I dreamed that...

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Postby Sparx00 » Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:32 am

Alright a new one! I dreamed last night that I was being chased by a terminator. It was the T-X model I think. Arnold AKA: the T-101 model was there too. lol

He was like my body guard but, HE FAILED HIS MISSION OF KEEPING ME ALIVE. I died because he went to go buy an iPhone. (How lame is that?!! I guess they don't have iPhones in the future.)
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Postby FllMtl Novelist » Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:35 pm

Sparx00 (post: 1438572) wrote:He was like my body guard but, HE FAILED HIS MISSION OF KEEPING ME ALIVE. I died because he went to go buy an iPhone. (How lame is that?!! I guess they don't have iPhones in the future.)

But... But I thought they said on The Sarah Connor Chronicles that if you die in your dreams, you die in real life?


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Postby sailorsaturn » Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:40 am

Last night I dreamed that my dad thought it would be fun to have a rhino and her baby over to the house. The baby thought that my brother and I were the coolest thing ever and was hanging out around us a lot, but the mom thought that we were out to kidnap her baby. For a while she just kept a close watch on us but then she started charging us... Oh yeah, she could talk, but only a little bit.
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Postby Davidizer13 » Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:39 pm

I had a pretty crazy one last night:
So I was touring some big office building (in Portland, apparently?) and there was this old guy chasing me around. He was about 60 or so, and he made a gun with his fingers, then started pointing it around and shouting "Bang! Bang!" So I got a bunch of my friends together, each with our own "guns" - I had an bass clarinet I was holding like a big machine gun. So now we're running around, shooting each other.

I convince a friend to go to the roof with me, and soon we're heading up the 20 stories to the roof. This elevator was huge - it was about as big as a hotel ballroom. There was a golf course or courtyard outside it, and it moved with the elevator. We reach the roof, and it's really windy. I step out and immediately get blown into the air. I try to angle myself so I'll stop against a scaffold, but just when it looks like I'm going to miss and fall to my doom beyond, I wake up.
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Pascal's Lucid Dream

Postby Dante » Sun Nov 21, 2010 3:34 pm

[color="SeaGreen"]OOD: I already know. TL;DR. But I just wanted to make an example of one of my "longer dreams". I love these things, because they feel like weeks have passed in the period of a couple of hours. BTW, I consider myself to be an Oneironaut in training. Dreams are one of my favorite activities because of the sheer amount of crazy experiences you can have in him. You can go sky diving in exotic locations every night, dine with people who aren't even living anymore and all kinds of crazy things... FOR FREE! Of course, it's all in your imagination, but when you're dreaming it certainly doesn't "look" like it.

LUCIDITY ACHIEVED! Although my memory is sadly jumpy at times (which is a real shame, I'd love to recount the whole story of THIS one). It also jumps around a TON with various plot locations so I'm unfortunately unsure about the order on some of these events - but I think I've kept it pretty good. I was aiming for a lucid this morning after a short burst of surfing the net at about 4 AM. I tried the WILD (Wake Into Lucid Dreaming) technique, and had some pretty cool near success that nearly counts as dreaming in my book (I was getting weird loud sounds - which unfortunately startled me and kicked me out of falling asleep while conscious). But all this thinking about dreaming spurred me into a DILD (Dream Into Lucid Dreaming).[/color]


The dream starts out with me in my room. I had my eyes barely open and I could see the light from the hallway. I felt I had woken up and failed to achieve a dream altogether (false awakening). Now I'd have to fall asleep again and that just wouldn't be too fun (less time to dream). As I laid in bed though, I heard the sound of Chrono Trigger's Cathedral theme playing from the hall. I suddenly realized that no one in my house could be playing this music and therefore I must be dreaming. Well, at least I felt this was a pretty sure bet. I decided it was worth following up.

I did something brave. Something I've NEVER done in my dreams before. I went to the upstairs bathroom. This place was considered the most haunted part of our house and I RARELY built up the courage to go in there during a dream (I'd always find something scary inside). The music was obviously emanating from that part of the house though, the attic in fact. I wouldn't even go up there today during the night-time. In fact, I've never been up there at all. I saw a giant floating eye-ball in that spot when I was two, and the memory persists in the dream-world. The attic above it. No. I would never go there. It's a separate part of the house from the garage attic, even though they are adjacent. They're separated by a wall that just has no place being there in my opinion.

