2004 ZSM Fall Reatreat

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2004 ZSM Fall Reatreat

Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Oct 17, 2004 6:48 pm

Hey people, i just got back from fall retreat. It rocked!

When he got there, he got to out hotel and then had a little intro service and stuff. Then hanged out around the hotel, ordered pizza and stuff.

Then we ice skated, and John (linskquest) kept falling all the time, and hung around the beach, ran into waves, hung around in a tiny whirlpool. It was so fun.

Saturday night was the best. On Saturday night, everyrone. I mean, EVERYONE received the Holy Spirit. It was so awesome. People were speaking in tongues! Other languages! God's Holy Language! Maybe you did not get that, GOD'S HOLY LANGUAGE. People were praying, and crying and stuff (I cried like a little baby, and tears came out nonstop. no shame!) And it was truely amazing. We prayed for hours nonstop, the band played music, and the atmosphere was like no other.

Acts 2:1-4
1And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

On the boardwalk, we decided to minister random people, so we decided to try to minister this man on the side, with a violin and a little bucket for money. Obviously a poor man. We tried to reach out for him but it turns out he was already a Christian! And not some fake one like you see everyday. A good Christian. It was so ironic. I also got to play some DDR! After a month of no DDR (my arcades got rid of them) I got to play again! Yay! We ate overpriced pizza and funnel cakes, drank overpriced sodas, it was so awesome.

It was so awesome! It was filled with God like, SO MUCH! MUST go again next year! This year was my second year, and it was so awesome.

No word, in any language, can describe truely how magnificent God is.
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Mr. SmartyPants
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Postby antefurem » Sun Oct 17, 2004 7:23 pm

That sounds awesome!

Coming back from a hiking trip (I guess it counts as my second fall retreat... :lol: ), I totally am on your drift.

Just being with nature can totally blow your mind when you think about how awesome God is.


Day 1: A hole in the clouds showed us just how many stars we could see... we pondered how many stars Abraham saw when he looked up at the skies!

Day 2: Shining Rock. Sun making beams on mountains through clouds. I can't find words to describe what we saw. :sweat:

Day 3: Our water source from Day 2 (a spring) turned into a big creek... which feeds into a major river!

Last Day: God lets us get off the mountain and take showers. ^__^

God is totally awesome!

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Serving Jesus Christ, the ultimate revolutionary.
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