Anxieties: How do you deal with them?

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Postby V8Tsunami » Thu Apr 21, 2005 4:47 pm

I know exactly what deep anxiety feels like. Back when I was in engineering school, I remember how worried I got when I tried to study for exams. I worried so much about blowing my last chance at a well-paying career, that it took a great effort just to get over this and study. Every know and then though, and still to this day, sometimes I'd get haunted by this deep and unrelenting fear of things I can't control nor understand, like the end of the world, the concept of eternity, or what if God really isn't there and it's all over when you die. Generally everyday life I worry about but I can get over most knowing that somehow God will get you through. It's those deep fears that I have the most trouble with though.
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Postby Rachel » Fri Apr 22, 2005 8:35 pm

This year I've been telling lots of jokes. It's what I do when I'm too anxious or scared to do anything else. So I tell jokes to help myself relax. I also love making people smile and laugh because to me it's one of the most beautiful things in the world. Anyways. Other times when it's just me and there's no one else around to tell jokes to, I listen to my really loud music turned up really loud. I've been doing that a lot this year too. Senior year of high school is so stressful. I also need a job really soon so that I can move out in like September after I go to college. And I have to take the stupid SAT next month. All this stuff is last minute because all this year I've been planning on joining the military after I graduate, but then I went and screwed up my knee again and there's no way it's going to be well before May 28th. Hehe, Volt and Kaligraphic, you guys crack me up.
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