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Postby PrincessZelda » Tue May 31, 2005 1:39 pm

Kae just got torn into pieces... :sniffle:

Hmm... *Strokes non-existant beard*
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Postby Link Antilles » Tue May 31, 2005 1:49 pm

I would say development, but that admin. will never talk to me.... very anti-social person. -I think he's going through some tough times.

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Postby CobaltAngel » Tue May 31, 2005 2:13 pm

don't spend much time on CAA anymore but I'd have to say that the following list are some really majorly rad people...

Mr Smartypants
Faded One
SSJ Vash
Godly Paladin
Anison Twilight
Shatterheart (Yes, even though we don't always get along ;) You're a pretty cool cracker.)

and anyone who sends me PMs... you people are LOVELY!

Edit to add: Volt and That Dude lol
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Postby Ssjjvash » Tue May 31, 2005 4:16 pm

*shouts out to peoples in no particular order, except the first two*


Madeline *glomps Madelmeister*
C.T. Girl
Godly Paladin
Cobalt Angel
Kaemmerite (I keep forgetting how to spell your screen name)
Syaoran *double pokes*
Kura Ookami
Felix *waves*

I just know I'm missing some peoples...
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone
And so hold on when there is nothing left in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!' ...you'll be a Man, my son!

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Postby Locke » Tue May 31, 2005 5:23 pm

Jman wrote:Kudos to you Locke!

My Life....has meaning

Dude you were the one who said I was your friend for life XD

and Im famous...O_o I knew my blog was funny...but yeah...

My List ( cause I dont like lists)

Ronin Of Kirai ( first dude who ever gave a turd about me, coolest dude. PERIOD)

Jman ( craziest punk I know, and introduced me to the madness that is COD)

MSP/Ryan/biggest baka ever ( Funniest dude ive seen on the, next to that guy who takes pic of his feelings)

Linksquest ( ...no comment)

Impact ( Shouldent be here at ALL, you know...that whole fight thing... )

CobaltAngel ( Nicest person in the world, the person you want to hold your drinks when you start moshing)

Kkun ( Guy you dont want to be in a mosh pit with)

MangaFanatic ( Helped me with my first newspaper article, i still remember XD)

Warrior4 Jesus ( The name says it all, dudes a JesusFureek)

Holy Soldier ( Very awsome leader with awsome Irish taste)


>.> Memory is failing me right now, I'll post more later.
I try and remember every nice thing people have done to me and try to re pay them =]
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Postby Jman » Tue May 31, 2005 5:33 pm

ok well I didn't make a offical list so

~Locke - He just plain rocks! Kudos (very good COD player)!~
~CobaltAngel - She's pretty cool...forget how I met her though O.o~
~HolySoldier5000 - Awesome Youth director! can't wait to see your leassons when you get them up~
~KKun - Even though I just met him, he's hip :D~
~Felix - He is just the funniest thing you could ever meet tehehe~
~Sam*ron - Made my first scrapped princess sig/ava~
~Sunako - Moo~
~arch_angel - Very cool~

Gosh there are so many others! so for the next list, I did not write comments for these people


and for whoever elese I forgot! I am sorry :(

Adopter of Locke *0/0*
Adopter of Felix *0/0*
Adopter of Insanewithapen *0/0*
Adopter of Zelda27 *0/0*
Adopter of Sakura's Wings *0/0*
Adoptee of Cap'n Crack *0/0*

"It never hurts to try to make new friends, except when it does hurt…
but that's only when you're trying to make friends with a charging rhinoceros." ~ HolySoldier5000

"But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed. "
-Isaiah 53:5

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Postby Locke » Tue May 31, 2005 5:36 pm

Sunaku ! Oh Man how could I forget her!

or Volt!
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Postby Sparrowhawk » Tue May 31, 2005 5:55 pm

WOW this would be a long list, so i'll just do this.
First, I like everyone at CAA, some people here don't even know me, but I read something they posted, that supported something i believe in, etc or were kind to others or me. So i really do like everyone here.

Second, the staff, I'm amazed they can do all this, and have really done a good job. i know i've made there jobs harder at times having to move some threads (sorry guys, this IS my first and actually only forum, so sometimes i make mistakes)

Now we get to people I actually know a little bit.

First- My fellow Sakura and CLAMP fanclub members. Hey everyone!

