Bible Trivia Contest

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Postby ice122985 » Sun May 23, 2004 12:31 pm

you're correct , Bebop

you asked : How many people were in the upper room With The 11 remaining ceiples and the Mary's..... and how man here there in all.

it's 120. Acts 1: 15 - And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, and said, (the number of names together were about an hundred and twenty)

this one took awhile. i thought it might be at the end of one of the Gospels, but then i remembered that at some time or another they had to get together to pray for the new 12th disciple

am i correct?

here's your next question: who's the oldest living human being according to the Bible? this one is kind of a trick question.

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Hey whats going on

Postby Bebop101 » Mon May 24, 2004 7:19 am

Hey whats goin on Ice, This is Bebop. Your answerw as right on the money, but that was an easy one, ill gve you harder one after i answe your question. The answer that im going to go with Mathusala, who lived to be 969, but since you said it was a trick question, im also going to give a far out answer for the fun of it and say Christ, who was here since the begining and came in human form, thus being the "oldest Human" to ever live.

I hope in right. I think i am, but im not sure.

Heres your question...

Accoring to the bile, what was the mist wicked empyor t ever exist and why was it deemed the most wicked.

Hope you can get tis one, :thumb:
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Angel-Michael :angel:

Think about this...When we sin, does Jesus still feel the pain he felt on the cross. When we turn our back on him, would he still hear his people yelling "crusify Him". When we don't obey him, does he still feel the nails go through his hands and feet. What if he could. Whats if he DOES. Do you really want to put Jesus, the Son of God who willingly came down to die for our sins, through all that pain again......? Just think about it.
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Postby ice122985 » Tue Jun 01, 2004 8:21 pm

actually, the trick part was Elijah and Enoch. Remember, niether man actually died- both were taken into heaven right off the face of the earth. Enoch was just taken into heaven and Elijah got picked up by a fiery chariot.

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Postby ice122985 » Tue Jun 01, 2004 8:22 pm

actually, the trick part was Elijah and Enoch. Remember, niether man actually died- both were taken into heaven right off the face of the earth. Enoch was just taken into heaven and Elijah got picked up by a fiery chariot.

i'll get your question in a few days.

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Hey man whats up, nice questions...

Postby Bebop101 » Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:14 am

Hey man, yeah that was a good tricj question, i didn't even think of those 2. If im not mistaken they are coming back in the hribulation poeriod,,,right...well yeah, andyway. ill talk to you later...can wait for your next question

Oh and you never answered mine

Not alot of people comming to thin forum anymore... :shady:
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Angel-Michael :angel:

Think about this...When we sin, does Jesus still feel the pain he felt on the cross. When we turn our back on him, would he still hear his people yelling "crusify Him". When we don't obey him, does he still feel the nails go through his hands and feet. What if he could. Whats if he DOES. Do you really want to put Jesus, the Son of God who willingly came down to die for our sins, through all that pain again......? Just think about it.
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Postby antefurem » Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:31 am

Hit me with a question!

I'm up for it. ^__^
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Postby Bebop101 » Thu Jun 03, 2004 10:57 am

Hey whats goin on man, this is Bebop101 (Angel Micheal) ihave a question for you antefurem. Here it goes, ok.

ill statwith an easy one to see where you are... who was the last judge of irael. Write back when you can, ok.
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Angel-Michael :angel:

Think about this...When we sin, does Jesus still feel the pain he felt on the cross. When we turn our back on him, would he still hear his people yelling "crusify Him". When we don't obey him, does he still feel the nails go through his hands and feet. What if he could. Whats if he DOES. Do you really want to put Jesus, the Son of God who willingly came down to die for our sins, through all that pain again......? Just think about it.
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Postby ice122985 » Sun Jun 06, 2004 7:01 pm

it was King Herod cuz he thought he was greater than God

i actually got this one from an old nursery ryhme i used to sing as a little boy...i never did grow up..

and the one about Enoch and Elijah, well that's what some believe cuz the Bible says that it is to everyone to die once, and well they haven't.

now here's another:

how many years into the Tribulation will the AntiChrist break the pact he has with Israel?

