Don't you think that its time to move the anime con, when you have problems like this

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Don't you think that its time to move the anime con, when you have problems like this

Postby Roy Mustang » Wed Sep 20, 2006 5:24 pm

This is a little rant thread and a warning to anyone that could be staying at the con hotel at AWA.

This is my post at another christian anime board.

I just want eveyone know that you could get bump from your hotel room.

I reserved my room in March of this year and they just called and bump me. They are trying to make me move to hotel that is on the other side of the mall.

I have been on AWA message board all day and I'm not the only one that is having this happen to.

One from Franklin, TN, who reserved before Janurary got bump and some that reserved in Sept have to move to another hotel. Even one of the staff members has been ask to move too and he had three rooms.

I think the hotel doesn't like us that much.

Here are a few of the reasons why I think that.

Every sunday there is a radio show has a sunday brunch that takes place in at the bottom of the stairs right behind the main elivator .. it's been going on every weekend for more years then AWA's been at the waverly. But on that Sunday, they would block the escalator or stairs.

The lady on the phone told me that the people of the radio show doesn't book anymore, because of the people coming in with costumes on.

She even said that no other event or so will book because of the anime con and the people having costumes on.

That makes you feel warm and fuzzy all over, doesn't it.

A con staff member replyed and said that its odd that they said that, they haven't got any word on the sunday brunch being called off.

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Postby ashfire » Thu Sep 21, 2006 2:29 pm

Do they conduct a radio show the same time has the Sunday Brunch or just showup to enjoy Sunday Brunch and just can't stand the people involved with the con?
Sounds to me like they would start looking for a new location that would love to have the money made by a con.
Acourse some people attending tend to not be the greatest of hotel guest when they leave because the hotel workers have to repair, replace or just put a hotel room back together after a show so for someplaces that tends to turn some hotels off to cons.
I would attend cons with my anime club and sometimes beds got pushed around to make room for 4 or more people in a room or something had to be cleaned up after we left.
I tend to try not to make a mess and clean up, shut off and check before I leave.
Then acourse most conventions not anime type tend to have people that could do some damage.
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Postby ducheval » Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:38 pm

While we've never had trouble with hotels bumping us entirely out of the hotel up north, we definitely have had a lot of trouble with weddings and such. Numerous times I've heard people muttering "they're ruining the wedding!", referring to us 'freaks in costumes' :)

One of the most intolerant groups I ever saw though, was a christian convention that occured in columbus. They were quite upset about some angel sanctuary cosplayers XD And I think they were upset before they heard about Setsuna/Sara.
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Postby Gypsy » Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:45 pm

Heh, well, you'd think that there would be better places for a con, but the money generated from a con is just as good as the money generated from renting the space for a wedding. If you wanted a private wedding, don't use a public hotel. If you paid to get in, you have as much right to be there as the next person, no matter what kind of costume you're wearing. ;)
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Postby Myoti » Sat Sep 23, 2006 7:06 pm

Ah, that may have been who many of those other (uh, 'normal?') people I saw were walking in around in suits and such. I was kinda surprised we didn't get as many startes and such (well, not that I saw anyways).

But yeah, I don't see why'd they bump out someone who's just as able to pay as the others are. :|
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Postby Roy Mustang » Sun Sep 24, 2006 7:21 pm

The good thing is, some things got fix and the lady that called me, she didn't know what she was talking about.

There was about two or three other expos going on the same weekend and and the radio had their brunch on Sunday and they did book just like they always have.

I guess maybe the lady was in a bad mood after having to tell people that they were bump and all.

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Postby Mangafanatic » Sun Sep 24, 2006 7:30 pm

Good grief. They act as though you guys aren't paying the same for your rooms as anyone else would be. It seems almost as though this should qualify as discrimination on some level. . .
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