From here on, no particular order, these are the only people i have actually talked to a good bit on this cite.

Now to people who have really helped me out and i know somewhat

Termyt-thanks for all your help, especially with the avatar

Osaka-chan (that Mangafanatic for those who don't know)- Thanks for all your help and just some fun talks about CLAMP works!

Spirit_Wolf- you were the first to help me out, and introduced me to the fanclub

Tru_Noir_Cloe (i know i spelled that wrong, sorry) Thanks for all your help with me getting to know the fanclub)

Hey i just got an email while typing this response saying mr smarty pants just responded to my tech problem. Thanks and hello from here (any others also please respond to my tech problem if you can help) Thanks mr smarty pants!
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Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
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Postby c-girl » Tue May 31, 2005 6:08 pm

Ohmigosh.. >o.o<...... there are lotsa people a I like.. um.. Just to make a long list short.... I love all of ya. But I guess I will make a special mention list.

Christianfriend: She's one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world. She sticks up for me and helps keep me safe. >^^<;; She's also funny, pretty, and very exciting person.

CephasVII: He's a mysterious, creative, and smart. He's a good leader and has a good sense of humor and drama. He's a wise christian.

Sparten1056: He's a very talented roleplayer. I love all of his characters (even the evil ones >^.^< Lol) and it's always a joy to chat with him.

Wilson(bunch of numbers): Heh heh. >^^< This guy has a great sense of humor and is very creative. He's fun to chat with and roleplay, and he also gives good christian advice.

Josh Fisher: Tee-hee! >^.^< He's also a person I know in real life and love. He's very funny, loving, and brave. He is a truely amazing person and christian. I really admire him and hope to be as brave as him someday.

WeilderOMeteor: Lol! This guy has a lot of energy and spunk. I also know him in real life. His mission is to steal my art case as much as he can... >-.-< Heh... He's only gotten it once. But he won't get it again! >*.*<.... >^^< Anyhoo. He's a funny guy and I enjoy hanging out with him.

Darksword: Tee-hee! >^.^< In real life we call him short man(or little man). He's hyper, mischiveous, and strange. I think of him like a little brother even though he's only like one inch shorter than me. He also has a lot of ambition and is a good speaker.

Felix: He has a lot of imagination and is a good guy. >^.^< He's a very good roleplayer and is nice to chat with. >"< Strange at times... But funny! And is a very unique person.

Volt: >^^< I have not chatted with him much. But I really admire him. He's a very loyal christian and has a lot of faith in God. I like his humor. And he's very handsome.

Kaemmerite: This dude is awesome. He's a very good roleplayer and I enjoy his characters. He's a very unique person.

True_Noir_Chloe and Chibi_Chan: Chloe very motherly and caring. Her daughter Chibi_Chan is very talented and cute. Both of them are neat and cool people.

>^^<;; I'll continue the list later... So stay tuned! Lol!
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Postby Hitokiri » Tue May 31, 2005 6:55 pm

Sorry...but bacon is my only true friend. Yep yep.

People had been telling me to spend some more time on CAA. So yeah....

Hi again. :lol:

Favorite peeps?? Well I do like the yellow kind and when you they become stale and put them in the microwave they bloat up! And then....you pop them! And the deflate!!
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue May 31, 2005 6:56 pm

Hitokiri wrote:Sorry...but bacon is my only true friend. Yep yep.

People had been telling me to spend some more time on CAA. So yeah....

Hi again. :lol:

bacon is indeed very tastey!
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Postby Hitokiri » Tue May 31, 2005 7:12 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:bacon is indeed very tastey!

Werd...and some is stale peeps.

Anyways, I love all of CAA and every member, even though I might know you, are very dear to me.

However....I have had the privledge of getting to know and befriending some noted indivduals over the year.

Mave - You're so cool! I rant on and on and on and on about my problems and my drawings and insane stories and you take it all in without complaint. You rock ^_^

T-N-C: We havn't talked on AIM for a loooooooong time and I do miss that. But you're still awesome.

Ashley - You're so cool. What else there is to say?

ZiP - Had the courage to reqruite me as an artist for the one manga. Heh heh heh.

Zipomaster - I've just got to know you this few months and you are one fun person.

Gypsy - Anyone who has the time, energy, and sanity to read each and every sentance of the reviews deseves my respect like times 100. How I miss thee.

KKun - One of the only people who likes everything from Mae to Opeth. Craziness.

