Who do you think contributes to CAA the most?

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Postby Tommy » Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:32 am

It seems to have become that.
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Postby Shadowchild » Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:33 am

you are so not there tom. silly...
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Postby Tommy » Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:37 am

FKA Tom Dincht

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Postby shooraijin » Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:40 am

Shao is absolutely correct; it is not a popularity contest. Unfortunately, these threads usually turn into them, but in deference to the original intent, let's attempt to get back to the spirit in which this thread was originally created.
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Postby Tommy » Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:54 am

Yeah, ok.
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Postby Danyasaur » Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:08 am

Ya'll have gone and made me cry. . . I truely love this place, and reading all these posts makes me want to do more for the CAA, there are so manny people that I truely admire, and that the CAA would be incomplete without, I wouldn't be able to mention all of them, because every presence I see in this place adds something, just that little something that makes this place my safe haven. I love everyone in the CAA, even though most of you probly don't know who I am, I just want everyone to know that I care about each and every one of you, and that the CAA wouldn't be complete without all of you being here. Man, I seriously need a tissue box, haha.

Now that I've goten that off my chest, I'd still like to name a few that have made a great impact on me (in NO particular order):

T_N_C: You're like, my ultimate mother figure even though we've never actually talked to eachother XD you encourage me just by the things you post.

Mithrandir: You rock man, cuz' you keep these forums running, and I don't think I've ever seen you complain, your comitment to fixing these forums is an ispritation to me.

Ashley: Of course, all of this would all be impossible without you haha, but even more than that, you really are a GREAT shepardess over the comunity of CAA, and you're allways willing to lend a scripture to somone who's confused or that needs a helping hand, and that means more to me, and I'm sure others here than you'd think.

Volt: You're verry bold, even though some of the things you say are negative, you're never affraid to speak out, and I honor that, so don't put yourself down, okay? ^_^ (your CAA year book rocks, lol)

Little-T-Chan: Oh, you're just so child-like, I love that so much XD, whenever I'm around you it allways makes me happy, you know God adores people that are child-like, and God just loves you so much. ^_^

CobaltAngel: You were my friend when I didn't have a friend ^_^ I love you for that.

There are so manny more that have made a great impact on my life, people that have prayed for me, that have cheered me on, given me a great deal of laughs, *oh, this is gonna' sound so cheesy* but most of all, everyone who's. . . just. . . There. . . the people that make up the comunity, cuz' without a comunity there'd be no people who inspire people by praying for eachother, and taking care of the comunity, and making people laugh, so. . . To "everyone" on the CAA. . . Archy salutes you.
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Postby Kisa » Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:24 pm

I'd say true_noir_chloe, she's like the resident mom ^^ *hugs* Also one of the first people on CAA to talk to me....
Also Mangafanatic, shes so fun and has a great way of making things happy ^^
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