"I HATE anime/manga"

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Postby Mave » Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:22 am

Hmm, I think another objection to anime (although a pretty silly one, IMO) is anime/manga are only for kids.

*holds back CAA mob*

Ok ok...I know, I know anime/manga is ["very diverse in topics/themes"], ["not only for kids"], ["has different target audiences"], ["Dude, how do you explain all that porn if they're only for kids? Oops, I totally messed up that argument, didn't I?"]

But in general, some of my old friends seemed to have outgrown anime/manga. (T_T) Some of them were pretty surprised that I'm drawing manga-styled comics for fun. "You STILL like anime/manga? What?? You draw too? Wow."


But ah, now for some responses:

Raiden, Option 3 was pretty brutal in an amusing way. XD I'll be kinder and use some CCS music depending on one's sugary cute level of tolerance.

Osaka, if you're familiar with Slamdunk, there's a scene that's very similar to what you've described --> Hanamichi to Haruko, in respect to her gorilla-looking older brother.

"He's your brother."


"He's your brother."


"He's your brother."

Eh...yes. :sweat:

Poor Hanamichi. XD

ucpseudonym wrote:Just to broaden the discussion of this thread a bit, how many of you have friends who love anime/manga but absolutely hate comics from anywhere else?

I've met only 1 or 2 individuals like that online. They tend to be fangirls who dislike how huge/steroid-pumped American comic characters look (well, at least the superheroes). They don't have any problems with comics like Tintin though.
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Postby Maledicte » Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:51 am

uc pseudonym wrote:Just to broaden the discussion of this thread a bit, how many of you have friends who love anime/manga but absolutely hate comics from anywhere else?

I've met quite a number of people like that, though more on the internet than in real life and none that are particularly close to me. I find that sad, really, because often they make generalities equal to or worse than the people who say all anime is Pokemon, DBZ, or porn. Generally they've never heard of Neil Gaiman, Sandman, or Virtigo.

Ironically, I've heard a few anime/manga fans who say that western comics scare them because of the blatant sexuality of female characters. But, anime has schoolgirls in tiny skirts. @_@

Also they seemed to think that the western contigent of comics was rife with porn, which certainly is rife in Japanese comics. The exception I'd take to western comics are some underground titles, and the recent works of Alan Moore, who is a very scary man.
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:54 am

Mave wrote:Raiden, Option 3 was pretty brutal in an amusing way. XD I'll be kinder and use some CCS music depending on one's sugary cute level of tolerance.

Wahahahaha. ^_^ That was the general idea. Just make sure the volume's cranked up to full power and that should work just fine. And if they seem resilient [sp?], then let me know and I'll come set Groovy! on loop and dance the Macarena to it over and over and over . . . that could break Solid Snake ~ forget silly electrocution.

SirThinks2Much ~ they prefer manga because of the blatant sexuality in American comics? XD Talk about clueless.

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Postby Cap'n Nick » Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:37 pm

I heard once that the average frame rate in anime was about 3 frames per second. Small sections would have a much higher rate, but freeze frames, looping and other labor-saving techniques bring about this stunningly low average. Does anybody know if this number is still accurate?
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Postby fairyprincess90 » Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:33 pm

yeah, my brother and my cousin both hate manga! i get so mad at them, they always tell me that anime and manga is so stupid. they say the drawings are so wierd!
i get so mad at them!


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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:53 pm

Mave wrote:They tend to be fangirls who dislike how huge/steroid-pumped American comic characters look (well, at least the superheroes).

I've definitely heard that one. My response is generally two-fold and very simple:
Non-superhero comics
Dragonball Z

SirThinks2Much wrote:Also they seemed to think that the western contigent of comics was rife with porn, which certainly is rife in Japanese comics.

That's odd. I'm not as familiar with the American comics scene as I am with the Japanese one, but I don't think there is that much pornography overall.

Cap'n Nick wrote:I heard once that the average frame rate in anime was about 3 frames per second. Small sections would have a much higher rate, but freeze frames, looping and other labor-saving techniques bring about this stunningly low average. Does anybody know if this number is still accurate?

Heh, that's an interesting statistic. I have nothing solid, but I thought I would mention that a friend of mine determined the average episode of anime has three minutes of animation.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:07 pm

Uriah wrote:I read this book one time, basicly sopposedly giving a bunch of "biblical" reasons why pokemon was satanic and unhealthy for children. Some of the reasons were as ridiculous as "Kobotops slashes at it's victims with razor claws, what kind of message is it sending to our children?"

God never made any with razor sharp claws that slashes at victims.. like.. grizzly bears?

Well, actually, there were secular groups opposed to Pokémon because of the violence to animals portrayed in the games... They compared to to Rooster fighting (can't say the other word because it will get asterisked out) and the christian groups just say it encourages fighting. The problem with that is in **** fights and dog fights, the losers die... Pokémon never die from gym matches or field fights... Really, pokémon is more analogous(sp?) to being the manager of a lot of boxers or other martial artists... Many Christian groups are opposed to Boxing and martial arts, though... Like the school I went to until 9th grade...
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