Ingemar - The CAA Tournament says it all.

Anna Mae: No tonly does she read ALLLL my songs but comments on them with very insightful comments and usggestions. She rocks.

All the mods for their tireless efforts to keep trolls and flamers alike at bay. And for Stray-light...where it thoust?
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Postby Stephen » Tue May 31, 2005 7:34 pm

CobaltAngel wrote:Shatterheart (Yes, even though we don't always get along You're a pretty cool cracker.)

People who never rub you the wrong way you should worry about. I prefer the kind of person who keeps me straight. However, I am quite sure if I met another verson of me...we would fight to the death with knives. But, I like ya Cobalt. Your a nice person. ('sides, knife fighting is messy)
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Postby That Dude » Tue May 31, 2005 8:49 pm

Man...I always feel so left out on these threads...Ah well.

"CreatureArt." Probably my closest friend here. She writes really long PM's :grin:

There are a lot of other cool people but I don't have enough time to write them down.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Tue May 31, 2005 8:50 pm

My favorite member is......

*pulls out shotgun and blasts away at the stampede*

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Postby Kaligraphic » Tue May 31, 2005 10:14 pm

Shatterheart wrote:'sides, knife fighting is messy

Messy, but quite fun. Especially with the right knives...
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Wed Jun 01, 2005 10:43 am

Last edited by Fsiphskilm on Mon Jan 16, 2017 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm leaving CAA perminantly. i've wanted to do this for a long time but I've never gathered the courage to let go.
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Postby Rachel » Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:18 am

Dude, I love cattle! You can do all sorts of things with it: barbecue, stirfry, casserole...tasty!

Anyways...I like all the peeps here at CAA but there are a few who put up with me talking to them regularly. Hehe.

Icky: I have to say him because he's like, my brother ya know.
Coby: My rockstar nun twinsister who was lost at birth. You need to get on myspace more, homie!
Chloe: She's just really cool. And she uses words like "homefry"
EireWolf: She doesn't think my questions are werid. hehehe
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Postby Jasdero » Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:58 am

Wasn't there... a similar thread in Goof Off once...? Anyway~ Now to rack my already worn out memory for people.... T__T / I forsee doom.

Alphabetical Order ( >o<)/

Aka-chan -- Aka-chaaannnn!!! <3 <3 <3 (Woohoo! Three hearts in a row! How freakishly loving! Ahahahaha..ha.. >__> I'll let it slide. For Aka-chan. *__* / ) u.u *ahem* o.o Aka-chan rocks. Yep. She draws nice. She is nice. *o* My friend~ <3
Elric_kun -- He's Squishy... and also squishy... That's all I need to know. (yes, there is more, but if I listed it all out I think I would die of an overtype)
Ingemar -- You, I KNOW I will never understand. >=O But in that balance of never-understandingness, you're quite cool, I daresay. *coughIfyouendtheCAATournamentthreads,I'llskinyouandTomkyoualivecough*
Kkun -- Dude. It's KKun. That's all that needs to be said.
Kokoro Daisuke -- Master of cute smileys. Randomness at its best. *__*/ Kokoro is number 1! Kokoro is number 1! *lights fireworks*
KrescentMoon -- ;D Hello~~~ XD Kei is zee epitome of cuteness, beginning with her laughter. o.o She's also quite wise, indeed. >=O And considerate. *__*/ And caring! And I'm just nuts about her. *tackles*
Little T-chan *huggle* X3 Eheehee~ <3 We must get together again, dahling. \ O__O / Good luck with Finals!
Mave -- For managing to make me laugh when she was dead tired after an all-nighter. u.u Among other things, of course. \ o__o / Go Mave!!!! FIGHT THE GLITTERY ESSAYS!!!!
Shatterheart -- Violent, deranged, chair-back-breaking, horror-movie-loving, Yahoo-doomchat-creator/inviter, yet somehow manages to win our affections. >__> I'll never understand you or your ways. *__* / Behold! An expression of my friendship! *explosive cookie*
true_noir_chloe -- Invisi/Darth/Stealth/Rent-a-mom. u.u She's a master of the morphing arts.

I know I missed a few people. I can just.. sense it... >.> I'll come back later.

