What's your secret identity?

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What's your secret identity?

Postby Galant » Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:07 pm

This posted from a thread of mine on another website. If it's in the wrong place please move it, but I thought it was a good subject.


- What's your name?
- John.
- What's your real name, John?
- Pyro.

And with that Erik Magnus Lensherr, or should I say, Magneto, draws the troubled youth to the 'dark side'.

Why? Why did John feel so drawn by the suggestion that he was really Pyro - I mean, it's a bit cheesy isn't it, when you think about it? Even though we might not be able to explain it, why do we understand exactly what is going on, why can we empathise?

What draws us to watch movies about costume clad super-heroes with cheesy names? Why do millions read their comics religiously? Escapism? Maybe.

It doesn't just happen in comics though. You see it was only a week or so ago that I was no longer me. I had gone to visit friends, Xbox in hand, and for that night, the only name I had was Galant. As we played stupid, macho games, I was the one in grey running around with everyone else. When I managed to get the best of my friends (some of whom I had met only for the first time that night), the only thing they knew was that they had been hit by Galant. After several hours with rivalries and friendships more solidly understood, it was Galant they were congratulating, or cursing or occasionally ;) gloating over.

Galant wasn't the only one there though, there was also Magma Blue, Hero, Tringard and many others. Those names appearing not only on the screens, but also on the lips of those in front of the screens. Not one of us minded a bit. We didn't even feel weird, or cheesy, it actually felt quite good. Why? Why did it feel good? Why did I even have that name in the first place?

Some of you might be laughing right now, but even though the form is new, the practise isn't.

On this website you know me as CK, yet it's not just me, most others here aren't listed under their real name. In chatrooms across the net, and countries across the globe people are interacting under a name different than that on their brith certificate.

Beyond technology - what does your husband call you, or your wife? What about your friends? Nick-names have pained and empowered, the world over.

Why do we love to give ourselves secret identities? Why do we like to be known by a different persona?

Perhaps we want to get away from our boring lives, we want to escape into a world where we are something more than Andrew Smith, or Jane Johnson. Maybe.

I wonder though how many of us feel that our names, or what we think people identify with our names, are really us. Am I the guy you think you know, or is Galant more indicative of who I am? How close to me are you? What do you really know?

There's something good about chances to be somebody entirely new. To go somewhere where no-one knows you, where you can recreate yourself as whoever you want to be. If you have the guts. Technology has given many people that chance in a way far more accessible and managable than ever before, but I don't think it created the desire.

I think that maybe too many people have settled into roles and situations that they can do, but is not who they are? But if that's not them, who are they? What's more, what can they do about it?

John threw away what was sensible and right because Magneto suggested that Pyro was more who he was than John. It seems John, or Pyro, agreed. So many today are doing the same thing, just not quite as spectacularly. They remain John Smith and Rita Haworth most of the day and most of the week - but they are waiting for an opportunity to be something more, to open up the things within them that they know are there, but they never use. It leads to all sorts of results, many of which not that desireable or commendable. What else could they do?

In youth it is perhaps seen most easily - the feel that they are most themselves when they are with their friends, late at night, doing whatever, than when they are at home with the family. Why? If you asked, they might say that they feel restricted. Restricted by what?

Me, I sometimes feel restricted by the repetition of the week. Same schedule, same tasks day after day, and many of them I do just because have to, or because I'm supposed to. I get tired of living life because I'm supposed to. My job is fine, but it's not me, I can't do this everyday for the rest of my life, life is more than this. Living for the weekend? The weekend is never long enough, and more often than not, my weekends are identical. Vacations too, trips to new places, are breaths of fresh air - but always too short. Even church. Just going to services, being the nice choir-boy, the reliable Bible guy - I don't want to be just nice and regular. I want to be impressive. I want to excel. I don't particularly care if anyone else notices - I want to notice. Sometimes I just want to cut loose and unleash my secret identity. Make use of my secret gifts and abilities and find someone else beneath who I'm supposed to be; who everyone thinks I am.

I don't know though - leather jackets and shades in church, or long hair, don't cut it. I don't really want to fly like Superman or hold the power of a Jedi. There's something, some way, to live out there, I just wonder what it is.