Climbing up, I noticed that I felt a completely different body shape and I was incredibly light, maybe about 110-120 pounds? I was 14 again and therefore this was DEFINITELY a dream. When I pulled myself up, this attic was definitely the scene of nightmares I expected it should be. I was now on a landing looking down about 5 feet into a room. No way back once I jumped down. There were spider webs behind me, I remember touching them and feeling their icky sensation on my hands and EVERYTHING was covered in this slightly iridescent white moss, or was it dust? There were shadows everywhere and everything that was stored up there, exercise bike, baby crib... it was all COVERED in the stuff. I felt as though I had walked into the creepy forests of Fable, and was completely and totally vulnerable (clothing articles in dreams vanish at the weirdest times).

That stated, I realized I was dreaming, so I continued onward, soon leaving the attic completely behind.


When I walked into the light, I was suddenly laying down in the sand, only to get up to find that I was in an episode of "Lost". I've never even watched an episode of the show, so I'm not sure how my mind decided to make that world up. The only person that made me recognize it was the show, was Hurley (I looked him up on Wikipedia as I didn't even know his name - only his face). Everyone had been rescued by the coast guard... only to have our boat flip apparently (there were some new coast guard members there as well... they were the only ones with life jackets). This was now a NEW place for us to get shipwrecked on!

However, soon after our arrival, one of the group members arrived back to say they saw a "huge mansion". Dun dun dun. But I figured it out. It wasn't a "secret island mansion". It was one of many houses. We had landed back in California on an unused piece of beachfront. To verify this, I took off into flight. I was going a few feet above the ground at a very nice rate of speed. It was much easier to control then normal. As I suspected, we were near a group of houses, no streets, just houses with sidewalks. Each was unique and vividly detailed in the dream, brickwork, stonework, unique designs. Modern architects should really use their dreams to design their work more often.

I was uninterested in staying in an episode of Lost, and so I landed near-by. The dream started to get fuzzy and while I was talking to people, I couldn't remember what I was saying. To counteract this, I used the spinning technique and rapidly brought clarity back into my dream. I even thought of a new experiment for tonight during my WILD. I will try to spin myself around when I start to hear the loud noises in order to help create vivid imagery. (spinning in a dream is one of the better ways to build clarity, odd as it may seem. Somehow, this simple activity can really lengthen your dreams and make them far more vivid while you are dreaming them).


After this, I decided that I wanted to head to a location in one of my comic books. I've had a REALLY hard time getting here in the past, with only fleeting glimpses during my attempts and sadly this time would prove to be no different. Doing so would require my brain to invent another person's reality, which it appears rather unwilling to do. Furthermore, to try to convince my subconscious that I belong in this world, I have to transform into a persona that would fit in the reality. Given that the comic takes place exclusively in "the dream world", I take this as the ultimate form of fan boyism. I mean, no one can go to the real Gotham City, or Middle Earth, but if the fiction declares that the story takes place in the dream world, then by using lucidity I should be able to actually "go" to the fictional reality where the comic takes place (at least in phrase).

The First thing I tried to do was change my form. I ran to a set of mirrors that I believed were around the corner (dreams are really nice at building faith as belief forms reality here). Running in front of them, I then used my mind to try and will my form to change after allowing myself to visualize my "dream character". I've had no luck with this in the past, but this time was different. For one, I saw several different characteristics in my imagination in the dream that were missing from the one I had drawn in reality (odd but fun at the same time). I was also able to transform in the mirrors, but only temporarily. A moment later, I would be back to me, a 14 year old in khaki cargo pants and a brown tee-shirt (it was a persistent image as well I might add. Also, thank goodness my clothing has returned... temporarily). I tried for a while and then decided that if objective 1 couldn't be met, maybe I could try for objective 2.

I've come to figure out how to flip dream worlds in my dreams, it all comes down to expectation and knowing which objects can flip you from one world to another. Elevators for one, are capable of going anywhere in my dreams. Click a button and you'll end up on a different floor, or even the middle of the sky! Another object that you can walk through is a mirror, but I've had experiences of just getting blackness on the other side in the past with no way back to reality, so I avoided this until I can lucid better. Then there are bodies of water. This is a new trick I recently discovered. Just fly straight down and when you hit the water keep going "down". Eventually, gravity will flip directions and you'll find that you're popping out on the "other side". In other words, lakes have a top and a bottom "surface" in the dream world if done quickly enough.