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Postby Ingemar » Sun Jun 06, 2004 8:12 pm

Job 7:16

I loathe my life; I would not live forever. Let me alone, for my days are but a breath.
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Postby ice122985 » Mon Jun 07, 2004 7:17 pm

well, give the man a cookie, he got it right.

seriously, ingemar, way to go!

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Postby Bebop101 » Tue Jun 08, 2004 11:18 am

Hey Whats goin on Ice, this is Bebop101(Angel Micheal), just wanted to say whats going on. About the answer to your question, I asked for an empyor that was greater. The answer was Babylon, because they always tryed to make themselves higher than God even from the very begining. It was a nice try though. I never got the tthe net in time to be able to try your question about the tribulation period, and someone beat me to it and got it right as well, thsats good stuff, the questions are for anyone who wants to try them and answer then anyway so thats cool ill think of one that you all can try and answer

In the Book of Esther, why did Xercses have his prime mionister, Hayman, beheaded.

Talk to yuo guys later
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Angel-Michael :angel:

Think about this...When we sin, does Jesus still feel the pain he felt on the cross. When we turn our back on him, would he still hear his people yelling "crusify Him". When we don't obey him, does he still feel the nails go through his hands and feet. What if he could. Whats if he DOES. Do you really want to put Jesus, the Son of God who willingly came down to die for our sins, through all that pain again......? Just think about it.
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Postby ice122985 » Sun Jun 13, 2004 2:59 pm

cause Hayman nearly had the wife of Xerxes, Esther, killed with the rest of the Jews, cause Esther herself was a Jew, and Hayman wanted to kill all of them cause Xerxes favored Esther's uncle cause her uncle (i forgot his name) had foiled a plot to kill the king.

Your question: Who was the only recorded person to basically become a beast for 7 years as punishment for personally taking credit for his success?

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Nice Answer

Postby Bebop101 » Mon Jun 14, 2004 8:09 am

Hey whats goin on Man. Nce Answe. That was exactly right. by the way, Esthers uncles name was Mordici.

The answer to your question is Nebicanezzer. I knowi spelled his name wrong. He was king of Babylon and was call king of kings.

Im sorry i am making this so short, i have to go. Ill try to get back on as soon as i ca, ok

PS: anyone can answer thwese quesions you know,
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Angel-Michael :angel:

Think about this...When we sin, does Jesus still feel the pain he felt on the cross. When we turn our back on him, would he still hear his people yelling "crusify Him". When we don't obey him, does he still feel the nails go through his hands and feet. What if he could. Whats if he DOES. Do you really want to put Jesus, the Son of God who willingly came down to die for our sins, through all that pain again......? Just think about it.
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Postby ice122985 » Sun Jun 20, 2004 7:09 pm

no problem bebop. here's another question-

Paul had a problem with a young christian in the faith that he later wrote to that he needed his help. Who was this young christian?

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Postby SManBeyond » Sun Jun 20, 2004 7:27 pm

ice122985 wrote:no problem bebop. here's another question-

Paul had a problem with a young christian in the faith that he later wrote to that he needed his help. Who was this young christian?

I believe the young Christian you are thinking of is Mark. He went along with Paul and Barnabus on their missionary journey, but abandoned them. He later wanted to come back, but Paul didn't want to have him join them again although Barnabus was willing to accept him back. They split, and then later on in Paul's letter to Timothy we find out that Mark was of great usefulness to Paul.

Here's my question: Who did Jesus rebuke for attempting to call fire down upon Samaria?
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Postby Bebop101 » Wed Jun 30, 2004 12:33 pm

If im not mistaken, this young chritian was Timothy, thogh im not sure. Write back, ok.
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Angel-Michael :angel:

Think about this...When we sin, does Jesus still feel the pain he felt on the cross. When we turn our back on him, would he still hear his people yelling "crusify Him". When we don't obey him, does he still feel the nails go through his hands and feet. What if he could. Whats if he DOES. Do you really want to put Jesus, the Son of God who willingly came down to die for our sins, through all that pain again......? Just think about it.
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Postby ice122985 » Sun Jul 11, 2004 3:38 pm

i think it was Peter, but i am not sure. Who was it?

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