Interesting article on wolves for the wolf-pack.
Yahoo / AP Article
then the "environment people" (God help us) will be all over you for destroying the Natural Look of nature.
If the wolf is endangering the livestock or worst yet, another life, than some measures need to taken out of self-defense but for no reason, game or fur I think is wrong since they are an endangered species.
I would ask what ranchers are suposed to do if they see Wolves mauling there livestock. File a complaint? (Clearly those dirty Ranchers have no right trying to maintain a living) I still think its sad we live in a society where animals are valued above humans. I wonder somtimes if the people who went out and made sure Ranchers dident kill wolves, if those same people put that effort towards feeding the thousands of homeless in America who die each year...I wonder if people would praise those people as much. I mean, there dirty homeless people...there not a majestic wolf.
And hunters need to stop taking more deer than necessary and people need to stop settling wilderness. With enough deer, wolves don't care about cattle. Studies have shown that wolves, for some reason, prefer wild prey over domestic.
Had you actually read the article...rather then go into super seyan hippy would have realised that the ranchers in that area had not shot any since this had gone into effect. Kinda deflates your evil rancher speel don't it?
Well considering where you live used to be wilderness that makes you slightly hypocritical....
You should go to a slaughterhouse some time and realise that animal death is a part of every day life.
Its always the humans fault...those poor animals. You should go to a slaughterhouse some time and realise that animal death is a part of every day life.
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