Serious question about wedding cakes

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Serious question about wedding cakes

Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon May 23, 2005 5:14 pm

so yesterday at my sisters wedding... there was cake... i didn't get some cause i forgot... but today... i open the fridge... VOILA... there was some sort of wedding cake in it... i thought it was leftovers... so i take it out...

"hmm" i said... noticing that the cake was.... uneaten

so i called my mom and asked if it were okay to eat it

she goes "NOOOOO it's your sister's anniversary cake that they are going to eat next year"


she goes: "you don't understand! its her anniversary cake"

i go: "dude... its gonna be eaten ONE year later.... just get her a new cake shessh"

i mean when im married im not gonna eat some 1 year old cake... who gives a hoot about this "american marriage tradition"... eating 1 year old cakes...... (frozen to keep it fresh apparently)

which brings me to my question.... WHY DO PEOPLE eat 1 year old cakes? Is that even the right custom? And has any married people here (like T_N_C or eirewolf) ever eaten a 1 year old wedding cake?

edit: i dont know... maybe its some korean tradition for newely weds to get food poisoning 1 year after their marriage... so they can both go through the struggle of stomach aches and get through it together with love... compassion... laxatives and pepto bismol...
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Postby Linksquest » Mon May 23, 2005 5:37 pm

XDDDDDD ROFL!!!! :: laugh attack:: I vaguely remember hearing something about this tradition... i think its a general tradition... but... i think it's weird too.. unless they pump that thing full of ant-Bacterials (DOVE SOAP!!!!) .. so that's why wedding cake tastes like soap...


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Postby Esoteric » Mon May 23, 2005 5:40 pm

Yes, it is an old tradition to save the smallest top layer of a tiered wedding cake for the one year annivesary, however, it's normally kept in the freezer. Cake holds up surprisingly well in the freezer, otherwise, they wouldn't make ice cream cakes....
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Postby AngelSakura » Mon May 23, 2005 5:40 pm

o.o Hmm... I wonder if the radioactive squirells saved any of Nicholas and my wedding cake...
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon May 23, 2005 5:41 pm

Hilarious! I've never heard of that. But I know Christmas cakes can be made a year in advance and the flavours improve in the long process. It does sound weird and I'm still skeptical but it may be alright. Was the wedding good?
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon May 23, 2005 5:41 pm

oh the wedding was fun heh... T_T i want cake

not just any cake... wedding cake T__T
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Postby Puguni » Mon May 23, 2005 5:45 pm

Ah, what the flip? XD I don't think it's a Korean tradition. I've been one all my life and I've never heard of that. But, ROFL, dude, ROFL.
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Postby Cedahlia » Mon May 23, 2005 5:47 pm

Very weird. o.o; Being my slightly OCD self, I don't think I would trust year-old cake in any situation...XD
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Postby EireWolf » Mon May 23, 2005 6:48 pm

Tell your mom to put it in the FREEZER, not the fridge... Ugh, can you imagine? :wow!:

No, Mithrandir and I didn't eat the year-old cake. Partly because it was in his parents' freezer, half a state away... partly because we don't care much for obscure traditions... and partly because -- EEEEW. :)
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Postby ashfire » Mon May 23, 2005 7:17 pm

I have heard that if you are a bachelor or bachelorett you get a slice of wedding cake and place it under your pillow (acourse you wrap it in a napkin) you will dream about the one you will marry.
The saving of the top of the wedding cake has always been done has far as I know. If they plan to keep it that long it should be frozen.
I know a little about cakes since I was in a food services vocational class in high school for three years. Alot of times the wedding cakes a worked on for days before the wedding date. Decorating takes a lot of work.
My brother's exwife did cake decorating and did a cake for a friends wedding. My brother and myself had to deliver it in my van. Well my brother was sitting in the back holding the board the cake was sitting on. I get to a intersection and a car comes across the intersection in front of me. I hit the brakes and my brother and the cake slide all the way to the front of my van.
There was damage to the cake and a couple of hours before the wedding.
So my mother did a little damage control and that part of the cake was turned toward the wall.
I think of a old Ronny Dangerfield movie "Easy Money" where he and a buddy are carrying a LARGE wedding cake in a van and they hit the brakes and they disappear in cake and frosting when I remember what happened to me.
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Postby HisaishiFan » Mon May 23, 2005 7:28 pm

Yeah, I've heard of saving the first tier for your first anniversary celebration. But it wasn't a tradition my husband and I followed. I just don't get the charm of eating year old frozen cake. Well, I guess you defrost it first, but yuck!
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Postby Sakura15 » Mon May 23, 2005 7:34 pm

Lol!! my parents said theirs was fine after 1 year. But my aunt told me hers got freezer burned lol.
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Postby Arnobius » Mon May 23, 2005 7:42 pm

I've heard of the tradition: Sme couples I know did it, others tossed it
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Mon May 23, 2005 7:53 pm

MSP wrote:
i dont know... maybe its some korean tradition for newely weds to get food poisoning 1 year after their marriage... so they can both go through the struggle of stomach aches and get through it together with love... compassion... laxatives and pepto bismol...


