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Postby Alice » Sun Jun 26, 2005 9:35 pm

Heh... liked your post, CreatureArt, (especially the "embarassing squirmy" part. :lol: )

huh...these arent that bad maybe some M'Ms would help

*hands out M&Ms to all in thread*

Um, *is* chocolate really better in color?

Oh yeah and I found this. Psalm 107, up til verse nine. I thought it said a lot to me about feeling left out and how God wants to bring us "out of our distresses" and "satisfy our longing souls, and fill our hungry souls" with goodness. Erm, that isn't actually a direct quote...

And it might not actually have to do with loneliness, it just seemed like it to me when I read it.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sun Jun 26, 2005 9:43 pm

CreatureArt is smart. *nodnod*

Seriously though, that was very well thoughtout post, with lots of good points and insights, and some cool quotable lines :grin:

Yay for being an individual, regardless of weirdness!
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Postby Anime Dad » Sun Jun 26, 2005 10:32 pm

Alice: Chocolate is better than almost anything, regardless of color :)

Weirdness is relative: What someone considers weird, is perfectly normal to someone else :)
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Postby termyt » Mon Jun 27, 2005 5:33 am

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:heres a tip: if ya wanna feel un-left out, make cool threads! and also get to know the mods

Ooooh! cool threads. That's what I'm doing wrong. Stupid Hatted Member thread! I can't help it, I'm not as cool as MSP.

Mave wrote:It's easy to feel left out when other members don't seem to pay 'enough' attention to a single post or comment in chatrooms and such. Have I felt ignored? Ohhhh yeah.... although I doubt I have any concrete justification to such assertions.

Most of the time, I remedy it by reminding myself that the world doesn't revolve around me and after all, there are 1000+ members on CAA who have their own problems/interests and are not obligated to pay attention to every single little post of mine.

It's good to know that you are never left out in God's eyes. *nods nods*

Actually, I was thinking the same thing, Mave. I've sometimes left a post that I thought was profound or amusing only to have it ignored - poor me!

But I feel the same way. CAA is not here for my benefit, I'm just a member in the community. No one here owes me a laugh at my jokes and no one needs to gaze in awe and wonder at my wit and wisdom.
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Postby holysoldier5000 » Mon Jun 27, 2005 11:10 am

I think one of the things that helped be to be friendlier and conquer leftoutness was to not worry about embarrassment. One of the worst things that drives people away from making new friends it the fear of making a fool of themselves. And I take the opinion that even if I do make a fool of myself at least I tried to be friendly, make some one laugh, or bring a smile to their face. And if making a fool of myself accomplishes that goal of bringing humor to a situation then it really has done a good work and it isn't so bad anymore.
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Postby Roy Mustang » Mon Jun 27, 2005 12:58 pm

I feel like that alot. Then again, I have always felt left out on alot of things.

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Jun 27, 2005 1:28 pm

termyt wrote:Ooooh! cool threads. That's what I'm doing wrong. Stupid Hatted Member thread! I can't help it, I'm not as cool as MSP.

... o_O who said the Hatted member thread wasn't cool? It is da definition of cool
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Postby agasfas » Mon Jun 27, 2005 2:38 pm

Mave wrote:Most of the time, I remedy it by reminding myself that the world doesn't revolve around me and after all, there are 1000+ members on CAA who have their own problems/interests and are not obligated to pay attention to every single little post of mine.

So very true. But I can relate, long time ago, I used to ask myself why do many members who post pointless posts get more notice then I do. You would have people quoting pointless things, yet you felt your reply had much more substance to it. Kind of sucks... but that's life. But it doesn't bother me as much because I know this isn't life. Online isn't real life, and I'll proably never meet most of the members anyways. In the real world, it doesn't matter if you have 3000+ post or not. Chances are I wont know or recognize ya anyways... Because I only know the words you write, nothing more.

I used to think that way too, then I realized that the world doesn't revolve around me like it did when I was younger. As we all get older, we get into the real world where popularity doesn't matter. As in real life, I don't like playing the popularity game, selecting some members cooler then others. Some people may play that game, usually the younger ones, but I don't. I recognize and remember most of the members here at CAA.

Although some people don't think people really pay much attention to them, or feel unrecognized at times there are people who do notice ya... like me for instance. I may not reply to as many posts as I used to, but I still read a majority of them. To be truthful, I remember many members who have very low post counts too. What makes someone memorable isn't their post count, but the quality of their posts. I mean, if someone posts a lot of replies with no substance such as, "HAHA, that's funny," or "I agree;" just to raise their post count, then of course people may not really know you as much as some of the other members. When they do that, I only know them for their avatars, not their personality.

You could probably give me a list of many members who felt left out and I could probably remember certain posts they have made in the past.

In my eyes, you shouldn't feel left out because you aren't. To me, it's all about the quality of what you say, and nothing about y'alls popularity online or in real life. If you had something worth while to say, chances are I've read and remembered it... whether or not it was quote or commented on. :P
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Postby Kisa » Mon Jun 27, 2005 3:04 pm

i only feel left out when i can't check on here in awhile and i'm like "ahhh so many new threads!" lol ^^
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Postby termyt » Tue Jun 28, 2005 10:02 am

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:... o_O who said the Hatted member thread wasn't cool? It is da definition of cool

You're right, of course. I shouldn't have been so down on myself.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Jun 28, 2005 10:17 am

