How do your parents respond to your love for anime?

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Postby soul alive » Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:38 am

my mom usually ends up being in the room with me when i'm watching anime, so she knows pretty well that i'm not watching anything bad (especially since i flip out majorly when something even semi-bad comes on regular shows/movies, let alone anime). she and my dad also know that since my little sister is into anime/manga as well, that i will be a good example to her, warning her what titles to avoid and so on (since, while not watching that much, i do a lot of research to see what i might like)

she even asked if watching 'Fruits Basket' would help my sister with her problems from annorexia, since the show seemed to 'teach something' (she missed most of the show so didn't catch the lessons it teaches) and that it even made me cry at the end.


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Postby Kireihana » Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:45 am

My parents trust my judgement when it comes to anime/manga. Like Ashley, I tell my parents up front about anything questionable in an anime/manga I'm watching/reading, and as I haven't yet turned into a spellcasting occult-worshipping and pornography-watching teen, it's all good in the hood. :)

[quote="Ashley"]Reminds me of the time Mom let a family friend of ours walk through my room (you know, the one covered in posters) and stopped on a Tanemura one. Her commentary: "Ashley's into this thing called anime. It's these Japanese cartoons with big eyes."

I thought I was going to die. =____=]
LOL! That is SO something my mom would do! "Yeah, Carrie likes those Japanese MAIN-GA comic book-cartoons" She also has said that it's sad that Japanese kids are surrounded by media portraying ideal people as having big eyes and colored hair.... I'm like Mom, we don't look much like our cartoons either. XD
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Postby Godly Paladin » Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:18 am

My Dad is waaaaaay more open to it than my mom is. He's of the "doesn't really understand it but's okay with it in moderation anyway." My Mom is really confusing, though. She's seen Gundam Wing and liked it, and she does understand Anime, but even though she's liked some of the shows she calls it a waste of time and doesn't want me to see any more.

My sister's great, though. She doesn't know as much about it as I do, but she's always up for pretty much anything. I love you, JoyfulSongs!
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Postby Myoti » Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:23 am

They don't really care, but then again, I don't really let them know what I watch/read. XP
Like when I rented Trigun DVDs, I would do it during a time I could be sure most everyone wasn't around, simply so they would ask questions about the cussing (especially my siblings; my gosh, they go nuts on it...).

I eventually convinced my brother that not all anime was like DBZ and let him watch Catle in the Sky, which he actually liked. I was going to try to let him read Naruto, so I taped over the "certain pics" in the first Volume. However, it just so happened that my mom saw me with the book and jokingly said "That doesn't have pics of naked women in it, does it?"
Er, of course not, Mom. Why would you ever think that? -_-
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Postby bigsleepj » Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:39 am

Cap'n Crack wrote:Man, I hope I can still make it to the woodcarving convention next month.

Heheheheheh. Good one. :lol:
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Postby Kenchii » Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:44 am

I chose.
They're bigger otakus than I am!

Its pretty much true. we read ADV club subscriptions everytime and she knows just about as much anime I do. (manga too)


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Postby kazekami » Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:05 am

AnimeHeretic wrote:My mom went on line once and found a Sailor Moon hentai site and is convinced that this is what I watch. So I'd say they don't understand and don't approve. She emailed me demanding to know why I was exposing my younger siblings to the filth

I'm an adult and can watch what I want, but I have never messed around with that junk, and it hurts to be accused of watching it.

I understand that completely.

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Postby dragonshimmer » Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:08 am

My parents don't understand it. At all. The GOOD thing is, they know SO little about it that they don't even know of the association of hentai and anime. They don't even know what hentai is, which is a good thing. They just don't understand why I'm still watching cartoons and obsessing over cartoon collectables at my age.
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Postby Knives » Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:20 am

Turbocat wrote:I am interested do your parents respond to your love for anime?

My Parents are cautious, if there is an anime that they think they should preview, then they will but usually they trust my judgement. My dad likes what hes seen of Cowboy Bebop, Trigun and He also kind of like Roujin Z.

Edit: I thought I should add some more...
My mom knows what anime is, knows about hentai and all that. She isnt exactly enthusiastic about it but she doesnt mind it so long as its stuff she thinks my dad would approve of.
In fact, just a few days ago I went to an anime fest and my whole family was happy that I got to go.

I like my parents... :)
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Postby Ashley » Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:57 am

"Yeah, Carrie likes those Japanese MAIN-GA comic book-cartoons"

Hey now, don't be hating on those of us that refuse to say mon-gah. That long A sound is horrible on my Texan tongue. ( we say ant and not aunt; Awstin not Austin). As far as I'm concerned, we won that war, dangit! =P

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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:15 pm

My dad trusts me quite well, even though he doesn't understand it much. I really love how much he trusts me.

