American comics vs Manga

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Postby DrNic » Mon Mar 15, 2004 10:16 am

1. Do you read any American comics?
2. If not, why not?
3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?
4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga?
5. Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?

Right, remember, I live in England so forgive me if I answer stupidly:

1.) The only one I love with a passion is Judge Dread and 2000AD. Mainly the old issues and novels (80's). Its just so more mature than most comics. I also like all Marvel.

2.) Hey, I just said I do!

3.)American comics lack: Better characters, more interesting drawing technique, more advanced storylines and plot ideas, such a cool character look, the ability to be less linear and delve more into character personalitys/ backgrounds. To be put bluntly, its too simple!

4.)Superheros! Manga can't make better superheros than Judge Dredd and Spidey!

5.) I've never bought any manga, get it all for christmas and birthday ^_^
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Postby Gypsy » Mon Mar 15, 2004 10:21 am

1. Do you read any American comics?
Not unless they're in the newspaper.
2. If not, why not?
A couple reasons I guess. With the way a lot of American comics work, they have close to 10 years of backstory. It's not like you can just pick up a Spiderman comic and know what's going on. Also, many American comics simply don't interest me.
3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?
Probably likeable characters and plots. Manga tends to stay on human level (as far as emotions and reactions and such) while American comics are always going for the "way out there" approach.
4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga?
Although I'm hardly an expert on the genre, I tend to follow action sequences much better in American comics. But that's probably just me.
5. Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?
I've never really thought of it that way. I'm a hopeless anime/manga junky, so I just tend to hand my money over and not think too much about the price.
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Postby MasterDias » Mon Mar 15, 2004 12:10 pm

> 1. Do you read any American comics?

Not really. Occasionally, I'll look through a superhero comic in the library, or read the stuff in the newspaper. Besides that, no.

> 2. If not, why not?

I enjoy superhero stories, but like Gypsy said, most of those comics have decades of backstory. I much prefer to watch the animated shows based on those comics. I just haven't ever really gotton into American comic books.

> 3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?

Much better variety.

> 4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga?

Eh, can't really think of anything.

> 5. Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?

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Postby mechana2015 » Mon Mar 15, 2004 12:13 pm

1. Do you read any American comics? in a bookstore, or in the paper... though only the punisher usually in the bookstore
2. If not, why not?na
3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?variety of storyline/ defining storylines, deaths of major charachters
4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga? cheaper
5. Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics? manga is the better value in my opinion

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Postby Pent » Mon Mar 15, 2004 2:04 pm

1.Not that i can remember. I have and will watch almost every single Marvel movie though, but that is off subject.
2.Although i have read Manga I have never purchased one ever. I have allways borrowed them from friends. I am saving my money for other things, and I think the only reason I havn't read any is because none of my friends have had any for me to borrow.
3.although Amercan comics have more of a veriaty of art styles, I don't like any of them that I have seen, but I love Manga art. I think that American comics are using old art that is not very popular anymore. I think that Manga stories are much better. I can't put my finger on it but there is something about the story lines. Maybe it's because the Manga stories are much deeper, and have bigger plot lines, that can be hard to understand, but I like them.
4.I had something but I forgot. I will come back here when I remember.
5.(See question #1) Well there are many more pagesin it even if it does read faster then a normal novel or book.
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Postby greyscale42 » Sun Apr 04, 2004 6:15 pm

I personally am a big fan of both. Comics in general including manga are awesome to me. If you look hard enough ,that is to say not to marvel, you will find American comics with stories just as deep as any manga.
3. Better humor. Manga just always seems to make me laugh more than American comics.
4.I ,as you know, am not a member of Japanese society and that being said many things are lost in translation. Certain aspects of culture lend to the story in positive ways and if you dont see them it can sometimes ruin an entire comic experience for you. American comics also provide a more hardcore sense of suspense but like manga you have to find the right artist to fit your taste.
5.I would say that manga definitely is the bang for your buck.

But all that said I still think I like both exactly the same. Just for different reasons.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Jul 23, 2005 2:53 pm

Kat wrote:1. Do you read any American comics?
2. If not, why not?
3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?
4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga?
5. Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?

There are no wrong answers, and you can answer any or all of the questions if you like.


1. I used to read Archies (back when a Christian was writing the story, during the 70's I think... I mean, I had really old Archies comics.) I have read Wolverine (the old ones) and I read a bunch of Disney comics. Of course, there's Megatokyo, which is an american Comic trying to immitate a Japanese comic. Oh, and 8 Bit Theater. I like that one.
2. Mostly because I wouldn't know where to start... I just don't really get that into Superhero stuff, and the adult comics can be vomit inducing... I shall call them "Vomics." Anyhow... Yeah, stuff like "Sin City" and "Spawn" just aren't my cup of arsenic.
3. Variety... No one with actual understanding can deny the sheer vastness of the manga industry... So many topics... Even non-fiction and How-to... That's just crazy...
4. Full color comics... I wish there were more of those in Manga... They usually save that for "anime books" but so much more detail is possible in Manga... I would love to see something as detailed as manga gets, but in color the whole way through...
5. Hmm... Considering TPB are about the same price in Manga and American Comics, I get great deals with MT and with Kodocha, hehe...