What then of everyone else? I can't imagine I'm alone. What do we who are supposed to have it all together, offer to those outside? We can fix them up and offer them the solution to their big problems, but when they're fixed up and ready to go - then what?

For me, the odd jaunt to the climbing gym, a hike in the mountains, or a night a assassinating my friends on Halo suffices to give me my fix. Is that who I am? Am I Spider-man, Mountain-man, or Master Chief?

I know I'm more than that, and I'm pretty sure I'm more than you know me as. And if I know this, what about God? Who does He know me as? Perhaps He's the one person I can't fool.

And you - who are you?

God bless,

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Postby Kristal*Klear » Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:16 pm

Whoa.... I don't know if I can go into that much detail... not becasue I'm ashamed or anthhing... heh.. but that I don't think I'm Capababable!

But... there has always been somthing......... I'm not sure I can explain it... somthing that is almost in the very back of my mind... somthing pure....somthing like I want to be someone... someone who people recognize as 'someone' and not just another person on the street..... my secret personality... Well.. I don't really know! Maybe you could call me.... myesterious... or just confused! :)
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Postby Jaltus-bot » Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:24 pm

Sheherazade is who I am when I am alone in my room. E-------- is who I am when I am around my family or people who know me. I think that the name that I am called by people like my family creates some image for me of who I am to be to be. That is why they are largely the only ones who call me by a nickname, well, that and the fact that pixie never really caught on after I cut my hair.

The name that I go by affects how I see myself, and thus how I think and act. I stopped going by the nickname I had since before I was two when I got to college as a way independantly creating my own identity. It allowed me to start with a fresher idea of who I am, a less filled book in which to write out my identity. (I also lived away from home the first two years.) Sheherazade, as a Persian story-telling princess, draws out the side of me that likes poetry more. Shortened versions of the name don't have the same effect because they are not as formal. Kira is an identity I took over from Sunako. Kira, as me, is silly and friendly. The name is short and cute.
When I feel blue, I start breathing again.

Asdvadz hedut ullah! (W. Armenian, "May God bless you!")

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Postby Spirit_Wolf8356 » Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:51 pm

I'm glad someone asked this question. ^_^


The secret identity of myself, huh? That's a sort of hard, yet sort of easy question to go by. Around the CAA, I feel much more comfortable with myself than I do anywhere else, so Spirit_Wolf is an identity that I go by. You could call me that off line, and I would most likely respond to it just as easily as my real name.

I feel like I don't fit my real name. It's my name, but I dont' feel like I fit it. I am supposed to be that name, but I don't feel like I am. I feel like I'm someone else. Spirit_Wolf is now that name.

I used to, online, go by the name of Tami. It was a shortenend version of the name I used on Fanfiction.net. I've outgrown it. I'm not able to be Tami anymore, thought there is still someone who calls me that.

While I've been Spirit_Wolf, I've undergone many changes. The name has grown with the changes. It still fits. I feel more like Spirit_Wolf than I do Tami or my real name. The idea I have in my head of what Spirit_Wolf would look like, I guess what I look like in my head, is different, yet not entirely opposite of myself. Every other identity I have created for myself has changed drastically from my true appearance. Spirit_Wolf is a second skin I have fit into more comfortably than any other.

Since I don't feel like I fit my real name, I find myself fitting into other people's ideas of how I should be. I hesitate to express my opinion as myself, because my opinion is not always what people expect to hear from me. People have fit me into a neat little box, and I let them. Rarely, I do get out of my box, and I express my opinion, and I enjoy myself for those moments. In those moments, people's opinion's of me are not the same anymore. I know it, but I wouldn't change it.

I really look forward to when I'm brave enough, I guess, or just plain fed up enough with pretending to be someone I'm not, that I can fit into my real name and be Spirit_Wolf at the same time. A mending of the two identities, you could say.


There's my take on the whole secret identity thing. ^_^ A little insight to the inner workings of my mind.

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i think i read into this a little too much...

Postby ice122985 » Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:07 pm

I....like this topic.

Who am I?

I am Ice. Ice is who I've chosen to be.

I was named Daniel. Now it seems that "Daniel" is the Christian side of me. Not a Mr. Goody-Two Shoes; Daniel is the guy who is willing to sacrifice it all, do whatever it takes to whatever needs to be done.