Like the mirror, I had only limited success in focusing the world into existence. I had a momentary flight along the coast line, a momentary flight above the city and then *poof* I was back into some other world of suburban houses or old industrial complexes. I obviously need more time at the beach or in the forest. I also tried asking dream characters in this world for assistance, which they gladly provided here but turned up nothing. This isn't supposed to work like this. When you ask a dream person for something, the object should come into existence because you believe that they know and so Kamina logic comes into play "Don't believe in the object! Believe in the me that believes the object!". Oddly, the person knew of a cabinet next to the elevator that I didn't see the first time I was there, but the thing I was looking for wasn't inside.
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Postby Dante » Sun Nov 21, 2010 3:44 pm

[color="RoyalBlue"]After this, the dream got a little fuzzy again, I must have spun sometime after this to keep my lucidity. I was now inside a store, like a McDonalds. There were two people waiting in line and given that I actually had access to people in my dreams for once, I decided to try another trick. Typically, when you dream, if you ask someone who they are they'll tell you that they are you. This example jumps from the ordinary though. Instead of telling me that they were me, when I asked them who they were, they provided distinct names, very clearly distinct names. They weren't names of people that I know either, so my subconscious is rather creative. I then proceeded to state that because we are in a dream right now, they are actually me though. I wanted to get them to validate that they were a part of my subconscious.

They wouldn't answer this. They didn't say yes. They didn't say no, they simply tilted their heads at me odd. One of them was a severely overweight fellow and the other was a middle aged woman, crows feet, reptile neck and all.


After leaving that building, I went outside once again and found myself homeless and running from bridge to bridge to look for shelter for the night. I went to three before finding one that looked unoccupied. At the bridge, there were three young tigers, which were very friendly. Time flash. Suddenly a few weeks have passed and I was deeply attached to my new companions only to find when I came "home" that animal control had decided to capture them and had loaded them into a small cylindrical crate about 3 feet wide.

Running after them, I demanded that they release my tigers as I wanted them back. Lucidity was going in and out here apparently. For some reason, I flipped my language over to Japanese and began to argue with them in that tongue. The person in charge of them, then asked why I would want "those monsters" back. I became angry and remember my dialogue very well, "monster? Bakemono desu ka?" The other guy didn't know the word for "monster" now did he? "Sore ha bakemono ja nai! Sore ha "Tora" da! Tomodachi da! Watashi no tomodachi ga hoshii da!"

But when I had turned around, he had flipped my tigers in the crate out for other animals. So I proceeded to run off to find them again. No luck. I eventually had to run from some animal annoying a skunk... the skunk was spraying and I didn't want to fall in the "cross-spray" (it would be kind of hard for me to shower if I was homeless and lucidity was fading in and out here). I was then in the back area of the building. There was a big horn sheep there standing in the dirt, and I looked at him cautiously with his giant big horns. Unfortunately, this caught the rams attention, and our eyes met. He took this as a challenge and thus began the chase as he flew towards me to meet me in a head-butting match.

after a moment though, I grabbed him by the horns and side stepped him, proceeding to swing him around the room (gravity is a weird fickle force in dreams, typically less then the normal "g"). I was going to let go and fling him into something, but I felt that would be cruel as it was only an animal. So I stopped and ran for one of the doors for safety. There were about five doors where the bathrooms should be, each one saying something different. The one I ran into said "human corporations", but couldn't be locked from the inside, there was only a hinge lock and it was on the outside of the door.

I didn't want to stay in there and eventually, as the ram kept trying to get in, I decided I had had enough. I went outside, grabbed him by the horns once again and flung him into a wall, breaking one of his horns. He left me alone after that.


After this, the dream goes fuzzy and eventually ends up with me in a restaurant. To my left, a conversation caught my attention between a girl and another guy across the room. I noticed for one thing, that she wore the exact same cross that I do (It's very important to me given the time it's seen with me). I also noticed that I was rather attracted to the girl, e.g. I thought she was cute.

The guy was yelling at her about her faith (he was obviously a rather irate atheist) and telling her that her God enjoyed burning people in Hell and that he was sadistic. The girl looked down, somewhat sad, noting in a lower tone that this aspect bothered her as well, but she didn't believe that her God could ever willfully act cruel towards his creation. She felt the interpretation was wrong.