EDIT: Hahaha... I love when I do this... really... I recently did this with a girl I liked, sending her two lists with different answers... At least, let me say that both of them were honest... Just, different based on my current train of thought... :red: Oh, and I gravedug... Lovely... I'm gonna go now... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:16 pm

I used to be waaay into Sonic The Hedgehog comics(anyone else here ever read them?). I first started buying them every month at a local grocery store and then got a subscription. But when I got to about 13 years old and got the 125th issue, I just ran out of steam. I guess I just grew out of them. I also thought the story just got too stupid. I enjoyed reading them when they were fun, frolicking adventures, but then the creators started trying to add too much drama and romance and complicated issues. This "newer, more serious" Sonic the Hedgehog was too corny for teenagers and less appealing to its primary audience( little kids, preteens) because it took away the fun and humor of the older issues.Anyway, back to the subject. Between manga and American comics and Manga, I'm not really into either. I don't like the art-style of American comics, and I don't believe in spending $12.00+ for something I can read in less than an hour. Sometimes I borrow manga from friends and enjoy reading them, but that's as far as I go. And I enjoy watching movies based on American comics.
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Postby Solid Ronin » Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:20 pm

Kat wrote:1. Do you read any American comics?

I used to and still would If I had the money.

3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?

Variety - Too many comics go on the same type of content, Though its still very possible to make a good story Mutants, Crime Drama, ,"Spirtuality" , Robots, and Superheros get old after awhile.

* Ya know, the whole "Lets screw with the bible" genre.

Not to say everything in Manga is brand spanking new but its seems not to be as limited.

Wildness - You can come across some pretty trippy comics out there but manga takes the cake.

Characters - Theres too many strong handsome self confident characters in American comics...which isn't all that bad However the readers most likely aren't Strong confident people.

This comes too why I think there are soo many short characters in Manga that can do amazing things (Naruto, Edward Elric). Many people feel small and almost useless reading about someone who can resemble the reader in a way gives them much more of a connection which the character, Making "him" more human

Is there anything American comics do better than manga?

I think niether is "better" than one or the other. They are two different styles of stories and depend on the readers choice.

Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?

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Postby Kkun » Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:14 pm

Kat wrote:1. Do you read any American comics?
2. If not, why not?
3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?
4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga?
5. Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?

1. Yes. I love anything with Bendis in particular.
2. N/A
3. After actually READING American comics and not judging them, I can say that their stories are, in my opinion, better written than a lot of the manga I've read.
4. I like this thing called color that I had forgotten about. Also, I really prefer the writing of American comics. I find them easier to relate to than translated manga.
5. Not necessarily. It really depends. If you buy the trade paperbacks of American comics than they are a deal that is equal with manga, and they're full color and printed on better paper.
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Postby Ashley » Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:25 pm

1. Do you read any American comics?

Ultimate Spiderman right now, but there's a few others that have piqued my interest.

2. If not, why not?

I've been into manga for far longer, so I'm much more familiar with the mechanics of it. I'm just now getting into american comics, hence my very limited knowledge.

3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?

I find manga to be much more imaginative and wide-spread in ideas than American comics. I mean, Spiderman is funny and all, and it certainly differs greatly from Batman or Superman. But in the end, nearly every American comic is about a superhero. Looking at my own personal manga library, there is everything from mecha, action, romance, children's, fantasy, sci-fi....I just find a great deal more variety out there in manga.

4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga?

Color. I love color. And I rarely get names mixed up in American comics like I do in manga.

5. Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?

Not really. I don't buy any american comics (I mooch), and I continue to buy several more manga, but that's purely because that's where my interest lies.

And Bob, this wasn't a horrible thread to gravedig so I forgive you.
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Postby Icarus » Sat Jul 23, 2005 10:13 pm

Kat wrote:1. Do you read any American comics?
2. If not, why not?
3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?
4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga?
5. Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?

There are no wrong answers, and you can answer any or all of the questions if you like.


1. Yes, I do. Mostly DC, and a few Marvel. The Batman spinoffs]In the background,[/i] there is text. Maybe a story spiraling in the smoke, or history marching over a teepee. It rocks.

5. All I'm going to say is Lament of the Lamb. There are pictures in there that I would pay a buck fifty to two dollars for.
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Postby Maledicte » Sat Jul 23, 2005 10:55 pm

1. Do you read any American comics?
2. If not, why not?
3. What do you think American comics lack that manga offer better?
4. Is there anything American comics do better than manga?
5. Considering that the average imported Japanese manga is around $5, and translated manga range from $10 to $15, do you feel you get better value for your money for manga as opposed to American comics?

1. Yes, I do. I've been enamored with them before I was introduced to anime.

2. see above.

3. Manga has more variety, geared towards more people.

4. It has the capacity to be more personal, intimate, as in the case with the autobiographical Blankets, possibly because I am more familiar with my own culture than with Japanese.. Also, they have the advantage of longevity and familiarity, like in Batman, you could jump right in and know who most of the key heroes and villains are. Thirdly, no hentai, yaoi, or yuri.

5. It depends on the quality of the story and artwork. Manga has the advantage of extreme readability, but the downside of such a fast pace is that the story is over too soon. Western comics tend to be slower, and thus allowing the reader to savor the page.

I personally have equal amounts of american comics and manga, and have favorites in both.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sun Jul 24, 2005 1:15 pm

Let me answer this in one lump answer:
First I have been reading American comics longer than Japanese Manga.
I only started reading manga about a year or so,but have been reading
comics on and off my whole life.My favorites are:Superman,Supergirl,
The Flash,Green Lantern,The Power Of Shazam,Catwoman,Batman,
Uncanny X-Men,Spiderman,The Fantastic Four,Star Trek and Lost In
Space. :thumb:
Really comparing comics to manga is like comparing apples to oranges.
Some like one and some like the other.I enjoy both. :)
As far as price goes:again that's comparing apples to oranges,mainly
because there's an added cost to importing the manga that probably
hikes the price up and don't forget the cost for colored animanga goes
up even higher.
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