My mom, on the other hand . . . Now, let me set everyone straight. I love my mom more than life itself, and would take a thousand bullets for her, but I think she's still having trouble "letting go". I'll be 18 this October, but sometimes I don't know if she trusts me as much as Dad does. Example: I was staying up late ona Sat. night, and I was that Gundam Seed was on. Not having seen the show, and wondering if it was any good, I turned it on. Mom walks into the room and sits down on the couch next to me.

"What is this?"

"It's the new Gundam show that just came out, Mom. I want to see if it's any good."

"This isn't one of the adult ones, is it?"

(enter the rolled eyes) "::sigh:: No, Mom . . . it isn't."

I don't get it. That, and she became slightly disgusted with Rurouni Kenshin (of all anime), when my best friend rob and I were sitting down to watch it. It was the fight between Sanosuke and Anji, and while they are fighting, they're talking about Anji's past as a monk. Mom proceeds to complain about all the "Buddhist philosophy" in anime. She's only seen that ONE EPISODE of ONE ANIME. In her whole life. (I will, however, be fair and note that she and Dad did buy me the first five RK manga volumes, which constitute all the manga I own, so I think she's becoming more understanding.

Dad, however, saw part of a Trigun episode that Rob (who has the boxset) showed him and thought it was hilarious when Milly KOs the thugs with her stungun when they step on one of her cups of pudding.

Fortunately, after talking to Dad about it, he told me that if I ever want to buy anime or manga, let him see it and if he says it's OK, I can have it. I just need to find that bESM d20 anime role-playing book I got that Mom confiscated "to look at" and never returned. I would like for you guys, if you have the time, to pray for her to trust me more.

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Postby agasfas » Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:10 pm

"Don't understand it but don't have a problem with it"

My parents dont' really care. For them, I think it's like a movie that looks decent, but not really worth spending money on. My mother is more neutral on it. Plus she understands that anime is not only for kids which is pretty cool. But yeah, so-so.
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Postby Retten » Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:16 pm

Hmm my parents understand it to an extent but I think they are still stuck in the mentality that animated shows are for kids -_- However, I did get them to watch a couple of anime movies with me :) They don really care that I watch it though they used to be more cautious when I first stated getting into it some number years ago but they stopped caring I think lol

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Postby AngelSakura » Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:16 pm

I chose "understand it and approve," but that's not strictly true. My mom has seen rather a lot of anime, including a few full series. Wolf's Rain and Trigun, to name a couple. She kept bugging me to watch Cowboy Bebop when they took it off Adult Swim for a while. Well, I guess that's a good thing. ^^

My dad...I'm not sure about my dad. He frequently reminds us that he was watching anime before we were born (Kimba the White Lion and the like). He doesn't really take a big interest.
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Postby Cinra » Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:23 pm

Well, my husband's parents wouldn't be caught dead watching it and my parents have no idea what anime is, though when I lived with them, I taped the Sailor Moon series when it was on Cartoon Network. My husband's parents think watching anime is the same as watching cartoons, but they don't understand that most anime was made for adult viewing. It's probably because they didn't have anime in their generation and same with my parents.
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Postby Sam*ron » Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:55 pm

My parents are fine with me being otaku 'bout it.

Once I forced my mom to watch the first episode of Fruist Basket, and she liked it. ^^

My dad thinks it's funny that we love it so much, but he will take us out to buy DVDs.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:00 pm

I can't really pick any of those...

the closest is "Understand it and approve" What's to understand?

My parents and I just think they're cartoons... which they are...
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Postby Sam*ron » Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:08 pm

Actually they are Japanese cartoons.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:13 pm

American, European, Korean, German... Whatever country it's from doesn't really matter.

Just as long as it's not filth.
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Postby Starfire1 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:48 pm

My dad doesn't care. Neither does my mom, though she will point out the things she finds unsuitable for me *the vampire game manga* which is fine. I like to hear what they have to say about my intrest(s). Yeah, they're both pretty great. I don't think they know the stereotypes with it though. But they trust my judgement a lot because and at this point even if they knew the stereotypes I don't think they'd have a issue with it, seeing how it hasn't turned me to the dark side and all. Maybe my mom would come and read a manga or something, just to see what I'm reading and be sure but they know I'd avoid hentai and anything like that like the plague. Overall, yes, they're cool about it. I show them my drawings (my mother seemed to enjoy the shine part on the eyes) so I'm really glad I can share it with them. Which I'm even more thankful for now that I've read you guys' posts. I'm surprised actually. What do people think will come of a healthy intrest in anime? Really, I'd like to know. And hey, you're never too old for cartoons. Japanese or American or otherwise. Never. Ok. That's my two cents.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:54 pm

Shao Feng-Li wrote:I can't really pick any of those...

the closest is "Understand it and approve" What's to understand?