The man in turn, declared his victory with her and declared that all of Christianity believed in a wicked God, about to look for his own scriptural reference no doubt. At this point, I jumped in decided to cut him from any support he may desire, declaring "You can't generalize the whole of Christianity like that. The only commonality among Christians is their belief in Jesus Christ, outside of that everything else is up to the individual believer." I knew there were churches that did believe this, but I also knew that not everyone within the faith did hold this position - so he had no right bashing her faith because of it.

He couldn't respond, and left the argument alone after muttering a bit in an annoyed matter. After this, I remember the dream going fuzzy and eventually coming to an end.
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Postby KeybladeWarrior » Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:36 pm

I had a dream where I had a taste for sweet grape whine. My mother was not happy, because I loved it so much. I also took a drink of whine, and it tasted like grape juice.
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Postby Ally-Ann » Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:48 am

Two nights ago I dreamed that I was in highschool. All the halls looked the same and there was algebra that I didn't understand. :( It doesn't seem scary, but I'm still in junior high. I'm having trouble with integers as it is, and that dream gave me math that I'll probably never use in my life! Terrifying! :waah!:

Another time I dreamed I was rock-climbing. I was walking on an extremely narrow edge, my back against the mountain. Then I went suicidal. :hits_self I jumped off the edge and was falling, where, oddly enough, there was the roof of a house. Before I hit the roof, I woke up. :waah!: I am never going rock-climbing for as long as I live. :shady:

Yet again, when I was eight I dreamed that I was eating a chocolate bar. Then it disappeared and I woke up licking my pillow. :lol:
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Postby Beau Soir » Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:29 am

I can't tell if last night's dream was more like a nightmare or not... I dreamed that there was this girl around my age, maybe a little younger and with dark hair, and she was going to kill herself right there in front of me. I said things to try and console her, but she didn't listen- she slit her throat but didn't die, and after that she was suddenly fine and not bleeding at all but she had blood on her hands and I had blood on my feet for some reason. So I helped her wash it off with clean water from a spigot, and I washed off my feet too.
It was scary, so I guess you could call it a nightmare, but at the end she didn't die and everything was fine, so I'm not sure...

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Postby Blacklight » Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:33 pm

Last night, I watched the sushi restaurant video that Yuki-Anne posted on a different thread, and I had a dream that some family members and I had gone to (more or less) a sushi restaurant in Japan. Then, I was getting pretty concerned about how to act and how everyone else in my group was acting because I didn't understand Japanese etiquette.

I also remember, a ways back, having a bizarre and slightly disturbing dream involving bioluminescent spiders that jet-sprayed venom, and some kind of carpet lice. I sometimes have dreams where there are strange, and possibly deadly bugs around, and I'm trying to avoid them or capture them. Not all are usually deadly, but there are often tons of black widow or similar kinds of spiders, except huge and sometimes very colorful.
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Postby Atria35 » Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:52 pm

I had a very strange musical dream last night. I had found two babies in my grandpa's grocery store (they had been left among the onions- one was black and one was white, and for some reason my grandpa was black, too). Then I watched them grow up, and one became Christian and the other didn't (this was interesting because first it was the black one that became religious and the white one didn't, but the dream rewound so it was the other way around). And then we were driving down a country road at night, and some electric wires snapped and ripped the car apart. We went flying over the edge of this ridge into a train yard, but the boys (now men) saved me, but were really injured and going to die if they didn't get help. I ran back into town to call the police, and when I came out I had to cross a railroad track to get back to them. That's when the singing and dancing came in- Lined up in rows were bunches of men with red-and-white striped poles with red lights at the ends. They all started dancing like in The Newsies, and I joined in, and the song was like "She got past you before and she'll do it again. So F*** you" to the tracks, a step forward, "f*** you", another step, "f*** you" another step, a train rushed by and I collapsed into tears while the guys ran away.

