The Fake You....

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Postby starfire » Fri Oct 14, 2005 10:04 am

^^ You're not weird Eriana-chan! You're cool!
I've been wondering for some time...Does everyone on CAA act differently than they do in real life. And then, even than who they really are?
I know I act goofy on here...a lot. But in real life, I'm pretty serious. Like, people in class would always say, "You know, you're really serious. What's wrong?" But I'd be completely content at the time. In the real world I never show my emotions. Except for when I get mad. That's pretty much the only time that I'll let people know what I'm thinking. But other than that, I'm kind of icy. And yet on CAA it's always hyper.
Anyone else like that?
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Postby Alice » Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:34 am

Well Starfire, I can be like that too, a bit. ^^;

See online I try to be cheerful, and not show it if I'm upset or something. In person, people can usually tell if I'm sad or something. Online, they usually can't unless I tell them.

Or course sometimes I pretend I'm happy in person, too... xD;;

This is not to say that I'm NOT a cheerful and happy person. Just sometimes I fake it a bit so people don't worry about me when I'm upset or sad.
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