favorite toys as a kid?

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Postby righteous_slave » Mon Apr 10, 2006 9:01 am

Hands down my favorites were my Star Wars characters and all the ships and robots that went with them. Granted, if I had been an intelegent 6 year old, I would have left them on their cards and in thier boxes and been an extremely rich adult now. But I am glad that I traded that material wealth for the memories and imagination that they gave me.

Personal faves were the micro metal collelection. I don't remember the official name, but they were little tiny die cast figures and vehicles that came with (relatively) huge playsets from the movies. I had all three of the Bespin ones, and could freeze anyone I wanted in carbonite, or launch them out the shattering glass window. Quit yer whining 3PO. CHRASH!!!
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Postby Cap'n Nick » Mon Apr 10, 2006 9:30 am

I had Pipeworks, which was basically a set of plastic pipes and joints that a six-year-old could snap together and build structures he could climb on and plummet from. It had wheels and axles, too, so you could build carts and things for mad downhill action. It provided the creative child with countless ways to break himself. Thus, the fact that I'm alive might very well be a testament to my own stupidity.

There were lots of dangerous toys when I was young. Lawn darts! My school's playground also had an obstacle course that had a sectioned bridge hanging on chains. When the bridge got moving the sections would slam together like battering rams. We tried cracking pecans with it a few times, but there was never enough nut left by the time the bridge got done with it.
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Postby Markus » Mon Apr 10, 2006 12:48 pm

It was Legos, K'nex, Dinosaurs, Transformers (all seasons, especially beastwars), Godzilla, and Star Wars for me. (not necessarily in that order...)

I used to build "Superships" from all the legos i had.
I even designed a robot that could walk on its own with K'nex!:dance: (yes, i used the motor...)

I was part of a Dinosaur club (spawned by Jurassic Park Fans) in grade school.

I always liked Beastwars more than the others because there was more character to the characters. Mainly caused by the ability to have "real" facial features.

Godzilla was three things I liked as a kid thrown into one. Dinosaurs, Superpowers, and Robots (Mecha-Godzilla and kin)!

My parents allowed me to see the starwars movies at the age of 7. I watched epi 4 168 times, epi 5 96 times, and epi 6 182 times. It was there that my love of swords and superpowers spawned.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Apr 10, 2006 1:02 pm

Bianca wrote:You know those male Polly Pockets..like..Mighty Max and such? I remember loving those alot.

Yep! Do you remember the old tv show?
Markus wrote:My parents allowed me to see the starwars movies at the age of 7. I watched epi 4 168 times, epi 5 96 times, and epi 6 182 times. It was there that my love of swords and superpowers spawned.


What was Luke's 26th line in episode 5? Answer THAT!
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Postby Kry » Mon Apr 10, 2006 1:15 pm

Uhm, I played with dirt....and sand....and i climbed trees.......so...my favorite toys were like...shovels.....and sheets....b/c i used to build tents too.....>.>
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Postby Markus » Mon Apr 10, 2006 1:45 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote: O.O.... THAT MANY TIMES????

What was Luke's 26th line in episode 5? Answer THAT!

I don't really remember that much right now... its all jumbled together with a million other things i did as a kid...:dizzy::hits_self:bang::rock:
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Postby MomoAdachi » Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:06 pm

-Polly Pocket
-American Girl dolls
-Krystal Princesses
-Beanie Babies
-Pound Puppies
-Minnie and Mickey Mouse plush toys
-My Pretty Mermaid
-The Heart Family
-these PVC-type little Disney Mickey/Minnie/Donald/Goofy playsets
-Cabbage Patch Preemies dolls
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:07 pm

MomoAdachi wrote:-My Pretty Mermaid

Were those the dolls where if you dip their tails in water they change colour? ...i had one of those^^
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Postby ZiP » Sat Apr 22, 2006 8:25 pm

Legos. Sweet brain-builders, and they curve your imagination too!
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Postby Dante » Sun Apr 23, 2006 1:06 am

Army Men, green, tan, blue, grey, and lots of them. I actually took the time to count out that I had 1,400 Army men (I had the exact number, but 1,400 will do for here). I also had a massive collection of fighter jets, which eventually included 5 of the black plastic army men sized B-2 bombers and countlesss plastic F-15s and F-14s, as well as three huge transports and several aircraft carriers (but never any defensive naval units... although I once had a battleship until it snapped). Besides this I would bolster my ranks with metal F-18s, plastic apaches (one of my favorite weapons), light, medium and Abrahms Tanks (I don't know why but I believe the Abrahms deserves a class of it's own). I also had a massive amount of mountain playsets used from other toys on which I would set my army men up.

