Most Scary/Embarassing moments.

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Most Scary/Embarassing moments.

Postby Photosoph » Sun Feb 20, 2005 10:36 pm

Okay, this is a little random, but:

Back when I was eight, I attended a tiny country school of about sixty kids. There, like most schools, we had to give a speech. I could be any topic, as long as it was between 2.5 - 3 mins, or something like that. Anyway, it being a tiny school, my speech was chosen as the best, and about a week later I was driven to another school where some sort of speech finals were to be held.

The problems started on the way there.
We got lost.
Actually, that probably wasn't such a problem. When we finally arrived, it turned out that had I arrived in time, I would've gone first. :sweat: So because I was late, I got to go last instead.
When I went up to give my speech, things got worse...

See, my speech was on dentists. And to try and make it funny, as part of my speech I would drop a cuecard. Then, acting surprised, I would pick it up again, and reading off it, I would pretend it was a note from the tooth fairy which read: "I just took the tooth this time... but next time I come back you're going to need dentures!" or something like that.
Unfortunately, instead of performing my speech on the floor of a classroom, I was performing it on a wooden stage.
A wooden stage with gaps between each plank.
So when I dropped the cue card... it went through a crack. I'm pretty sure that when I saw it I was frozen with terror for a second.

Luckily I remembered my speech as managed to continue. But I still remember that moment of absolute horror. *Shakes fist* Evil wooden stages! *Shudders*

Actually, it was funny. Just not from my point of view at that moment. :lol:

I'm sure there are heaps of other people with really freaky moments. Anyone else want to share? Perhaps this will help you laugh about it. If not, I will gladly laugh for you. :evil: ;)

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
Myoti wrote:Elementary, my dear Watsoph. XD

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Postby White Raven » Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:13 pm

One time I was walking into a store. And I sild down. My dress went up and two guys got a good look at my underwear.
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Postby CreatureArt » Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:54 pm

Mwha ha ha - I was at a Christian Youth Camp wearing a silver sequin Christmas hat with a fluffy pom pom on the end. There was an icebreaker competition where one person from each youth group had to take part in a cream-consumption competition. We had to hold the bowl and use our face to eat the cream.

We had a youth group of all girls... and I was kind of the most enthusiastic at the time... so I ...'volunteered'.

I managed to win the competition :rock: but when I had finished everyone was laughing. It turned out the little bobble on the Christmas hat was covered in cream - so it was an extra-white, mock-cream pompom hanging off the end of it. I did wash it afterwards... but it still smells of mock-cream.

I plan to wear it at the next camp :thumb: :lol:
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Postby Ingemar » Mon Feb 21, 2005 12:00 am


I'm working on a lab write up right now. That's pretty scary.


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There's a lot more, but I'm kinda busy at the moment.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Mon Feb 21, 2005 12:05 am

my most recent embarrassing moment was a typo on an IM (how sad is that?). [spoiler="possible offensiveness...x_x"]I was talking to this male friend of mine and I meant to type "trust me" but accidentally typed...something else. I'd still like to know how the H got in there.[/spoiler]

I had to go away from the keyboard for like twenty minutes after that, I was so embarrassed.
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Postby Ashley » Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:00 am

oh ouch Shi-hi! Hmm, a recent embarrassing moment. I had several on my way to Maine.

For example, on the plane I heard the captain say "the arriving temprature is 28 degrees" and I kinda shivered. The person next to me asked, "you're not from around here are you?" When I shared where I *was* from, everyone gave me really funny looks.

Then about 45 minutes later, when we're landing, I notice these HUGE WHITE CHUNKS all around the airfield, and I think wow that's a dumb place for an airport, near all these chunks of marble! But when I got off the plane, I saw they were snowpiles. O.o

Gosh so many to tell....
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Postby Sync » Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:25 am

At least a third of my building (45people) were trying to "figure out" which little niche groups the 13 new americans fit-into/would-want-to-be-in back in October (even though it would more or less be decided by them depending on which group our roommate was in). I was the only one warned of this because I had the insight to get in contact with my future roommate before (I'm lucky he turned out to be rather normal).
For over a week I had at least three people a night come by to "practice their english," which always turned into some silly thing where my roommate chuckled for twenty minutes while I was asked multitudes of what I did for a living, for fun, and about my past (mostly in broken english). KoGals, a few jocks (soccer and baseball), motorheads, music nuts, I think one Otaku (he acted like he was deep in the camp and far from it at the same time); everything came my way except those two Ganguro Girls who said "Hi" at my door and suddenly walked away all redfaced and giggling toward their friends' room :lol: (am I ugly or were they the ones embarassed, I'll probably never know).
While I did have a good number of laughs it was still embarassing just because it was happening, transfer students happen all the time in japanese schools. Its just rare that the occasion will happen to be a number of american undergrads.
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Postby Photosoph » Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:39 am

Eek, man those really are freaky/embarrassing. But it's good to know I'm not alone. :grin:

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
Myoti wrote:Elementary, my dear Watsoph. XD