So I guess Daniel is my full potential.

When I am...bad...when I do what is wrong...I am Danny, the Christian who is too weak to resist temptations.

Danny is the middleground that is my soul.

Then, there's...another person. He is Me, yet, he is evil. There is no name for him. He is evil. He is wrong. He is the sinful nature of my soul. He is a killer, a committer of iniquities.

This person is me at my lowest, most foul state.

I do have a secret identity....Tobias.

Tobias is Ice. Ice is the electronic version of Tobias. While Daniel was my given name, Tobias is my chosen name. And Tobias is all good. Daniel is willing to lay it all on the line...but he's ....boring. Tobias is exciting. He has style, he has class. He know's how to fight, but he also knows when. He can destroy, but he can also create. He is capable of singing. He is capable of ....art. He is the warrior poet. Tobias is the Rennaisance Man.

In short, Tobias is everything I am not.

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Postby Kaligraphic » Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:04 am

Many people feel more comfortable in the name they choose online. The name you were given at birth is a label placed upon you from outside; the name you choose for yourself can express your identity.

John was what other people had once thought to call him. It had no connection with who or what he was. Whether he was named by tradition, or by parental compromise, or entirely randomly, it was simply an external label.

Pyro was what he called himself - a name which reflected who and what he was. It was a name formed straight from his own self-image, and thus something that he could identify with. Pyro was his identity, John was simply his serial number.

My formal name is just that - formal. I have learned how to sign it in a very florid, fancy way, and I treat it as an identity that exists for a purpose. I have a gmail account as my first initial followed by my last name. It is a business account.

I use my formal name for business.

My online name came to me almost by accident, but I have grown to like it. I use it as my other gmail account. Kaligraphic is the name I use when I am comfortable. It is my casual name. I also use the shortened form Kali. Yes, that's the name of a Hindu goddess. That's not me. It's also the name of what is essentially the original Filipino martial art. (actually a bladed art, Escrima and Arnis are basically adaptations of it using just sticks) That's closer, but still not me. The name doesn't really have much in the way of personal meaning for me - it's just my name.

I might refer to a friend using a shortened form of their name - like "Hyru", or "Fizz". If I ever meet Hyru in person, I'll probably call him that to his face - and he'll probably call me Kali.

The name you choose for yourself will be more real that the name that's chosen for you.

My secret identity, though? Well, now, if I told you, it wouldn't be a secret, would it?
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Postby Ingemar » Fri Oct 01, 2004 7:38 am

Believe it or not, I am the real Michael Moore. Gun control? Socialism? Anti-war? That is all just a smoke screen. I am a liberal, but in the classical sense of the word--laissez-faire. You know that old adage "live and let live?" That is me to the Nth degree! I believe the state is a necessary bother that will only be around forever, but it is my opinion that as long as it is around, we should limit its power, because ultimately, it is a hindrance to individual freedom and property rights. Why do I like to act like a statist so-called voice of the proletariat? Mischief is fun, that's why.

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Postby Kkun » Fri Oct 01, 2004 7:41 am

I have a secret identity. aku_soku_zan is a much cooler version of him, the much more self-assured version, more confident, with a drier wit but is still able to see the bright side and speak encouragement or a kind word to the people who he meets in his online 'travels'. Though aku is what lies at the top while he is online, of course, the awkward little teenaged boy who's shy around girls and says the wrong thing at the wrong time is the one in control of aku, so perhaps the two aren't that much different.

Man, that was weird. That's how I look at this whole online thing, anyway. It's like having two personalities. I'm basically the same as I am online but online, I can be more of everything that I am in real life. If that makes any sense. Or, I just missed the entire point of the thread and wasted everyone's time! Hooray!
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Postby kaji » Fri Oct 01, 2004 9:39 am

I don’t really understand this…

I am the same person here that I am in my home.
The person I perceive my self to be may not necessarily be the same person that others perceive me to be, but that does not change who I am. I am no more and no less then the sum of all these perception, I am me.

I do not pretend to be someone I am not, nor do wish to be more or less then I am.