Eirewolf wrote:No, Mithrandir and I didn't eat the year-old cake. Partly because it was in his parents' freezer, half a state away... partly because we don't care much for obscure traditions... and partly because -- EEEEW. :)

She pretty much covered why my husband and I didn't eat our year-old piece of cake, except for it being in a freezer half a state away. Especially when she said that, "EEEW," thing. :P A year is way too long.

Now that I think about it, I think we took that top tier of cake after a month or so in the freezer, defrosted it and had it with some coffee. It was this fantastic cake baked by our friends who are caterers, and well, why waste a good cake? :)

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Postby haru_bay_nay » Mon May 23, 2005 8:06 pm

O.o?!?! What the?! I've never heard of any of this... It sounds like some outlandish, freaky custom to me. And another thing, what the heck is a Christmas cake??? Is it something only Australians do? Cuz...We eat pie and stuff here...But we don't have an official "Christmas Cake".

As for the thing about putting a slice under your pillow...I heard that doing the same with an onion would make you dream about the person you would marry. I did it, just for kicks, and I'll tell ya, I didn't dream about any people at all. Also, it was pretty uncomfortable to sleep with that stupid vegetable under my face.
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Postby Arnobius » Mon May 23, 2005 8:28 pm

haru_bay_nay wrote:O.o?!?! What the?! I've never heard of any of this... It sounds like some outlandish, freaky custom to me. And another thing, what the heck is a Christmas cake??? Is it something only Australians do? Cuz...We eat pie and stuff here...But we don't have an official "Christmas Cake".

As for the thing about putting a slice under your pillow...I heard that doing the same with an onion would make you dream about the person you would marry. I did it, just for kicks, and I'll tell ya, I didn't dream about any people at all. Also, it was pretty uncomfortable to sleep with that stupid vegetable under my face.

They do the Christmas Cake in Japan. For some reason it's a tradition there. Christmas is celebrated by a lot of people over here-- though they don't know about the Kid in the Manger :sweat:
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Postby Technomancer » Tue May 24, 2005 6:02 am

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:so yesterday at my sisters wedding... there was cake... i didn't get some cause i forgot... but today... i open the fridge... VOILA... there was some sort of wedding cake in it... i thought it was leftovers... so i take it out...

"hmm" i said... noticing that the cake was.... uneaten

so i called my mom and asked if it were okay to eat it

she goes "NOOOOO it's your sister's anniversary cake that they are going to eat next year"


she goes: "you don't understand! its her anniversary cake"

It's a fairly old tradition, but you don't use the fridge! "Traditional" wedding cakes were more like a sort of fruitcake that kept for a very long time.
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Postby Roy Mustang » Tue May 24, 2005 8:11 am

But haven't we learn, we don't leavethings in the fridge or freezer!

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Postby AngelSakura » Tue May 24, 2005 4:16 pm

Yeah! They'll mutate into a black blob that'll go around biting everyone until you're the only one left and only THEN will someone eat it!
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Postby Mithrandir » Tue May 24, 2005 4:23 pm

As I recall, when the wolf asked me if we wanted to eat the cake I said, "My stomach isn't as powerful as Eds." She hadn't seen the series in question, though so it was a joke well wasted.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue May 24, 2005 4:28 pm


okay.... it is now for sure

my family is trying to be american..... but in the end they only end up doing obsecure american traditions...

scary... one day my family's eyes won't be slant anymore...
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Postby ashfire » Tue May 24, 2005 5:12 pm

I found websites for wedding cake traditions and its all there.
Thing one thing is that the top part of a wedding cake could be FRUIT CAKE and that is a cake that could last for years. I have heard of fruit cakes being sent back and forth to family or friends for years as a tradition.
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Postby Uriah » Tue May 24, 2005 9:22 pm

As Project 86 says...
"Tradition is the creation of men"..

I agree with them... Tradition usually seems bizarre, meaningless, and sometimes even evil..
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed May 25, 2005 4:00 am

ashfire wrote:I found websites for wedding cake traditions and its all there.
Thing one thing is that the top part of a wedding cake could be FRUIT CAKE and that is a cake that could last for years. I have heard of fruit cakes being sent back and forth to family or friends for years as a tradition.

is that why in cartoons the fruitcake is as hard as concrete?
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Postby termyt » Wed May 25, 2005 5:05 am

Any cake could easily last a year in the freezer and taste as good as it did when it was frozen (as long as it doesn't get freezer-burn, of course). There's really nothing in the cake that will rot or go bad - at least not while it's frozen. If you think about it - it's basically just flour and sugar. A lot of folks leave those things in their cupboards for over a year and don't think anything of it.

Although, I don't know of anyone personally who's actually eaten their wedding cake remains on their one year anniversary. I think I would if for no other reason than having an excuse to eat cake.

MSP wrote:is that why in cartoons the fruitcake is as hard as concrete?

Fruit cake is usually a rather dense cake - not light and airy like your traditional birthday cake or wedding cake. As a result, it is a lot more filling and, if not particularly well made, it can be a lot harder and feel like an indigestible lump when it is in your stomach.

Fruit cake is generally not as popular here in the US, but it is a bigger tradition in England - home of other such delicacies as black pudding, jellied eels, and haggis.
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