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Postby Waterlillee » Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:24 pm

I just don't enjoy high school all that much T.T
I try to ignore many people there and just live up to God's way~
but sometimes it's so hard~

I don't know why, but I always seem to get hurt in my gym class >_<
Yesterday this boy head butted into my face T.T
and today someone kicked a ball into my face.....
maybe I am just careless?^^;;;
but all the same it is just plain embarrasing and painful >_<
and not only do I get physical pain but also emotional....

I really do not like people who talk behind others' backs...
I feel that if you need to say something, then say it in front of their face or just don't say anything..but today my sister was not in gym class with me (she takes gym with me) and while I was just sitting in my assigned spot~ these girls around me were talking about her ToT at first I was just so angry that I couldn't see anything~ but I thought it wasn't God's way to get mad, right? >_<;;; I don't know why~ I really want to live peacefully with everyone~ but I don't know why some people are just so evil in their ways T.T So I went to her and said "Oh, my sister you mean?" and then they were a bit shocked..... I could have said more..but I didn't want to start a brawl.....
Did I do right? I was really holding in my anger and sadness... I usually am really quiet and many think that I am just a reserved, or a "freaky" girl who never talks~ but when someone hurts my family or people I love~ I cannot take it....

I'm sorry it was so long >_< Thank you for reading this......

Life can be so tough. Sometimes tears are the only remedy for me. I don't know about anyone else, but for me, talking with someone usually helps^^ So if there is someone who is having a hard time coping with life, please don't hesitate to tell someone~
Always remember, there is God who loves you and there is at least one other person as well~
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Postby Doubleshadow » Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:31 pm

I think you handled it very well. You stood up for your sister and your ethics (no talking about people behind their backs) without insulting or berating anyone else. That's a good trick. People get the idea that the only way to handle things like that is to just take it, but it's important to stand up for what is right and to not let thosde emotions get all bottled up. It sounds to me like you did exactly what someone should do.
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Postby termyt » Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:34 pm

You did good. We are to love everyone, but peace is not possible. When you love someone, some times you just need to get in their faces. Of course, one must also know how to pick which fights one is going to fight. In this case, I think you did the right thing and did it very well.
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Postby Staci » Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:40 pm

I think you did well in confronting those who were talking about your kin. Theoretically, you can choose your friends but you cannot choose your family so taking care of them can mean a great deal. ^_^

Note: it is fine to be angry, sad, enraged, et cetera. Those are emotions that the Lord gave everyone and it is OKAY to feel them. However, you should not sin because someone made you feel that way. Long story short, feel yes, sin no.

Another note: my church is currently working in small groups on the topic of community, how to act in community, how to strengthen (or destory) community, so on and so forth. I must disagree with you on the part of ignoring people completely, if that is what you meant. The Bible teaches us that we should make all attempts necessary to repair and maintain relationships with those around us, Christian or not, for the sake of community. I understand that some people just are not going to change, and that's all right. As long as you have done your part that is all the Lord has ever wanted.

If your intentions are to simply slink by unnoticed, then that's fine and I apologize for the statement before this one. So please, I meant no offense and forgive me if I was incorrect in assuming this and that. (It's so hard to talk on the internet, yes? *laughs*)

I will add you in my prayers, Waterlillie, and I hope things start reversing for you.

By the way, I love your name; waterlillies and tiger lillies are my favorite flowers. *~_~*
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Postby Ssjjvash » Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:45 pm

I know what you mean, Waterlillee. For me, emotional pain in high school came almost every day. It's terribly hard to sit and listen when people are talking behind friends' and families' backs. I was listening to these people do that with one of my friends and my reaction was...well, worse than yours. I yelled at her and didn't handle it well at all. It even blew up in my face and I had to apologize to her later.
So, I think you handled yourself okay. There's this thing about forgiveness that I wish I had done back the early days of high school. Even though people have wronged you, you must forgive them. If you don't think you can, then ask God to help you. Pray for those people until love grows in your heart for them.

People who talk behind others' backs do so because they need to feel good about themselves. They are trying to ease the hurt in their lives, or maybe they just don't know any better, or have been taught to do so. You just can't judge either.

I know how tough it is, but I encourage you to stand strong and keep putting God first in your life.
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Postby soul alive » Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:50 pm

*gives Waterlillee a big hug* you sound like you need one.

you definately handled the situation well. it is never easy to listen to anyone deride anyone else, especially when the person being deridden is someone you care about.

and if you continue to get harrassed, don't be afraid to let someone in charge know about it.


