random anger

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random anger

Postby FadedOne » Wed Apr 20, 2005 5:02 pm

hm...this is a bit of an odd entry, and perhaps would go better in the prayer request section, but I thought a bit of discussion would be nice.

Anyone else have random encounters with anger that are hard to shake?

Today i've managed to suffer hurt-inspired anger towards a friend and general discust-inspired anger towards a church that had a bad effect on my childhood. And as much as I try to shrug off and pray away the anger it just keeps building. Managed to get myself highly sick/tense feeling by this eve. Honestly i'm somewhere between cussing someone out and crying. And yeah..not a good feeling.

Anyways, I guess this thread is 1/2 prayer request and 1/2 open discussion about anger and ways to avoid/cure it. Please comment if you've advice or just general thoughts. :)
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Postby Jasdero » Wed Apr 20, 2005 5:13 pm

Absolutely! @_@ I get so fustrated with myself when I do. Something that I, personally, found to be helpful is just just writing it out somewhere; journal, random piece of defenseless paper, whatever. \*O*/ I LET IT HAVE ALL MY ANGER AT FULL BLAST!!!! It helps me get all my thoughts and feelings organized to the point where I'm fairly certain that I won't be taking it out on some innocent bystander. XD;;;

But yes, ^^ I'll pray. I hope you feel better soon~ u.u;
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Postby Hephzibah » Wed Apr 20, 2005 5:23 pm

There is one thing that you must remember about anger... not all of it is bad! Jesus himself got angry (angry enough to turn over tables and yell at people :P ). The trick is being able to discern between good and bad anger, and what to do with both.

With 'bad' anger, the best thing would probably be to separate yourself from the person/thing that is making you angry for a little breathing and praying space. Also, if you are in an argument and can't get away, remember that a quiet answer turns away wrath. It may be hard, esp when someone is slandering your beliefs. In which case do your best to remain calm and dont try to prove yourself right. (it rarely ever works!!!). Even David had trouble with this, and he eventually came to the conclusion that only God could vindicate someone (ie prove that they are right).

Now, with good anger. Even good anger can be used in an improper way. The best thing to do is pray to God as to how to use this anger effectively.
An example... say a bully is bashing up a kid. There are quite a few options, but the bad way to use that 'good anger', is to go up to the bully and bash him. A more effective way would be to challenge the bully, (hopefully making him walk away from the kid), fix the kid up and ask who the bully was. Then by contacting the school or parents, you can adress (hopefully) the core of the problem.

Anyway, thanks for reading my little rant :P
I'll pray for you Faded ;) Anger can be one ugly beast
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Postby This is Song » Wed Apr 20, 2005 5:51 pm

I've had some anger lately, mainly at my own family since my mom stays out all day and all night and is never home anymore cause of her new boyfriend T_T She'll always promise that we'll do things together, like go fishing or something, but instead she'll leave the house without telling me and go to those things with him instead.

But before I get mad and want to yell at her, i go do other things to keep my mind off of it, like going to the library or something ^^
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:53 pm

For myself, I'm not sure if I would describe it as anger. More like bitterness and seething resentment (yeah, like that's so much healthier). There are a number of girls at my church who once acted like my friends but have since moved on to hanging out with 'cooler' people. It has me feeling I'm like the bottom rung of the social ladder. So overall, I have serious issues with people who pretend that I don't exist.

Several weeks back, I was sitting behind one of the girls that now ignores me and I was overcome by this overwhelming urge to kick her, full out, in the back of the head. She and her friends where giggling and flirting with guys during the sermon and it just set me off. I held back and I didn't do anything. But it was kinda scary, 'cause I'm typically the type who wouldn't hurt a fly.

I also sometimes get the overwhelming urge to just trash something. I think it's because I've been under alot of stress lately, and changes. I've been trying to channel all of this into my art, which kind of helps. But prayer is probably the best solution overall..
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Postby Hephzibah » Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:15 pm

AAIEEE! That's terrible!!! :( Tell me what church you go to, and I'll come and be your friend Queenie darl!
And that sounds really tough TIS. Family conflicts are never good, and it hurts when you feel ignored. :(
I'll pray for both of you, k? :hug:
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:25 pm

Talame wrote:AAIEEE! That's terrible!!! Tell me what church you go to, and I'll come and be your friend Queenie darl!

Well, I do kinda go to a really, really big church, which is part of the problem. In larger groups, it's depressingly easy for people to slip through the cracks.

Major thankies to ya though, that's so sweet of you and you totally just brightened my day :grin:
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Postby soul alive » Thu Apr 21, 2005 9:47 am

i usually cry when i'm angry... it's my emotional outlet, and i'm not afraid to use it... the only problem is, is that i use it too much sometimes, and have cried in frustration and anger in public more times than i can remember.

but the thing is, if i don't cry i become very violent. example: my senior year, i was having a really bad day, and feeling sick on top of it, so i laid down on a desk during study hall. a guy in the grade below me (who is creepy, and semi-stalked me because of his fascination with my 'long, silky hair') came up to me and asked if i wanted 'tum-tum rubs.' i said 'no' and went out in the hall to take some pain meds, came back in, and another guy in the grade below me started giving me crap (which was worse, since he is very hard for me to deal with, and has made me cry on frequent occasions). and then a friend of mine two years below me gave me crap. i just snapped mentally and ended up chasing her around the room and throwing a shoe at her. a very bad display of bad anger..

moral of the story? crying is the way to go for me. ^^;;

i agree that it is not good at all to let anger build up. doing that only makes things much, much worse and helps no one in the end. while expressing anger is different for each person, finding a way you are comfortable with expressing anger that is healthy is a good idea. just running rampant is not.

when i find myself becoming angry, i try to pause and ask God to help me deal with it.


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