This is my last post from California for an entire week!

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This is my last post from California for an entire week!

Postby livewire » Fri May 27, 2005 10:39 am

I am so has been so, so long since I have seen my parents and my sister....
I am hopping on a train at 10:45 on Sunday and I am going to Washington to see my family! YAY!
I LOVE VACATION TIME....especially when it is PAID vacation...hehehe!
Anyways, I took my last final yesterday...
It was pretty nutrition class....I absolutley loved that class, too.

These are my last two days of work before my vacation!
and THAT is kinda cool, too, because now that it is summer I get to have my three day weekends again because I don't need EVERY tuesday and thursday off for classes....
Three months of NO SCHOOL!
Then, FINALLY! I can say that I am REALLY going to be done...
Anyways, the train on sunday is going to take me two days....
please keep me in your prayers that it is a safe trip...
the farthest I've ever gone on the train by myself is from Northridge to Sacramento...I've never gone all the way to Washington State alone...
Anyways, have a good day everyone....
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Postby Stephen » Fri May 27, 2005 11:47 am

Well, have a blast. Be sure to tell us how things went when you get back.
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Postby kazekami » Fri May 27, 2005 12:44 pm

Imouto-chan the train is fun. Except the last time I went and I had to back track back up california for 6 hours on a bus. Heh actually it was still fun except for the old guy who hit on me. He was a christian. But he started hitting on me and it weirded me out. Especially when i told him I could see myself living a celebate life for always and he wanted to argue with me. :eh: I hope you have a safe trip. And wish me luck on my job interview today. And I'll let you play my ps2.

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