Jman wrote:~Sunako - Moo~

....Are you suggesting that I, the supreme one, am like a cow? You're going to get it, Jboy. Oh yes.
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Postby Debitt » Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:03 pm

X3 w00t! :hug: Sankyuu, Osaka and Su-tan! *jumps up and eats Su-tan's fireworks* ^o^ I am so honored the fireworks sparkly happily in my belly! YAAY!

...o.o Oh oh oh oh! There were people I wanted to add to my list...o.o Like KrescentMoon and Mave and and everyone else in the Bishies and jrock threads. And...=o=/ Anyone who bothers to look at/comment on my ugly photography/art. And and and and and...o_o; other people. >> I told you all that I like too many people here.

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Postby Linksquest » Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:08 pm

Volt wrote:There's been a LOT of cattle rushing through CAA lately.

Therefor the Cattle are my favorite members.

ROFL! Volt... you are a card. :lol: go fish!


LINKSQUEST's PASSIONS are: READING (especially books by authors: Lois Lowry, L.M. Montgomery, Ray Bradbury, C.S. Lewis) WRITING, SINGING, ACTING, COMPOSING, PIANO, PHOTOGRAPHY, ART, COOKING, MYST series, ZELDA series,OLD TIME RADIO , New Time Radio, SPANISH, LANGUAGES, and the list goes on.
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Postby KrescentMoon » Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:11 am

So...I shall post too \ o_o / Forgive me for the order....it's not that you're less or more!! It's just that it's past 2 AM, and my memory is useless at this hour. T_T

Sunako....look below.

" wrote:KrescentMoon -- ;D Hello~~~ XD Kei is zee epitome of cuteness, beginning with her laughter. o.o She's also quite wise, indeed. >=O And considerate. *__*/ And caring! And I'm just nuts about her. *tackles*

zomgggggggg~~~~~ Succhin is the first person that I've met whose real name is SO CLOSE to my real name...just a letter off! But uh, that's not why I ~love~ you, dear. You always make me laugh~ XDD you and your randomness/hyperness....Sweet, thoughtful, funny--a great friend, indeed! *glomp*
ShiroiHikari...looooooooove ya, sista! The best person to be with when I go into Gackt fangirl mode. Understanding, I thank you for always listening to my silly rants!! And talking about Arian and co. rocks my socks! *covered in tomatoes*
Kkun....I'm going to echo Succhin on this one--it's Kkun, what more can I say?
Vampi...Dude, you're the one who brought me to CAA in the first place!! Hope we can see each other again before you move!! *glomp*
Mave...you are SO SWEET that I have to brush my teeth after talking to you. We ~must~ do an art collaboration!! Wait....we are....\ *O* / all the best in your studies and comic! XD
KokoroDaisuke...your randomness and plushie-making are SUPREME-O~! *glomps* we must chat more!
sldr4christ1985...YOU!!! YOU!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You crack me up on IM. XD You're such a lovely person, Jim. I admire your determination for NIHONGO, burazaa~! Ganbatte ne!
Impact Alberto...YARR!!!! *tackle* teh awesome animator and AMV maker I know. Bwahahhaha, rock out, man! (and thanks for the sooooongs!)

Ummmmm, I KNOW there are more, but like I said, my memory sucks this late (and this flippin' cold!). I love all of you at the Jrock Pics thread~~~~~~~~!! Aka-chan, Kawaiineko, Angel....gyaaaa!!!! *group glomp*


Flippin'....I forgot UC Pseudonym...beneath those almost-emotionless, sometimes-sarcastic posts (the avatar REALLY adds to the "atmosphere"), lies a super polite, intelligent guy whom I wish to get to know better as time goes by! *____* Someday, I shall draw a chapter of a story of yours.....someday...

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Postby Jasdero » Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:14 am

*feels wretched* I can't believe I forgot a few members. u.u I owe Kei for having reminded me of quite a few of them.