I think I know where the train thing came from, since a lot of people in my family have been killed by trains. And now I've moved to a town where a train track runs right through the middle of town.
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Postby ashfire » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:43 pm

I had one last night. I was at a anime con or some special event and I thought I had to be at something else like another anime con. I had no luggage and didn't have my GPS unit to map my way and map books I was looking at didn't help show where I was and how to get to where I needed to be. Well I start walking through rooms where I slide doors into walls or up like garage doors the next thing I am walking through a pizza place and a large pizza box on a table with the top up and as I walk past there is a ex girlfriend sitting behind it and it shocks me awake.
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Postby Yamamaya » Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:00 pm

Atria35 (post: 1441334) wrote:I had a very strange musical dream last night. I had found two babies in my grandpa's grocery store (they had been left among the onions- one was black and one was white, and for some reason my grandpa was black, too). Then I watched them grow up, and one became Christian and the other didn't (this was interesting because first it was the black one that became religious and the white one didn't, but the dream rewound so it was the other way around). And then we were driving down a country road at night, and some electric wires snapped and ripped the car apart. We went flying over the edge of this ridge into a train yard, but the boys (now men) saved me, but were really injured and going to die if they didn't get help. I ran back into town to call the police, and when I came out I had to cross a railroad track to get back to them. That's when the singing and dancing came in- Lined up in rows were bunches of men with red-and-white striped poles with red lights at the ends. They all started dancing like in The Newsies, and I joined in, and the song was like "She got past you before and she'll do it again. So F*** you" to the tracks, a step forward, "f*** you", another step, "f*** you" another step, a train rushed by and I collapsed into tears while the guys ran away.

I think I know where the train thing came from, since a lot of people in my family have been killed by trains. And now I've moved to a town where a train track runs right through the middle of town.

That's absolutely hilarious. I especially loved the part where the guys all ran away as you fell down in tears and your grandfather randomely changing races.:lol:
That song made me lol as well.
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Postby Atria35 » Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:05 pm

Yamamaya (post: 1441356) wrote:That's absolutely hilarious. I especially loved the part where the guys all ran away as you fell down in tears and your grandfather randomely changing races.:lol:
That song made me lol as well.

It was one wacky dream! :lol: I have no idea where it came from, but it made my morning. And the song and dance at the tracks....I have very strange dreams...
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Postby klomp123 » Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:54 pm

I dreamt I was talking to my friend on the phone and I figured out it was a dream. I got so mad that my subconscious would try to replicate him and I screamed at him, "Your not real! GET THE HECK OUT OF MY DREAM!" And he was all, "Oh, sorry."
I then climbed out the window and proceeded to have a shopping cart race with Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji from One Piece.
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:56 pm

I had a dream that I went to pick up my car from the mechanic and the engine cost $4500 to fix.
Then I parked my car on the road somewhere, and went away to do something for a while, and then realised the whole area was flooding. I panicked and went to find my car, and it was actually parked on a slight slope, so it was a few metres from the water level. I wanted to move it to higher ground, but for some reason, the car was actually split in two... so I was wondering if I would have to push both halves up hill separately, and how many people I'd need to assist..... then I can't remember the rest, so maybe I woke up at that point.

These are actually all elements of the holiday I just came back from - car engine repairs, flooding, car splitting in two...
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Postby Beau Soir » Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:16 am

klomp123 (post: 1441484) wrote:I then climbed out the window and proceeded to have a shopping cart race with Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji from One Piece.
I want this dream.

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Postby Atria35 » Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:59 am

Warrior4Christ (post: 1441591) wrote:These are actually all elements of the holiday I just came back from - car engine repairs, flooding, car splitting in two...

I.... what? Your car split in two?!
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:56 am

Atria35 (post: 1441649) wrote:I.... what? Your car split in two?!

No, not my car in real life.... the stunt car at Warner Bros Movie World (theme park).
Everywhere like such as, and MOES.

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Postby Furen » Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:25 am

nice car, can it still move?
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:35 am

The front half with the driver could still move, but the back half had to be pushed.
Everywhere like such as, and MOES.

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Postby sailorsaturn » Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:08 am

I dreamed that Captain Piccard was griping at me because he didn't like that was I had arranged his living room.
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Postby FllMtl Novelist » Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:41 pm

I dreamed I could turn into any animal. I discovered this in the second-floor bathroom of our house (not as awkward as it sounds, honest--I just standing around in there, for some reason o.O), where I decided to transform into a moose, crash through the wall with a window facing outside, and stomp off the porch roof and into the yard. I crashed through some inexplicably sturdy fencing (our wire goat fence was instead made of wood, I think) and just kinda ran around. Then I talked to a few of my siblings, and later I transformed into a falcon (or a hawk, or eagle, or something) and flew away from some guy that was chasing me. He had no idea it was me, he was just chasing a bird around.

Eventually I changed back, revealed it was me, then woke up. o.o
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