Yuki-Anne (post: 1428723) wrote:lol, well, actually, it's a good point. Because of Disney, we're really raised to think of ourselves as princesses (girls, of course, although I suppose you can think that if you're a guy), but then real life comes crashing down and reminding us that we are not, in fact, princesses. We're just one more average-looking girl whose dream guy ends up with somebody else. Usually somebody a lot prettier.
Nate (post: 1428736) wrote:And sometimes, being hurt badly is really necessary for us. I know I learned a lot about myself in the failed relationship I was in, things I never would have learned otherwise. I learned a lot from the breakup, things I couldn't have learned UNLESS she broke up with me. God's will is rarely as simple as "You will find one person and have a relationship with them until one of you dies." God sends us through a lot sometimes.
Nate wrote:So again, while it's theoretically nice to sit there and say "Wait until God leads you to someone!" well number one, humans aren't the best at hearing God's will, no matter how fervently you seek it or how hard you pray (she and I prayed a LOT, talked a LOT together about it, and all that). Plus, in the end, God's will may be "Hey, get in this relationship and screw everything up and have a bitter terrible breakup that's going to tear you two apart because that's my plan for your life." It may sound harsh, it may sound unfair, but God's will isn't always clear to us humans, and God isn't going to always give us the things we want.
And yes, I totally agree with this. God might also give us many choices too. it's up to us to use our brains.W4J wrote:TGJesusFreak, definitely look and listen for God's leading but also don't expect God to drop a girl or guy in your lap. He's a God of grace but he's also given us brains to work things out for ourselves. He's not a genie.
TGJesusfreak wrote:This is very true. People tend to have their judgment clouded. Which is why I'm waiting years before I get into any relationships. I don't ever want it to be for temporary pleasure. I'm young and naive. I shouldn't act or assume like I know what love is, and therefore I will wait.
TGJesusfreak (post: 1428696) wrote:Here is my opinion of being single. Stay that way until GOD directs you otherwise. I have this girl I really really like. I've NEVER had a GF or kissed or anything like that ever. I'm saving it for the one person in my life whom GOD sees fit for me.
Yuki-Anne (post: 1428890) wrote:Also, I think "waiting for God's will" can be a dangerous excuse for people who aren't brave enough to take risks. Not that I'm saying you shouldn't follow God's will, or that you're a coward for not asking that girl out. But I believe there are some decisions God leaves entirely in our court, because either way we could serve God. If, for example, your walk is healthy, and you're presented with a choice, and neither choice is sinful, God will probably be behind you on whichever you choose, without putting a bit in your mouth and driving you either way.
Or there are some decisions that God does want you to make, but for whatever reason, you're not going to get a neon sign telling you to make that decision. I wish life worked like that, but most of the time it doesn't. Sometimes you just have to step out of the boat and hope that you walk on the water.
I'm just saying, don't let your tombstone say, "I waited to know exactly what God's will was, and I'm kind of still waiting." Because most of the time God's not going to tell you His whole plan. He may not even tell you any of it. But part of God's guidance is providing us with passions and desires. Psalm 37:4 says, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." The more you serve God, the more what you want in life will line up with what He wants. But it's not like a neon sign.
Nate (post: 1428824) wrote:You completely, completely missed the point of my post, dude.
First of all, age doesn't make you automatically smarter. I was 24 when I got into my first relationship. I had been in the military for six years. I had been in college for a few months. I was experienced, I wasn't young or naive, I had been trained to fight in wars and I had been alive for a little over 1/4 of the amount of time most people live.
I had seen enough failed marriages and relationships in my time to realize love wasn't a feeling. I had witnessed enough heartbreak to know it wasn't easy, it took work.
And I still failed in the relationship I was in. Age has nothing to do with it. If I got in another relationship now, when I'm almost 30, I'd almost assuredly fail again. Why? Because age has nothing to do with relationships. I'm not saying 14 year olds should totally go out and date. But, I had a friend in the Navy who was with his wife since they were 15 years old. They got married at 17. They had been happily married for five years when I left the Navy, and were expecting their first kid. Again, age has nothing to do with it! It isn't common, sure, because most kids are inexperienced and immature, but that doesn't mean it never happens. And likewise, being older doesn't automatically give you experience or knowledge.
Second, did you not read the part you quoted? XD Maybe God WANTS you to have a miserable failed relationship. Maybe it's God's PLAN for you to be an idiot and make your girlfriend mad or upset to teach you a lesson. To assume that God's going to make your first relationship your only one and make it work out seamlessly is assuming too much. While I'm not saying to go into a relationship thinking "Well God could cause us to break up at any time," I'm saying that to assume "God won't allow us to break up because I waited for His timing and His will and therefore this is really it!" That kind of thinking hurt me a lot when my girlfriend broke up with me, because that's how I thought.
And to assume every couple that breaks up did so "because their judgment was clouded" when they got together is pretty judgmental and arrogant. Like I said, it might have been God's will FOR them to break up. God MEANT for them to have a terrible relationship. God's DESIRE was for them to break up for whatever reason to do His work. Assuming that you won't have a failed relationship "because my judgment won't be clouded because I waited" is again, pretty arrogant and condescending to those of us here who have had failed relationships.
on a personal note. I'm not like this and am willing to take those risks.yuki wrote:Also, I think "waiting for God's will" can be a dangerous excuse for people who aren't brave enough to take risks.
TGJesusfreak (post: 1428696) wrote:Here is my opinion of being single. Stay that way until GOD directs you otherwise. I have this girl I really really like. I've NEVER had a GF or kissed or anything like that ever. I'm saving it for the one person in my life whom GOD sees fit for me.
Now this girl likes me back but I'm not getting in any relationship right now. We agree that we shouldenjoy our friendship and let God lead us where he sees fit. I want to stay friends and live for God and mature in my faith before ever getting in a relationship.
It's how I view everything in life. Let God be your guide and no matterhow tough the road, things will end well ultimately. I beleive this with every fiber of my being and I apologize for ranting. I'm very passionate about this sorta thing...
Akane wrote:I think that you should just let God lead you to that "someone" (if you are intended to have someone) and to not spend time lookin' for 'em. Timin's everythin'. Gods' timin's best. Yep, yep.
I want to know who I am before I ever get involved with anyone. 'Tis very important to me to know who I am and who God exactly is to me.
Doubleshadow (post: 1430778) wrote:Seriously, people spaz because wedding dresses aren't white. Sheesh.
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