So why the mass amounts of army men that took about four hours just to set a good number of them up (later on, I wanted to be a "good general" so I left most of my men off of the field and stuck to tanks and jets... otherwise the men would just be cannonfodder because they would be too closely spaced). The reason was that it was sort of a compitition between a friend and I we were always planning this massive war, sort of like the RP Of Nations and States but with army men and the fact that the cold war went on for years on end. We planned on taking over the park near our house for the battle, I even had a battle plan drawn out with divisions and everything. Thus I have a massive amount of army men which I used to set up and train with military exercises, and then commence the political manuevers with my friend over the phone. I even wanted to learn military stratagy, but you'd be surprised how difficult is is to find tactics other than the ever too common pincer manuever in any book. All the stratagies were field spefic and stated nothing about how I should set up my own contingency plans...

Needless to say, we never actually had the war we were both planning. But I found someone else who happened to love army men just as much as I did and we DID have many wars, but only as "Training Exercises"... Today we both still have all of our army men, but we no longer continue to do battle. The problem comes down to fairness, you can't have a GM when there are only two people battling, I tend to enjoy more traditional wars with only tanks and jets, while he prefers the USS enterprise and nukes (these as you can imagine always make too large of an explosion). But even when we agreed to no longer use the weapons of mass destruction there was the problem that we had no rules, I wanted to create a realistic statistical war-game based off of real-world parameters, but he just wanted the old-style game that would only work with a GM, which was less mathematical and more fun. Finally I really wanted to continue to have the war games outside (the grass makes perfect camoflague, the dirt a great desert and the toy soldiers stand up much better on the ground then on loose carpet). But we have dogs... dogs that my parents just wouldn't keep in because, well, they are spoiled... and anything they want they get :shady: ... As a consequence we would just about set up a war game and build contingency plans and the dogs would want to get out... God only knows why... Then they would commence (as they always do) to run around the pool and destroy everything... Making the entire affair absolutely frusterating and rather futile :bang: .

Well... the lesson today, is that all childhood toys can still be played with... All you have to do is give it a cool adult name... I do not play with toy soldiers... I am a cheap avid wargamer (army men are alot cheaper then war-game equipment) I personally found that yardsales were the best location for these things, because they can sell 200 of the soldiers and a ton of tanks for only about 3-5 dollars (otherwise you'll be paying 5 dollars for about 30 of them and a tank). Dollar stores are faily good, but often contain cheap plastic men that really don't stand the test of time as the old soldiers do... Never mind the fact that some of them are police officers with missile launchers, firemen with machine guns and they wave the Soviet-American Flag. ( I once purchased a toy submarine from a dollar store with the US flag on the side called the USS Kursk, named after the recently sunken Russian Submarine, on which many a brave Russian Sailor Perished... rather disturbing but sorta funny at the same time).

Anyways, that is the result of my childhood activities (other than playing countless hours of video games and swordfighting... If my parents didn't stop me from swordfighting with plastic swords I would be much healthier today, nothing is quite as fun or healthy as a good mindless swordfight! But alas, people are far too obsessed with traditional sports :( .)
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Postby holysoldier5000 » Sun Apr 23, 2006 5:15 am

TRANSFORMERS!!!! "Robots in Disguise!"
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Postby harina » Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:47 am

I always played with My Little Ponies when I was a child, and I still play with them with my sister. Actually we collect them. ^o^

I also played with Barbie dolls, sometimes. And we were always video-recording something with my siblings and with the neighbourhood kids. :D
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