If I wanted to be an astronaut, I would go and do it. Or begin whatever is necessary to accomplish this. I could sit around and dream all day about who I want to be, or what I want to do, but it is all meaningless unless I do some thing about it. Wear your sunglasses in church. If that is really what you want to do, then you honestly believe it’s acceptable. And if you don’t want to take them off when asked, then you really don’t care about offending others. So don’t take them off. If that is really who you want to be, then be that person.

It drives me bonkers when people say, “I have to do this, I need to do thatâ€
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I remember that one fateful day when Coach took me aside. I knew what was coming. "You don't have to tell me," I said. "I'm off the team, aren't I?" "Well," said Coach, "you never were really ON the team. You made that uniform you're wearing out of rags and towels, and your helmet is a toy space helmet. You show up at practice and then either steal the ball and make us chase you to get it back, or you try to tackle people at inappropriate times." It was all true what he was saying. And yet, I thought something is brewing inside the head of this Coach. He sees something in me, some kind of raw talent that he can mold. But that's when I felt the handcuffs go on.
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Postby cbwing0 » Fri Oct 01, 2004 11:49 am

This is a very interesting question, although I tend to identify more with kaji's explanation than the concept of a "secret identity."

I have no problem telling people my real name; in fact, part of my name is also part of the online screen name that I use just about everywhere I go online. The nickname that I have had for as long as I can remember is Chris, which is just a shortened version of my full first name: Christopher.

I am proud of that name, because it was given to me by my parents, filled with meaning and with their love for me, their son. When I am on Skype, my name appears as Chris (even though my user name is cbwing0...because Skype is funny that way :P ). Some people refer to me a Chris, while others are more comfortable calling me "cb" or "cbwing." Any of those are fine with me.

Although there is definitely something lost in the translation (i.e. emotion, expression, experience) from live conversation to forum posts, I can honestly say that I act the same here as anywhere else. Of course this environment has its own set of rules, which does dictate to a certain extent what can and cannot be said. For instance, I wouldn't have a problem just saying, "this is stupid," in real life, but online, it is necessary to provide reasons and explanation for my opinions. I don't mind this, as it is a good exercise for the mind. I might also refrain from discussion the latest horror-movie gorefest, since there are a number of younger members that aren't used to dealing with that sort of thing.

Returning for a moment to my real name (and that is what I consider it to be), I should point out that it has additional meaning for me. "Christopher" means "Christ-bearer," so it is very appropriate for me, since I am a follower of Christ. Since my screen name preserves part of that, there isn't really the same distinction between real and online personae that might occur with a completely anonymous pseudonym.

I can understand the attraction of creating a new identity from an online. You can choose something that makes a statement about your interests, beliefs, or values, which can be useful when trying to connect to people who share your passions. In my opinion, the process of online alias generation is a two-way process. You choose a name with which you identify, which in turn shapes your personality as you try to match other's perceptions of that name. In many cases, this can carry over into the offline world. For this reason, you should be careful when choosing an online alias, and make an effort not to drift too far into harmful fantasy.

To conclude, I should say something about how I chose my screen name. It was actually an accident, as the name I wanted on AIM ("wing 0") was already taken. As a result, I taked on my initials, which were not taken. Over time, I found that it was convenient to use this name wherever I went, from hotmail, to YIM, and most recently Skype. The name is sufficiently unique that if you see someone named cbwing0 on another site, you can be reasonably certain that you are talking to the same person.

I don't really care what people call me. If you feel want to call me cb, that's fine. If Chris sounds better, then use that. If cbwing0 strikes your fancy, then who am I to object?
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Postby Kaligraphic » Fri Oct 01, 2004 2:08 pm

I don't treat names as separate personalities, as I do distinct roles. I use the old-fashioned abbreviation for my name, Wm, and associate the name with my "earth/destiny" role. That is, I associate it with the position I will hold on Earth. I use Kali (or Kaligraphic) online and as my "computer game" name, and I use Christ as my core identity. (Christ is not just Jesus - Jesus is the head, we are the body. It's an order, not a single person. Jesus is the christ as the head - like in Scottish clans, the head of the MacDonalds would be called the MacDonald. Christ means annointed, and refers to the union of the holy spirit with human flesh.)
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Postby Galant » Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:08 pm

Perhaps I should re-focus the question, I think the title was misleading. Not to say that your comments weren't insightful or good, but I'm curious as to hearing from you on a slightly different angle, and that is:

Many people do all kinds of things because they do not, in the end, feel they are being true to themselves, or that they feel they nede to do them to know/prove who they are. What do we as Christians have to say or offer regarding knowing oneself or coming to a sense of identity? Also, are we as Christians, true to ourselves, in what ways yes and what ways no?
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Postby Jaltus-bot » Fri Oct 01, 2004 4:35 pm

We are God’s creation and He loves us. The Bible pretty much covers the important points. Have a relationship with God helps us to know who we are and why we are here.
When I feel blue, I start breathing again.