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Postby soul alive » Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:48 pm

ah, so many. mine are uncountable.

one of my most embarrassing moments was at my cousin's graduation party. she was opening her gifts and passing them around the table for everyone to see. there were about 10-15 people around the table, and i only know my aunt, cousin, mom, and sister... i was sitting in the corner, surrounded on all sides (this turned out to be an important detail). one of the gifts was a tube of pretty smelling lotion, which of course everyone had to pass around and smell. i thought i would be clever and lightly squeeze the tube, so only air would come out, and i could smell that... ooh, was i wrong. i squeezed a little too hard and lotion shot straight up my nose... more than a little lotion, too. i calmly closed the tube and passed it to the next person, got up and out from behind the table, which took longer than my burning nose was really up to handling, and then ran for the bathroom.

another moment happened when my family was in San Diego for another cousin's wedding. the hotel we were staying at had outdoor balcony "hallways," with iron/metal railings that had columns from floor to ceiling every few yards. one morning we were all walking down to breakfast, i was last in line. something in the parking lot below piqued my interest, and i leaned out over the railing to see it better, while continuing to walk... and proceded to brain myself on the next column, which was closer than i had thought. i thought no one saw me, but, no such luck... i gave my dad a good laugh that morning. :shady:


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Postby Yokou » Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:26 pm

hmmmmm..... probably the most embarrassing for me is when I was at my friend's birthday party. I was standing up eating pizza ( since all the chairs were taken). I only knew a few people, so i was pretty nervous. My friend was opening her gift from me which was a set of watercolor pencils. She asked me how they worked and I explained to her how to use them. Afterwards, I noticed that everyone was paying attention to me (which is embarrassing enough for me because I am extremely shy). After she started opening more gifts, I started to not feel well. I knew that my eyes were open, but I couldn't see anything. Next thing I knew, I was on the ground with people around me trying to lift me up. My friend's mom laughed as I tried to apologize for passing out. I still feel embarrassed about it.
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Postby Kai Nobuyuki » Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:16 pm

my most scariest Well that would have to be not too long ago a few months I thing. I was in terrible sin and fiddling around with wicca and being my curious human self. I started drawing pentagrams all over the pages of my notebooks in red pen then i'd prick myself and do them in my blood and I'd whisper incantations in italian and I began to become sexually impure and such. Well one night I was...doing my thing...and I swear I felt something on my bed I felt hands on me and I turned around I saw this beautiful face it was almost angelic but it quickly became clear that this wasn't anything from God this was satanic and it did things and said things that I can't remember and it was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me I'm quite paranoid now but I've learned my lesson the hard way. But that would have to be the scariest thing I have ever experienced.
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Postby c-girl » Wed Nov 23, 2005 6:28 am

>^^<; I've had quite a few embarrassing moments here in China.

Okies dokies. >^^< Here in China the bathrooms are REALLY disgusting. They always smell really bad, and tissues, pads, and more litter the floor.

Knowing this, I usually go to the bathroom at my house before I go to school and then wait until I get home from school at 6:00pm, so I could avoid going into the bathroom. Not only that. But I was also very confused on how to use the toilets, which are like holes in the ground.... Only a little more updated, with handles to flush them.

Well, one day, I forgot to go to the bathroom before going to school, and before 6:00 I really wanted to go to the bathroom. Figuring that the bathrooms at my school wouldn't be too bad, and have toilet paper (you usually have to carry your own tissue or toilet paper) I went to the girls bathroom. But it wasn't the same toilet as I was expecting. >0_o< This one was like a long ditch, going through each stall and leading down to a small hole at the end. There was only a wall in between each stall, and they had no doors, and the smell was horrific. I couldn't handle it and very confused.

So I decided I could hold it in until 6.>^^<;;. But when 6 o' clock came, my sister told me that we were staying late to watch an open-air movie out in the school field. I tried to convince her for us to go back home, but I didn't want to spoil her fun. I told some of my problem, that I didn't have any tissue with me and that there were no doors on the stalls. So she led me to the girls dormitory got some toilet paper from a school assistant and brought me to the girl dorm bathroom.

There, they had doors on the stalls and the regular hole in the ground. But I still had one more problem. I didn't know how to use the toilets. So asked my sister how and she had to give me a demonstration. >^^<;;;

That was such an embarrassing day!! >_ _<
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Postby Scribs » Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:30 am

Ashley wrote:oh ouch Shi-hi! Hmm, a recent embarrassing moment. I had several on my way to Maine.

For example, on the plane I heard the captain say "the arriving temprature is 28 degrees" and I kinda shivered. The person next to me asked, "you're not from around here are you?" When I shared where I *was* from, everyone gave me really funny looks.

Then about 45 minutes later, when we're landing, I notice these HUGE WHITE CHUNKS all around the airfield, and I think wow that's a dumb place for an airport, near all these chunks of marble! But when I got off the plane, I saw they were snowpiles. O.o

Gosh so many to tell....

28 degrees? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry, being from Maine I find that very humerous...
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