Sparrowhawk wrote:Warning, this is a rant, not based on evidence.
Alright, its nothing that just started, but it has gotten worse over the past few years (or maybe i'm just now getting old enough to see it). Where has Thanksgiving gone?
Every year, people start celebrating Christmas weeks before Thanksgiving. Don't get me wrong, as a Christian, I know that Christmas is a celebration of the beginning of the most important events in history, but why has Thanksgiving been left out?
If I had a guess, it would be we don't care to want to stop to take time to be thankful. If you asked a lot of people what they are thankful for on Thanksgiving would the top three be:
1. No school/work
2. Stuffing yourself with turkey and other good foods.
3. Getting to see family.
Don't get me wrong. I think all those things are good (well, maybe we should not OVER stuff ourselves ) especially the third. But who ever hears of commercials that talk about Thanksgiving coming up other than "buy our turkey because its the best you've ever tasted"? Rather than reflecting on what we have to be thankful for from a whole year, it seems that Thanksgiving has become, "Be thankful about what you should have been thinking about and thanking others for every day instead of the larger picture."
Christmas is great, especially for Christians, but have we as a people really become that ungrateful? I guess when i actually take the time to think about it (which i do not do enough or very often) I guess to me it seems like the giving presents on Christmas is maybe to reflect (obviously on a much lower scale) about the joy of the greatest gift of all, Jesus. If that's the case,
shouldn't Thanksgiving also be celebrated?
I mean Thanksgiving is a time of reflection of what we have to be thankful for, it started as a time to thank God for our needs, especially our bodily needs such as food at a time when farming was done by most people, and Christmas is a celebration of God providing us with our ultimate need.
There is something else i must say. I don't have any exact evidence to support any of this, its just the way i fell to what little i see around me, and i may have overlooked many of the good things. Stories just based on feeling with no facts don't hold water so i'm not saying we are that ungrateful, it just sometimes seems like it. Any thoughts? Any one a little more optomistic than me?
Boink! wrote:It pretty much comes down to one thing. Money. Businesses prepare for Christmas early so people start buying gifts early. People will be in stores more, either browsing or buying in preparation for the Holiday. That's what I've observed anyway.
Zar wrote:Praise God for all things awesome. Life ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:YOU USED 1st PERSON! DUN DUN DUN
yes agreed, it's all about money...
but just cause it's not advertised everywhere doesn't mean it's gone! Continue the tradition!
USSRGirl wrote:>.< No. Because I say it tastes of evil. And everyone is entitled to my opinion.
kaemmerite wrote: Also remember Thanksgiving is solely an American holiday, whereas Christmas is global.
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