XD no problems termyt
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Postby ally-san » Tue Jun 28, 2005 4:15 pm

i have felt left out on this site since the moment i signed up. i try to make friends but they never last, i write comments and people always have a snazzy remark to make me sound stupid or "left-out", and even better sometimes i write posts for people who never even reply to me like i don't even exist. ive been on here off and on for almost a year now and i just kinda wonder. im off and on because i feel left out, but then i always give the site a second chance and then the same thing happens all over again. why do i even bother. maybe i won't anymore.
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Postby Kiba-kun » Tue Jun 28, 2005 4:24 pm

ally-san wrote:i have felt left out on this site since the moment i signed up. i try to make friends but they never last, i write comments and people always have a snazzy remark to make me sound stupid or "left-out", and even better sometimes i write posts for people who never even reply to me like i don't even exist. ive been on here off and on for almost a year now and i just kinda wonder. im off and on because i feel left out, but then i always give the site a second chance and then the same thing happens all over again. why do i even bother. maybe i won't anymore.

if you need a friend im on most of the time ppl ignor my posts for the most part and on the postive side im not quick to critisize if you need a freind just pm me everybody needs a friend or two
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Tue Jun 28, 2005 5:06 pm

ally-san wrote:i have felt left out on this site since the moment i signed up. i try to make friends but they never last, i write comments and people always have a snazzy remark to make me sound stupid or "left-out", and even better sometimes i write posts for people who never even reply to me like i don't even exist. ive been on here off and on for almost a year now and i just kinda wonder. im off and on because i feel left out, but then i always give the site a second chance and then the same thing happens all over again. why do i even bother. maybe i won't anymore.

I'm so sorry to hear that ally-san, I'm afraid I'm probably guilty of not replying to your posts. I remember you posted in the Lost thread a while back, but I just kept going with my own train of thought rather than replying to your post and I'm regretting it now. If ya ever need to talk, feel free to PM me. I really hope you won't end leaving the CAA on such a sour note.
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Postby CreatureArt » Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:01 pm

Alice wrote:Heh... liked your post, CreatureArt, (especially the "embarassing squirmy" part. )

Thanks. :)

the_lizardqueen wrote:LizardQueen:
CreatureArt is smart. *nodnod* Seriously though, that was very well thoughtout post, with lots of good points and insights, and some cool quotable lines.

Aww.. thanks so much, LQ.

Agasfas wrote:To me, it's all about the quality of what you say, and nothing about y'alls popularity online or in real life. If you had something worth while to say, chances are I've read and remembered it... whether or not it was quote or commented on.

Same here. From what I've noticed of people in general (RL), they tend to see things, and think about them, though they might not respond directly or at all. If you try your best to help people just in little ways, chances are that people wont really say much about it, but they'll remember when they think of you.

I'm sorry too, ally-san. I dont know what else I can say or offer to do but if you'd like to PM me or anything I'm happy to talk.
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Postby ally-san » Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:51 pm

the_lizardqueen wrote:I'm so sorry to hear that ally-san, I'm afraid I'm probably guilty of not replying to your posts. I remember you posted in the Lost thread a while back, but I just kept going with my own train of thought rather than replying to your post and I'm regretting it now. If ya ever need to talk, feel free to PM me. I really hope you won't end leaving the CAA on such a sour note.

thanks lizardqueen and mythmaster. i guess i was just a ittle angry when i wrote this but i still feel that way. to say i have been wholly left out would be a lie. i guess i look to caa as an ecscape and a place to go when i just want to get away from my thoughts. thank u for showing me that there still are some really nice people on here. maybe i was only looking at the negative. im just being selfish, people have their own lives and i cant expect everyone on here to always be in contact with me.i guess the hope that i will meet some really cool people on here is what gets me to come back.
well i hope to get to know the both of you better and thank u for showing such compassion towards my angry rant, please 4give me. o and lizardqueen im not sure if u have the right person, i dont think u ever did that to me so don't worry :thumb:
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Postby Lyren » Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:09 pm

Hmmm, I have felt like that on nearly every web forum I have been on before this one. Hopefully, I will fit in better here. I am still very new, so I have hope. Usually the best thing to do when you feel left out is just to keep making thoughtful posts and be nice to people, I think.
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Postby spirit-me-away » Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:11 pm

I have also felt a little left out
some times when I post things people just pass right over my question and it saddens me. We should have a place to make friends.
I love to make new friends :)
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Postby Alice » Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:16 pm

I joined an email list a couple of years ago. I managed to feel left out a lot. I joined it to talk to people with similar interests. Many times people did not respond to what I wrote. I came to realize that, yes, they did read it, just often didn't have anything to say.

I started to feel the same way (left out), soon after I joined here. By posting a lot in a lot of different threads, chatting, IMing, and PMing people, that feeling has passed.
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Postby ally-san » Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:23 pm

yea i dont know i dont mind being left out because i know its just a part of life, but i think it happens enough in real life that i want everything to just be nice and fluffy with lots of friends when i am on the net ya know?
but spirit me away and lyren, you both seem really nice so i hope we can get to know each other :)
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Postby Mave » Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:26 pm

In all seriousness, we all aren't as ignored as we like to assume. I've noticed many members on CAA eventhough I don't necessarily respond to their posts or personally communicate with them.

Ppl sometimes read what you post and don't have any good response to it. Instead of just saying "yeah I agree," they just bypass the replies. You know, some threads have way more views than replies.

EDIT: Hmmm....did I just repeat some points I said in the earlier post? Oh well...:eh:
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Postby termyt » Wed Jun 29, 2005 8:25 am

Mave wrote:Ppl sometimes read what you post and don't have any good response to it. Instead of just saying "yeah I agree," they just bypass the replies. You know, some threads have way more views than replies.

I personally try to avoid posting "I agree" posts unless I have some thing to add. I get disappointed from time to time when I think a post I make will get responses and it doesn't, but that's the nature of an open forum. I know I don't see every thread made, let alone every post in every thread. I also read a lot more threads then just the ones I post in.
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