Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:11 pm
I want to name a daughter Emi. In english, people can just call her "amy" and it's already a name in Japanese, so that works. I also like Abigail.
I don't have any other names really thought up, though. I can say what I would never do, however:
really weird names
Jrs or named after family (except maybe a middle name after a family member OTHER than mine or my wife's)
Videogame, anime, or movie characters. While I may have a kid named, say, david... I won't have a David, a hal, a Jack, and an Adam, with an Eva, a Meryl, and an Emma for girls... If my wife happens to be a fangirl, well... Tough crap. She ain't getting a Cloud, Zack, or Sephiroth... (well, Zack could work I suppose... no telling middle name, though) While we're at it, Harry may be fine, but once the brother is going to be named James or Albus or Ron or have a sister named Hermione or Lily or Ginerva (ok, so Ginerva and Albus are just plain off-limits) that's where I put my foot down.
I won't do letter themes, even for twins... ESPECIALLY for twins. It's cute for about 2 seconds. Then it's something they have to live with. If my wife gives birth to twins, they'll be named things so far apart that you could never get them confused. One will be Timothy, the other one will be Xavier or something... Certainly no Tim, Tom, and Tandy among my children. The same applies to rhymes... (you know... phil and lil and Bill)
Also, certain names are off-limits for other reasons (some of them obvious, some of them personal): Bertha, Olga, Helga, Desiree, Damien, Danielle, Rebbecca (I have a niece named Rebbecca, so that overlaps with the family thing, but for reasons having nothing to do with that Rebbecca, this is a double no)
So, that does narrow things down, yet still leaves many options. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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