Asdvadz hedut ullah! (W. Armenian, "May God bless you!")

It's cosplay, get used to it.

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Postby c-girl » Fri Oct 01, 2004 4:48 pm

>"<.. I'm c-girl! >^^< I'm a very goofy cat girl who likes tuna sandwiches! I also love to look up pretty anime pictures. I have thousands of anime pictures that i should post in the bishie theads. <.< >.> Yep... that's me...
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Postby Jaltus-bot » Fri Oct 01, 2004 5:04 pm

We fail whenever we don’t live up to who God made us to be. We struggle in learning who that is and sometimes in understanding who we ought to be and how that is to be reflected in what we do. We succeed in that we know we are God’s children, that He made us and that we have some idea of how we ought to live and try to act on it. Ignorance, pride, and maybe fear can keep us from being who we ought to be. Faith and understanding help us to be who we ought to be.
When I feel blue, I start breathing again.

Asdvadz hedut ullah! (W. Armenian, "May God bless you!")

It's cosplay, get used to it.

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Postby panegryst » Fri Oct 01, 2004 5:50 pm

I agree, Sheherazade. We fail in our duty if we fail to live up to our potential.

I wrote something about this issue in my Xanga a week or so back. Here it is, revised and updated:

How am I any different from the thousands of 'others' who watch TV, lurk on the internet and dream? What justifies my wasting time watching something like Rurouni Kenshin or Naruto, anyway? Isn't it foolish for me to pine after a situation or existence that never will be reality, and is pure fantasy? Am I not pretending to be someone I can never, ever be?

I used to ask myself those questions. But I have come up with an answer: I'll continue to watch and dream because I won't spend my whole life dreaming. Unlike those who watch and imagine they are heroes, but in reality are living in stasis, never budging from the seat or taking hold of or responsibility for their own lives, I will - no, I must - grasp hold of life. I won't take the easy way out. I can dream of being a hero because I am, even now, preparing myself physically and mentally to become one. I can be a hero. I have a plan, I have determination, I have talent, and, by the grace of almighty God, I can become the person I aspire to be.

I may not be able to match Spike Spiegel or Naruto's actions, circumstances, or abilities. I will never be a samurai, or a Konoha ninja. But I can match their ideals, their qualities - the things that really count. I watch stuff like Naruto not to get away, but to prepare myself for what I pray will come - a time of trial when I can shine; a time when I can put the gifts God has given me to their utmost use.

On the other hand, what if such a time never comes? What if I die, disappointingly, in a car crash or freak accident? If such is the case, I will meet my death with confidence in salvation through Christ and the satisfaction of knowing that I hadn't wasted my short life.

I might never be able to do the things I dream of, or be the person I pretend to be in video games and on the internet. But I'm gonna try my hardest.
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Postby Debitt » Fri Oct 01, 2004 6:07 pm

More often than not I feel I'm more Kokoro Daisuke than I am Kelly. When I'm Kokoro I can be around people who understand me and don't scorn me. Kokoro doesn't have to hide anything from anyone.

I live in a small, rather conservative community, where the people are rather close minded when presented with things like anime or manga. I've been called a devil worshipper, accused of being an occultist, and people tend to look at me like I'm immature because I watch "those cartoons." Sometimes my friends make me feel like I'm not a good enough Christian because of my love for anime. So...I've taken to hiding a lot of the aspects of my personality when I'm in public for fear of being scorned more than I already am.

Online I don't have to put up with that. I can be exactly who I am and talk to people who understand that being an otaku doesn't make me any more or any less of a Christian than anyone else.

