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Postby Sesshoumaru » Thu May 26, 2005 3:36 pm

I'm dying here, seriously I can take it anymore school is NOT my favorite place now. Everyday I'm placed time and time again in situations where I feel as though I'm becoming the Hulk himself. My classmates let alone some of my teachers are enourmously aggrivating. Especially my math teacher since she has been of 0 help this entire year, I failed yet ANOTHER math tes bringing my grade down to a 54%. The classes I do good in are even becoming tiresome, especially English since my teacher is so difficult to work with. No matter what I do in her class it's never good enough, she always looks for a reason to criticize me about an essay or an in class mapping activity. Then in science which normally is my best and favorite subject I'm failing pathetically. What makes it worse is my school mates who are a combination of sheer ignorance and idiocy. EVERYTIME someone does something stupid around me and it makes me even more stressed out. Currently I'm failing two classes, one my favortie subject.

I was never big on math, but this year made my hatred toward it grow astronomically. My teacher is 0 help to me, she is aggrivating and puts a lot of stress on me. No matter HOW much I study I still fail her tests badly, and she doesn't even bring it to my attention of how badly I'm doing until come progress report another 40. School has had me so **** off at everything I'm drained when I come home. It leaves with little though and all I think about is "do homework, do house chores, relax until bedtime" I'm forgetting to read my Bible, to pray to do ANYTHING concerning God. And that makes me even more upset because when I was in Junior High I was really up to date with everything. I was going to church more often, reading the Bible, going to my martial arts class and still passing school with solid A's and B's. This year it seems summer school is drawing nearer and nearer, and that will just set it off for me. I'm at the point where I barely put though into my homework, I'm more agressive to my friends now as even THEY do things o add to my stress. I can't take it anymore....
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Postby Cedahlia » Thu May 26, 2005 4:00 pm

I know how you feel. x.x I was working so hard this fourth quarter, and my teacher is cold, indifferent, can't really teach at all and so frustrating! I was working SO hard, getting the homework done (I faked it a lot of the time--I had no idea how to do it, so I tried it even if I knew it was wrong) since she grades on whether or not you did it, and come progress report--she said I was failing! :mutter:

Same with spanish. I did the work, and the cold and indifferent teacher still said I was failing.

What are you supposed to do? :bang: Now I am failing two subjects! And in math I am usually a C student, and in spanish a B!
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Postby Doubleshadow » Thu May 26, 2005 4:11 pm

Yeah, I got a graduation card for my brother that had a cartoon of the high school valedictorian giving the following speech:

"Ahem. This place sucked. Thank you."

That card included a few lines concerning how heart felt and sincere his speech was. High school was miserable, I would not return on penalty of death, but time passes if slowly. Now I can look back and try my best to remember the bright spots and forget the nefarious lows. As for your grades, if your teachers an idiot go to a tutor or learn how to teach it to yourself, it's what I had to do.
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Postby Alice » Thu May 26, 2005 4:46 pm

That's hard, guys.

I'd say get as much help outside of school as you can. You can't change your teachers, but maybe someone you trust can help you.

When I was in gradeschool, I hated math... it was so horrible for me I'd cry and yank my hair out. I just couldn't *get* it.

My mom and dad both tried to explain it to me. (I was homeschooled.) But it didn't completely help.

Once they asked a neighbour/friend (who was my age, but smarter in math :( ), to come over and help me. It turned out to help, somewhat.

Maybe you could get help from someone here?

I still suck at math, but I've been able to help my younger brother with a few algebra problems that were causing him trouble.

There are probably people here who are good at lots of different subjects. So... try asking if you have something that's a problem. It can't hurt and it might help. :)
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Postby Ashley » Thu May 26, 2005 7:17 pm

Oh boy, high school. That was a fun time. I'm sure everyone here who has graduated would tell you it was the best time of their life and the absolute worst, simultaneously!

Yes, high school is frustrating. I'm in college, and COLLEGE can be frustrating. Work is frustrating. The bottom line is LIFE is that way. There is no escaping it. But that's what you're in school for--to learn how to deal with those daily frustrations and disappointments, to learn how to survive in the "real world". No it isn't fun, but it is absolutely necessary.

But nothing lasts forever. Soon, you will be sitting in some stuffy auditorium dressed in your bright gowns and caps, listening to your classmates walk across the stage, and wonder how it managed to go by so fast. So don't drown on the negative, you've got to keep pressing on towards the goal that God has set for you--and right now, the first hurdle to that goal is finishing high school.

Alice is right; it can't hurt to try to find some others here, or elsewhere, who could help you with your math or any other classes that are problems.
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Postby Myoti » Thu May 26, 2005 7:26 pm

I despise math and, as it turns out, I have to take both Trig and Calculus to get into Digipen, the school I want to go to. Bleah.

My Biology teacher this year was, honestly, an idiot. She had no idea what she was doing and would give us tests over things we had never even heard before. She's taught AP for about 4 or 5 years now and had about one student a year pass the AP Exam. That's a problem. Fortunately for the future generations, she retired this year...
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Postby Jeikobu » Thu May 26, 2005 9:05 pm

Man, that sucks. I know how annoying it is, at least to a degree. A couple years ago I went to a Christian school but it wasn't at all what it looked to be. The people who ran the place tried to act all nice when we met them so we would be fooled and join. Sadly, it worked. It would take me a while to describe them. One thing that comes to mind is Wednesdays were supposed to be chapel day, yet everytime before we could even do what we were supposed to do (sing praises, hear a message, etc.), the administrator would come up to the stage to gripe about various little things. As for the teachers, some were good (like my Geography and especially Biology teachers), some were not (my Grammar/Language Arts/Literature teacher, and especially my math teacher, man she was horrible >_<). And the people there were too different from me. I felt like the only one who wasn't always being goofy and doing dumb things. The place was just a killer and when ever I feel like griping about school now (homeschooled), when I remember that place I'm all the more thankful for being homeschooled.
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