My parents and I just think they're cartoons... which they are...

the point of understanding about Anime is that although they are cartoons, they are NOT kid centered. And that adults can enjoy it as well, as much as any western film. Take Monster for example, that will definately NOT appeal fo young kids, but older teenagers to even old people. Must like a movie that has a wide age range
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Postby Joshua Christopher » Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:06 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:the point of understanding about Anime is that although they are cartoons, they are NOT kid centered. And that adults can enjoy it as well, as much as any western film. Take Monster for example, that will definately NOT appeal fo young kids, but older teenagers to even old people. Must like a movie that has a wide age range

Or Now and Then, Here and There.

Looks like a kids show... but would give kids nightmares, assuming they understand what's going on.
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Postby Shadowchild » Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:11 pm

my dad loves anime he likes watching inuyasha with us and junk mut my mom doesent really get it but she doesent care as long as it is not innapropriate.
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Postby Turbocat » Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:32 pm

[quote="Ashley"]Hey now, don't be hating on those of us that refuse to say mon-gah. That long A sound is horrible on my Texan tongue. ( we say ant and not aunt]

Amen, Ashley! (that's AY-men not AH-men!)

For the record I also say MAIN-ga...and yes I am a Texan and proud uvit! :thumb:
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Postby Hephzibah » Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:37 pm

Turbocat wrote:Amen, Ashley! (that's AY-men not AH-men!)

For the record I also say MAIN-ga...and yes I am a Texan and proud uvit! :thumb:

Well I say Ah-men... I also say D(ah)nce, Fr(ah)nce, Tom(ah)to. It's the ONLY WAY TO SPEAK!!! XD

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Postby HikariChan » Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:39 pm

[quote="Ashley"]Hey now, don't be hating on those of us that refuse to say mon-gah. That long A sound is horrible on my Texan tongue. ( we say ant and not aunt]
Being a Texan I agree to this statement, for it is very true!! I say ant lmao. Though i try to say aunt but its hard lol.

Well my dad thinks its great that i like anime and that i like to draw it. Hes taken a liking to me cosplaying. He always trys to help me with the costume and such. Hes such a pal

On the other hand My mother doesnt seem to care about anime, cartoons, or my drawings. Which is fine. I still love her :P

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Postby Kireihana » Tue Jul 26, 2005 8:06 am

[quote="Ashley"]Hey now, don't be hating on those of us that refuse to say mon-gah. That long A sound is horrible on my Texan tongue. ( we say ant and not aunt]

No no, I'm from Tennessee and trust me, I understand accents. The reason I find it funny is because my mom doesn't have an accent, she just says it like that because she doesn't know. XD
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Postby Sam*ron » Tue Jul 26, 2005 11:16 am

Shao Feng-Li wrote:American, European, Korean, German... Whatever country it's from doesn't really matter.

Just as long as it's not filth.

*Nods* True ture.
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Postby Gypsy » Tue Jul 26, 2005 11:33 am

Guys, guys, guys (I say aunt, btw, I'm a Yankee through and through) it's not "mon-gah" like someone of influence on this site so crassly put - it's "mahn-ga."

But, this is not the time nor the place for that discussion (although, I must admit it's refreshing know that I'm right about this one - w00t!). We might have to have a throwdown elsewhere.

ANYWAY, my parents sort of understand anime, and they really respect the fact that I'm part of a site that tries to reach out using this art form. Mom cares more than Dad does. I tried to get her to watch something once and she just sort of gave me this look ... and because of that scary "look," I've never asked again. :sweat: She does get a kick out of making fun of my Jpop ...
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:02 pm

My mom enjoys anime. My dad is still stuck on Bugs Bunny and Road Runner and watched it with me when I was little. He has no idea what anime is.

Gypsy wrote:Guys, guys, guys (I say aunt, btw, I'm a Yankee through and through) it's not "mon-gah" like someone of influence on this site so crassly put - it's "mahn-ga."

Here, here, Gypsy. u(^__^)z I live here, but I don't want to sound like I live here. <.< >.>]someone[/i] of influence is somewhere else right now. ^^;;

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