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Postby FuzzyWuzzyBear » Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:07 pm

Ok... I have a big one for you all. I met this girl online because we both read the same manga series. We became pretty good friends. Today I decided to take a big step and sent her this e-mail on Christianity. this was her reply.

I can't sign this. And I'm not sorry. I am not Christian, and I think the other petition should not be overcome. Our world is being taken over by christians. But what about the other 2/3 of the world who get emails like this every day abd are tired of it? I know I am. Please don't send me any more forwards about religious petitions, or any about religion at all, unless it has to do with friendship.

From, Brittany.

I am trying now to witness to her, but it is very hard. we have never met in person and she is very quick to anger. could someone please help me!?
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Postby Doubleshadow » Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:28 pm

Try sending her E-Mails you wrote yourself rather than the forwards. The forwards maybe be interpreted as pushy Christian spam. Do you know if she is open to the Gospel at all? If not, you may have to hold out until you are shown an opportunity by the Holy Spirit.
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Postby CDLviking » Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:44 pm

Yeah, try to avoid forwards. If I see FW: in the subject, I usually don't even bother with it. I think the best way to witness to this person is just to show her that you can be a good friend, and to be open about your Christianity, but not pushy. Hopefully her attitude towards Christians will be softened by your a good friendship with one, finally allowing her heart to be reached.
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Postby Hitokiri » Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:55 pm

You're already at a disadvantage cause it's the internet. But I agree with what CDL and DoubleShaow said bout avoid fowards. The only fowards I read is frm my family and close, close frends. Operate on a mor epersonal level with her...displaying through yourself, Christ's love with your own words.

Don't be pusy though. I heard a story where a guy, who witnessed to his friend for 35 years, finally saved his friend who was on his death bed. It may be short and swet or a tired and long process but remain faithful an dpray about it.
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Postby Ashley » Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:55 pm

think the best way to witness to this person is just to show her that you can be a good friend, and to be open about your Christianity, but not pushy. Hopefully her attitude towards Christians will be softened by your a good friendship with one, finally allowing her heart to be reached.

Amen to that! I believe whole-heartedly that a life filled with the light of Christ won't need any help in witnessing. You won't need to worry about what to say or what to write, your friends and those God wants to come will come to YOU and ask what is it that makes you different; just sit back and let God take over. Be friends with her, be the best friend to her you can be, and let God handle her salvation. When the time comes, He will give you the words. And who knows? Maybe your job is only to soften her heart towards Christianity by showing her that not all Christians fit her pushy stereotype. Later on, God may work on her heart more, through others; you just never know. For now, I would just relax and be her friend. And of course, pray for her.
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Postby termyt » Sat Jan 22, 2005 9:41 am

Be a friend. Be a Christian. Don't be ashamed of the joy He brings you and be honest in what you do and say. God will do the rest. You don't need to seek the proper time or place or the right words to say. If you are open and honest and are not ashamed of our Lord, then you will witness in every conversation you have.

And don't send her spam. Use your own words. Many of those forwards are written in a way that angers non-believers. That is not an effective witness.
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Postby Jeikobu » Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:39 pm

I am in the same position, FuzzyWuzzy. I have a friend who when I met him online, was a Christian, but then he got sick of seeing people die, etc. and not seeing God do anything about it, and then he started getting absorbed in the lies of evolution, and now he proclaims himself to be a proud athiest. I have tried talking to him many times but with no success. But I still believe God can reach Him, whether through me or by other means. I keep him in prayer, and if the door is opened for me to talk to him about Christianity, I will walk through it. Hopefully he and many others will be saved. Only God knows, but we have to have faith and not give up. It may take a while but it can still happen.
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Postby GhostontheNet » Sun Jan 23, 2005 3:19 pm

