agasfas wrote: Or someone kissing another while outside of school. What business is it of theirs-- outside of school?
Hitokiri wrote:Actually, a christian school in my area has a rule where thier is to be no kissing between the opposite sex no matter how serious the relationship is cause God frowns upon kissing between minors. If so, they have a 3 day detention as well as a weeks lecture of that subject matter. ::rollseyes::
^^; My middle school was like that as well. My friend got called in to the principal's office and lectured because she was "spending too much time" with a guy whom she wasn't even pursuing a relationship with. Girls and boys were to be 1 foot apart at all times, and friendly hugs were strongly discouraged.
Uriah wrote:Lord.. I am yet to hear of a cool christian school. (Or a real one for that matter... That sounds more like a pharasee school...)
"He has a website! STONE HIM!!"
Kokoro Daisuke wrote:I feel that at this point schools, both public and private, are taking away too many of the responsibilities of a parent - health/sex ed, for example. My parents NEVER had a sex ed course when they were children - it was my grandparent's responsibility to teach them about it. In the same way, I believe that it's solely the parents job to monitor the activity that goes on while their children are on the internet.
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