Martial Arts supplies

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Martial Arts supplies

Postby Wise Dragon » Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:27 am

Ok guys I was just wondering if any of you might know where I can buy some martial arts supplies for good prices.
Right now Im looking for an authentic folded steel Katana thats actually combat ready. Not one of those cheap 20 buck flee market excuse of a toy. And yes i know Its gonna cost several hundred dollars so Im willing to wait awhile.
Im also tryin to find a decent punching bag (heavyweight type prefered) and Im also interested in training books and Dvd's that deal with forms and such as well. Ive tried looking in Century and Tiger Claw so far; but there a little too pricey, so If you happen to know of a good place Id appreciate it. My parents are already breathing down my neck about christmas.
Come see me on Myspace if you want to and if you want to add me to your buddy list send me a note saying your from CAA otherwise Ill probably just end up ignoring you.

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Postby Slater » Fri Sep 08, 2006 1:01 pm

Tiger Claw has been good to my dad's school for some time, and it was good to the school we trained under too. I'm not sure what other sources my dad currently uses, but TC's worth a look for you.

Century is just about the same. Seeing how those are the only two I can come up with off the top of my head and how that you referenced them already, I think they're the right way to go. Pricy, yes, because they're not really dedicated to personal use (more for dojo supplies), but it might be the way you want to go unless you want to gamble on eBay.
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Postby Stephen » Sat Sep 09, 2006 1:03 am

I give a nod to century as well. I get all my gear from them. Gloves, etc. Good company to deal with.
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