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Postby LightUpTheDark » Fri Oct 01, 2004 9:49 pm

We can label ourselves as anything we want to because we as humans have free choice. I can be what I want to be is a common thought process in the world. But I think, that when a person has a true revelation of who Jesus is...they begin to learn who they are. Until that point, people walk around with a perception of what they are. Not who they are. As a creation made to have a relationship with our creator, we are not and can never be who we were designed to be until we have that relationship. A pot doesn't know what it is until they're finished. until we come to christ, we are never finished. Because a core essencial is missing. You wouldn't sculpt a bowl and leave a hole in the side of it, so how can we honsetly expect to know ourselves if we aren't complete? That completeness is only found in one place. The question is no longer ' who am I?' The question also isn't " what purpose am I here for?" Because "I" has nothing to do with it. Instead, I ask my self, " God, who are you?" and "God, what purpose did you appoint me for?" For we only exsist to bring glory to God. It's not about us.

And please don't misunderstand. I'm not arguing or disaggreeing with anything that's been written thus far. I'm merely stating how I see this. I can say I'm a revolutionary, but if that's not what God intended me to be, saying it isn't going to do any good...

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Postby Jaltus-bot » Sat Oct 02, 2004 3:44 am

In Eskimo are, the take a peice of soap stone and view it as something that has like a spirit with a form of something or something like that. The identity of the future carving exists, but the stone is not shaped to it until it is chipped and carved. It is physically the rock that it is and on another level the art it should be. The artist must remove all that is not of the true form of the stone to make it as it should be and then it is art. God knows how we ought to be formed. Do we let Him choose and act freely in that, or do we keep choosing even that which we very much are not?

What if we are like Eskimo soap stones but with free will and mental and spiritual componants to us and the choice to be carved? Our identity as children of God is offered to us, but would we recognize that as what our identity ought to be and would we be willing to let God (the artist) chip off that which is not of it? By letting by become the artist of our lives, we can change form, but we are still more and more transformed into the art we ought to be as God works in us. Our form may change at different times as God brings different things for us to do. Not all stones have the same form in there existance, but those that are carved are all art of the same artist. We are still a masterpeice in His hands and a rock apart from Him. The more we are then changed by Him, the more our outer expressions comes to match the identity that we are suited have.
When I feel blue, I start breathing again.

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Postby Scribs » Sat Oct 02, 2004 7:00 am

You know me as piloswine but i have also been called tito and rat-man and other things that are equaly as un secret, If I were to tell you my secret name it wouldnt be a secret any longer now would it?
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Postby Scribs » Sun Oct 03, 2004 6:27 pm

as I am the last person who posted i can oly assume you mean me. Yes I do indeed say random things at times. I am suprised that you have heard of me but at the same time somewhat flattered. By whick name did you here of me by, Piloswine, Tito, Rat-man, or My "secret name" ?
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Postby skynes » Mon Oct 04, 2004 1:50 am

I'm both Skynes and Scott, and both are the same person. I get called by both names interchangeably, in fact Skynes was originally a jumbled up mix of my first name and surname, it then got twisted some more into Skynes and the name has stuck. I use it everywhere, RPGs, Forums, the lot. No secret behind it, No extra personality traits, No strange twist. Skynes and Scott are the same.

However, there are 2 other distinct personalities within me, called Flesh and Spirit.

Spirit is holy and righteous and wishes to pursue God with everything I have, it seeks the best for everyone and every kind, loving and wise thing I say is under Spirit's influence.

Flesh is nasty, foul mouthed and bad tempered and wishes to see the death and destruction of everything around me and all the nasty horrible things I do are under it's influence.

(Makes me glad Flesh has been nailed to the cross, I could be ALOT worse otherwise)
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Postby Kai Nobuyuki » Mon Oct 04, 2004 4:46 am

There used to be so many personalities within me. Most of them now have become my imaginary friends when I don't have anyone to talk to. I will not go into there names unless you actually want to know.

I am Kris/Kai: who is shy yet full of life but likes to stay alone. who is a bundle of opposites put together in one personality. Kris is the "good girl" I guess you could say. the one who rarely gets angry who is devoted to her religion and her chruch and saving lost people.

then there is Kanna: she is foul mouthed, sick in the head, a pervert. Kanna to me is death and destruction. Always laughing when someone gets hurt, always laughing when I fall into temptation. Always telling me there is no god, no one can keep me safe but her. No one can save me but her.

