Postby pillar_anime7 » Sat Dec 24, 2005 1:45 am
Today is officially Christmas Eve morning (the time I'm writing this) and while I'm sitting here at the computer desk, I begin to think about an episode of The Colbert Report (pronounced coal-bear re-pore) that makes a big deal about this whole thing. Why is it that we live in a country, that's about 85% Christian, where stores are worried about losing customers if they say "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays"? Why is it when people put nativity scenes in public places, somebody takes offense to it because they don't believe in Jesus? Japan is a nation where less than 1% of their population is Christian and I don't think they have that kind of problem over there. According to the November 2005 newsletter for The Raven 4 God, "Can you imagine, 99% of the people are Non-Christian but the stores think they can INCREASE sales by using the words ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS’!!!! It’s hard to understand how a country like America can be afraid of losing sales by using the word ‘Christmas’!" When I was in 3rd grade, the week before Christmas vacation, our teacher had us sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus. I wasn't offended by it. None of the students were offended by it. I don't think any of the faculty were offended by it. Despite the fact that our Christian population outnumbers their total population, I think we can learn something from our Japanese brethren. Keep the Christ in Christmas and everybody will get along just fine, because if it wasn't for Jesus doing what He did, we'd all be lost right now. With that being said, I wish all of you a Merry CHRISTmas and a very happy new year.
Simple arithmetic:
FF7 + World War II games = overrated
freedom + things we're lucky to have = taken for granted
manga + anime = a very happy person
Salvation + Jesus' Sacrifice = Eternal Life
a village - its idiot = a lot of smart people
(more to come)
Words of wisdom:
"Who's more foolish: the fool or the fool who follows him?" - Obi Wan Kenobi
"Sometimes Justice is a (insert item here)!" - Kato Kaelin
"You wouldn't lie to a judge with a baseball bat, would you?" - Extreme Akim
"For as low as you go, ask God to take you that high." - Tyler Perry
"I had the right to remain silent...I just didn't have the ability." - Ron White
"Your trademark is stupidity!" - Mr. T
"Your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them." - Obi Wan Kenobi
"If you can't be good, be good at it." - my uncle
(more to come)
SaintKevin, Yahshua, and Lunis, you guys rock!; Pillar, Kutless, 12 Stones, Skillet, and Falling Up for rocking hard, and Jesus Christ for being my Rock!
![Rock on! :rock:](./images/smilies/smiley-rock.gif)