed up somewhere in giving female emotions to the male android and vice versa.

We are all merely giving you our opinions. ^_^ It's up to you whether you want to take it or not.
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