Jeikobu wrote:I am in the same position, FuzzyWuzzy. I have a friend who when I met him online, was a Christian, but then he got sick of seeing people die, etc. and not seeing God do anything about it, and then he started getting absorbed in the lies of evolution, and now he proclaims himself to be a proud athiest. I have tried talking to him many times but with no success. But I still believe God can reach Him, whether through me or by other means. I keep him in prayer, and if the door is opened for me to talk to him about Christianity, I will walk through it. Hopefully he and many others will be saved. Only God knows, but we have to have faith and not give up. It may take a while but it can still happen.
You fair better than those I know, who don't really want to listen to me about Christianity. If I read you correctly he knows the fundamentals of our faith, but has apostasized from a combination of the problem of evil and belief that atheistic evolution as a better solution for the way the world is (there is no real reason for these things, it simply is). A few things I should note that the website A Christian Thinktank http://www.christian-thinktank.com/ deals with several objections of this kind, and is only one part of a much larger body of literature of the kind]The Problem of Pain[/B]. Also, sister site Theology Web http://www.theologyweb.com frequently has discussions on issues like this, and also allows atheists and others to give input (indeed, there are many Christians, atheists, and others at the forum). Giving a good testimonial is of course a good idea, but from your friends's point of view, absent of dealing with the reasons he no longer believes in God, will succeed in showing that you are a good-hearted follower of delusions and lies.
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Postby IZ&Trigun4life » Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:46 pm

I know how you feel, i too have an internet friend who is not in touch with God, she does have some faith, but not enough,and at one time she was very depressed and got into constant violent fights. I had a conversation with her one night about salvation and she said that shed rather try to live a "happy, fun life here on earth and didnt care about going to hell" im still trying to reach her about some things and i believe im finally getting to her. The first step was for her to trust me. Little by little i gradually tell her she shouldnt do this or that..and i belive she listens....or atleast I hope.. Just recently she told me she had quit practicing alchemy because she agreed with me when i told her that would endanger her life. Im praying every day for her soul and im hoping that one say she'll turn her life completely over to God, but for now...we just need time. My point is be patient with your friend, and if she worth being friends with..shell come around
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Postby Kat Walker » Mon Jan 24, 2005 6:24 pm

You know what, I had a bad experience like this once before.

I had recieved a piece of Christian-themed chain mail from one of my friends back during our "AOL newbie" years -- (this same friend, oddly enough, is now a self-proclaimed bisexual atheist witch, thanks to her new in-crowd) and I thought the letter (or poem, rather) was rather touching and inspirational as opposed to mere random spam, and that it might be a nice gesture to send it to a few people. Anyway I sent it to a few Christians I knew online, and without thinking also added a few strangers' emails from my friend's forward list, of course assuming that even if they weren't Christian they wouldn't be outrageously offended by that kind of thing. People are mature enough to delete spam they aren't interested in, right? Boy, was I wrong.

The next day I get a very bizarre reply from someone who could probably be described as one of those self-righteous fluffbunny wiccan types. I was... mildly reprimanded kind of the way FuzzyWuzzy was ("don't opress us with your jesus hate spam u stoopid X-tians!" -- not her exact words, but the obvious implication) and I suppose in what I can only assume was an attempt to add some OMG IM A HARDC0R3 W1TCH PH34R!!1! intimidation, was told that I "shouldn't be so hard" on satan, because "she" is just another form of the "goddess". Oh yeah, an expert theologian. And for good measure in an obvious attempt to offend me, provided me with a link to her yaoi fansite, complete with a guestbook filled to the brim with preteen girls writing homosexual cartoon erotica.

All in all, stupid and absurd. But I think I handled my reply gracefully, and got a bit of satisfaction from the fact that she seemed really annoyed that it didn't spark a flame war. She was apparently the type of fluff who needed to play the martyr to those evil oppressive xians to make her beliefs seem valid and/or superior.

You're always going to run into people like that (especially if you're young) so I suggest simply handling the situation with patient, gentle, and kind understanding. With people like that, the best course of action is deprogramming their preconvieved prejudices about this whole Christian thing through exhibiting the true character of God in your life. Even if they don't show any signs of budging right away, if they can't find any more excuses to be bitter and angry with Christians/religion then it's a step in the right direction for the Holy Spirit to take the lead.
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Postby Cracknut » Mon Jan 24, 2005 7:00 pm

Yes, yes do listen their advice. Remember it is your friendship that Christ will use for witnessing not an email message. Show her what a true Christian is all about.

NOTE: Don't use the name Fuzzy Wuzzy on her. She might think you have an unhealthy obsession with muppets. :sweat:
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