dragonshimmer --- She's so sweet! Gah! I can't describe her! She's just so incredibly caring and down-to-earth, as they say. *huggle*
Impact Alberto -- Zee super random member. o_~ XD You're just awesome on IM. Which reminds me.. you haven't gotten Y!M or MSN yet... >__> Eh, well, it doesn't really matter anymore, anyway. O___O But still! You forgot!
kaemmerite -- Kae! XD Ahahaha, such a cute lad. Your devotion to that.. one.. girl.. Sailor Scout... Hotaru..? Hokaru?.... yeah.. XD;;; Anyway, yes, whoever she is, it's cute. ^__^ I'm still waiting for your analysis on that math problem.. o.o
Omega Amen -- *__* He's a super intelligent dude. What's so interesting about Omega is that he refuses to give out his first name. >__> Someday, somehow, I'm going to pester him so much that it just slips from his fingers, and onto my screen. >8D Eheheh. It should go for a high price on the CAA Market, don't you agree?
ShiroiHikari -- ^__^ Shiroi is incredibly sweet and caring, and I just wish I knew her better. T__T /
sldr4christ1985 -- Jiiiiiim!!!! *throws flowers and candy* XD You, my friend, are simply awesome.
Volt -- A brilliant, young gentleman in a clown costume. o_~ XD
Yashua -- Daniel knows virtually everyone, and is always checking up on them. Go Daniel, go! XD

le edit:
KrescentMoon wrote:omgggggggg~~~~~ Succhin is the first person that I've met whose real name is SO CLOSE to my real name...just a letter off! But uh, that's not why I ~love~ you, dear. You always make me laugh~ XDD you and your randomness/hyperness....Sweet, thoughtful, funny--a great friend, indeed! *glomp*

XDDD Yep! o_~ We are connected, dahling. *__* Aww, thank you! *glomps back*
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Postby KrescentMoon » Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:20 am

Sunako wrote:le edit:

XDDD Yep! o_~ We are connected, dahling. *__* Aww, thank you! *glomps back*

>8D Yes, yes!! We are definitely connected.....\ o_o / remember that time in IM when, after 5 minutes of silence, I begin to type when you did? XD

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Postby Jasdero » Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:28 am

KrescentMoon wrote:>8D Yes, yes!! We are definitely connected.....\ o_o / remember that time in IM when, after 5 minutes of silence, I begin to type when you did? XD

XDD Ohh yeah... We've done that a couple times. o.o; Or said virtually the same thing at once.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:31 am

I guess it all boils down to the timezones people are in, to when they are online at CAA.
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Postby Jasdero » Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:38 am

^__^;; I would have to agree, W4J. Also based on what threads everyone posts on. I barely see your posts around, but I know you're online at times, so... XD we miss each other, it seems.
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Postby Vash is a plant » Thu Jun 02, 2005 7:57 am

Hmm... I luv you all, but these 3 stick out in my mind:
Uc Pseudonym (is he still here?)
"And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." -1 Corinthians 13:13 :thumb:
:dance: :jump: :hug: :comp: :poke: :drool:
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Postby insanewitapen » Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:22 am

Kawaiikneko - Best emotionless editor in the world XD And one of the best anime supplier and friend and the one who showed me this site.

Felix - The best Oniichan (lil brother?) I could ever have

ChristianGirl – just plain rocks *HUG*

Impact Alberto - The man beast with a beard! XDDD and the most ausomeness animator I know

Kaemmerite – Pleasurable scary and fun XD;

Zipo_Master – is justausome with his pokin pain and introduced me to Felix ina CAA chat room XD

Sunako – Havent talked to her much but she’s still flippin ausome ^o^/

Arch Angel – The cutest girl in the world!! XD;

Everyone in the .hack rpg thread


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Postby Danyasaur » Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:59 am

there's alot of members on the threads that I don't actually KNOW, but admire, so witht hat said, I shall post my favorite CAA members that I actually know XD;;

CobaltAngel (truly one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, if you don't know her, you need too!! cuz' she rocks, period. u.u)

Insanitywitapencil (A verry clingy/insane one, but she rocks!)

Felix (my fellow musician! lets us rock together! >o</ )

Bunny (the most caring person I know)

GzusRcks (insanely awesome)

sldr4christ1985 (there are no words to describe the truely unexsplicably random and fascinating things that go through this man's mind u.u)

Ronin of Kirai (Yeah. . . we don't agree alot but he still rox my sox! X3)

Sao_Sakura (she's just about the only person who still frequently PMs me! XD)

SorasKeyblade (awesome writer. . . she think of EVERYTHING O_o)

All the People I'm Too Tired to Remember Right Now (YOU ROCK!. . . thank you.)
[color="DimGray"]I don't believe that I would die if I saw you face to face;
but that my spirit would become so alive it took my body's place.

- Danya[/color]
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Joined: Thu Nov 06, 2003 5:06 pm
Location: On the road where potholes come to die.

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