Any fellow quizzers?

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Any fellow quizzers?

Postby teen4truth » Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:18 pm

Ok, here's the deal: I am a teen quizzer, and I was wondering if there was anyone else who even knows what bible quizzing is on this site. Please respond if you do (childrens quizzers too)! If there are a few people who are quizers, quizmasters, or even people who would like to study the bible, then I would like to open and teach a quizzing thread as a part of CAA high. There we could study for quizzes and have fun with fellow CAAers at the same time! Ho0ra!

Oh and there is no age limit on this thread lol. Also, the books we are quizzing on this year are Romans & James, for those of you who don't know;)

Is it spelt quizzing or quizing?
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Postby meboeck » Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:20 pm

I did children's Bible Quiz. My brother actually earned all four ribbons, which is pretty rare.
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Postby shooraijin » Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:21 pm

We had a lot of quizzers at the church I went to in San Diego, although I was too old to play by the time I started going there, natch.
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Postby teen4truth » Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:45 pm

I did children's quizzing too, for three years. This my third year in teen quizzing (even though it is my first year to even be a teen lol :D)

How old are you shoo? 28, 29?
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Postby teen4truth » Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:34 pm

Oh and nobody answered my it spelt quizzing or quizing? I think it is with two z's.
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Postby Yokuo » Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:38 pm

I believe with 2 z's.

I've heard of this. One of the girls at my church did this.
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Wow... I haven't been on here in like 2 years o_O

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Postby teen4truth » Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:46 pm

Cool! It is so much fun. I don't know if I said this before, but I am trying to think of a theme that we could use to dress up with. We bein the quizz team at my church of course. I was thinking that our general theme this year could be generations, and like at each quiz we could go dressed up like we are from a certain time. For example, at one we could dress up like reniessance peoples, at a nother like 70's peoples (which would tottaly rawk my face off^^) and at another maybe 80's or even futuristic. But then again, I would probably be the only one to do it. Not all of the peeps on our team are freaks like I am lol^_~x
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:49 pm

I used to do teen quizzing when I was still going to a Nazarene church. It was kinda fun but people got too serious about it for me and most of the time I didn't like it.
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Postby teen4truth » Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:55 pm

Oh. I get serious when it comes to studing and when we were in the actual rounds, but other then that I am usually a noob! I like to go all dressed up like a freak and stuff. It is a great place to get good Christian fellowship with other nazs from all over^^x
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Postby Yokuo » Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:56 pm

teen4truth wrote:Cool! It is so much fun. I don't know if I said this before, but I am trying to think of a theme that we could use to dress up with. We bein the quizz team at my church of course. I was thinking that our general theme this year could be generations, and like at each quiz we could go dressed up like we are from a certain time. For example, at one we could dress up like reniessance peoples, at a nother like 70's peoples (which would tottaly rawk my face off^^) and at another maybe 80's or even futuristic. But then again, I would probably be the only one to do it. Not all of the peeps on our team are freaks like I am lol^_~x

Eh, you're not a freak. You just think outside the box, which isn't a bad thing ;)
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Wow... I haven't been on here in like 2 years o_O

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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Aug 31, 2005 12:40 pm

Back in the Dark Ages of the Carter Administration and particuliarly
the 1977-78 I was on our church's quiz team.Back then we did
Philippians and Galatians.
As normal I was the only boy on the team. :jump:
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Postby teen4truth » Wed Aug 31, 2005 2:25 pm

Eh, you're not a freak. You just think outside the box, which isn't a bad thing ;)

hehe thankx yokuo:hug: Isn't being a freak a good thing sometimes to though?

Back in the Dark Ages of the Carter Administration and particuliarly
the 1977-78 I was on our church's quiz team.Back then we did
Philippians and Galatians.

Bu...bu...but I thought that you were only 17!!!!!!! lol
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