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Postby Retten » Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:58 pm

*glomps Waterlillee* You handled it just fine! Sometimes you have to stick up for others . And you did just that! You were not mean or condemning to those ppl making fun of your sister. Even though you were really mad and could have said allot of bad things to them or started to talk about them behind their backs. You didn't, you went strait to the source and said you didn't agree with what they were doing I would say that is completely "Christian" I think God was actually quite happy with you :D Oh and don't be embarrassed by getting hit in the face. It happens to all of us and every time I play a sport involving a ball of any kind I get hit in the head about 50% of the time -_- It doesn't stop me from playing though! :thumb:

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Postby agasfas » Wed Dec 01, 2004 2:22 pm

I also think you handled it just fine. The sad truth is that kids can be so cruel. Growing up I was usually the one at the end of each joke. Around 8th grade I started to loose my hair b/c of alopeica. Alopecia is a auto-immune deficiency where you immune system attacks your hair fallicles. It comes and goes in cycles. I would loose some hair, then when that grew back more fell out in its place. I was always teased about having cancer and I always heard people talking behind my back; at times I would have someone still my hat in class. That really hurt and made me angry so many times. Sometimes I just wanted to haul off and punch them all in the face. I can protect myself and fight quite well, and if I wanted to I could, but I didn't. I knew it wasn't right. After high school it has grown back fully, but it can happen anytime. It's was really hard to deal with. I'm okay now, but due to that exerience I am afraid to go too long w/o my hat on; I just feel naked w/o it.

But listening to your story I believe you handled it just fine. You sometimes have to stand up and make sure others know you heard them. And you did right for sticking up for you sister. I'll pray for you and hopefully you will feel better soon.

*sorry for my randomness
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:06 pm

im always picked on at school too, because of my racial backround. In our religion class, we had to write had to write a parable over the break, and today, some kid was like "Some guy ordered chinese food from King's Chinese resturant" (it was in his parable)... and another kid read MY parable without my permission, and people were like "that sucked" becasue it was original and it wasn't some retold verison of another parable Jesus said.. like 99% of everyone elses homework. People get away with this becasuse our teacher is new and sorta lenient i guess, casue he's from Ethopia and people like to make in fun of him too.

i feel your pain jen, ill pray. And i guarantee you that everything will turn out all right ^^

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work, so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
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its the same verse i read today after my little incident, ill pray for ya
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Wed Dec 01, 2004 9:56 pm

Get angry but
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Postby Roy Mustang » Wed Dec 01, 2004 9:57 pm

I think you handle it well. I feel that there is a time that you have to stand up for yourself or someone, but do it with words and not with your fists.

I feel your pain. I was pick since day one in school. Just about ever prank was done on me or someone was calling me slow or dumb in school. I just look the other way, becaue it make me stronger as a person and when I became home school for high school. I was blad in a way that I didn't have to deal with it, untill I started to feel that I was lone and wish I was back in a real school.

Praying is the best thing and just remember that alot of people know what you have been through.

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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Wed Dec 01, 2004 10:24 pm

I know what you mean. I was picked on a high school all the time. Some of them were things thrown at me like rocks and stuff and other times people just taunted me. It was horrible. I guess it was because I wore glasses (instantly making me intellegent apparently) in truth I'm not heaps intellegent (dyslexia and all that) but I liked to read and write stories so that instantly made me a geek.

I got in several fights when people took things to far and I'm not strong but I could put up a good fight. I guess I was picked on because I was different. I didn't follow the crowd and although I wasn't often picked on for being a Christian (at a Christian school nonetheless) I was picked on because I thought differrently and because I was a pretty good student in terms of manners, attitude etc. I had some good friends but they didn't step in and help when I was being picked on or beaten up which hurt and I don't know why they did that but I've learnt to stick up for others who are getting picked on or beaten up with out getting beaten up myself. Praise God!

Don't let your emotions cloud your judgement. I know from personal experience that they get you nowhere and often lead to trouble (eg. if people went to far in taunting or throwing stuff at me I would sock them one or break up into tears (I'm too sensitive).

I guess what I'm trying to say is that life is often tough, and its not going to get easier. Everyone has trials in their lives and we can choose to grow as an experience and help others or become a morbid recluse. If we trust in God He will help us not only to Survive but Thrive in whatever happens.
Remember we live in a broken world that needs Grace. Live in the World, but not of the World.

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Postby Madeline » Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:33 pm

*hugs* Sounds like you're having a rough time. I know I wouldn't have handled it as well.

But it's okay to let people know when they've hurt you. It's good not to let yourself get out of hand, but it isn't wrong to tell people to their face that by talking about your sister they've really insulted you.

I'll pray for you and the people at your school. It's wonderful that you're trying to be a light and an encouragement to people although they injured you.
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Postby Waterlillee » Fri Dec 03, 2004 6:47 pm

Thank you everyone~! >_<
I was really worried because I wanted to live a Christian life but at the same time my emotions got to me^^;;
thank you all~

Life can be so tough. Sometimes tears are the only remedy for me. I don't know about anyone else, but for me, talking with someone usually helps^^ So if there is someone who is having a hard time coping with life, please don't hesitate to tell someone~
Always remember, there is God who loves you and there is at least one other person as well~
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