I am happy that God has saved me from that side of me.
Our Generation is in a spiritual warfare between Believers and Satan.

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We are a loud and determined voice for Truth and Life in this culture of death. We stand on the truth of Jesus Christ whom all of our strength comes from. We stand for the protection of all human life from conception (fertilization) until natural death, with no exceptions, no compromise, and no apologies. We are fed up with the lies that MTV, Planned Parenthood and our government are pushing down our throats. We will no longer sit silently by as our generation is being systematically slaughtered through surgical and chemical abortion. This is OUR generation, these are OUR brothers and sisters and we commit to fighting for their lives. You will not silence our message, you will not mock our God, and you will stop killing our generation!

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Postby faithfulxninja » Fri Feb 25, 2005 8:18 pm

wow, deep. i guess i'm still not sure who i am. "faithful ninja" right now is just a simple statement of someone i long to be. completely faithful and strong person for Christ. my secret identity is hidden from even me but i believe i can find my true alter ego in God. i may never truly find all of me and my true name, but i can trust my life in God's hands and He will lead me straight.

i hope that all of you can find your secret identities too.

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Postby Maledicte » Fri Feb 25, 2005 8:41 pm

I am actually many: sister, daughter, brat, sweetheart, smarty-pants, dork, weirdo, nerd, extremely intelligent, completely clueless, sadistic, sarcastic, goofy, kind-hearted, patient, impatient, child of God, wonderful person, horrible person, many other oxymorons, etc., etc. I don't even think of myself as having a name anymore, let alone having a secret identity or alter-ego. I'm just.....me, I guess.

I don't have any one name I call myself. I can't pick one. that's why I have so many screennames :grin:
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Postby Kat Walker » Fri Feb 25, 2005 9:03 pm

My alter-ego is a high-flying no-nonsense air force lieutenant with her own F-16 and a faux-leather catsuit.

Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.

Colossians 3:14

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Postby Fsiphskilm » Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:02 pm

I unders
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Postby Kaori » Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:52 am

There is something appealing about being able to control every aspect of how you present yourself to others. Not only do you choose your screen name, avatar, and signature, but you can also choose whether or not to disclose things like your age, physical location, etc. In real life, you can't choose your face--and people do judge by appearance, age, and gender, even if they are not aware of doing so. That might be part of why people are so fond of creating online personas--once the physical element is removed, you can be judged primarily by your ideas and not by appearance at all.

Galant wrote:Also, are we as Christians, true to ourselves, in what ways yes and what ways no?

Doesn't that depend on the individual? Obviously, if a person is using the anonymity of the internet to get away with unscrupulous behavior, that is something to be concerned about. Likewise, if someone's personality is completely different online from in real life, I would be concerned that the person is either not able to be him- or herself in one of the situations or that there is a deliberate deception going on. (However, I would most likely be concerned for the person, and I would be extremely hesitant to come to the latter conclusion.)

At any rate, I am skeptical about how possible it is to change one's personality in different contexts. It seems to me that unless a person is being very deliberate about pretending to be some other person, their true personality will come through in some form or other. As for me, my online personality is more or less the same as my personality in real life.
Let others believe in the God who brings men to trial and judges them. I shall cling to the God who resurrects the dead.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sat Feb 26, 2005 2:33 am

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Postby LorentzForce » Sat Feb 26, 2005 7:22 am

I'm one of very few people out there who chose their own name, both offline and online. Lorentz is my name, and my real name, and probably one of select few Lorentz around the town.

Of course, for legal documents my Korean name is used, which most people wouldn't be able to pronounce, which is what this is all about.

I chose Lorentz after five years of thinking about what my name should be. Other Asians tend to quickly choose a name; James, David, John, etc, unless their actual names are easy to pronounce in English as well. Since my name was hard to pronounce, yet I wanted a name that was me, I waited. Lorentz was selected, and the rest is history.

On the net however, I'm still Lorentz. My interactivity with other people on the net has become a status where I'd like to stay quite annonymous, but enough so people can identify who I am other than my name. That's why there is not a single picture of me available on the net. Not one.

As long as I can do it, I'm going to stay behind that avatar of mine, and that's how I hope you'll see me as.
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