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Kinda a personal question

Postby MsShinobu » Fri Feb 04, 2005 5:27 pm

This is something I've been thinking about on and off for years and as I get older it is on my mind more and more and I'm kinda lost as to what to do. I'm trying to find more information about Christian nuns, I know that they exist, but aren't as many as Catholic nuns.

I'm just not sure where you could find more information about maybe devoting your life as a Christian nun. It's not something I really want to bring up with with my family, because it's embarrassing and the same goes for asking a Pastor at Church. This may not be the place to ask as well, but I'm just unsure of what to do or if this is even the right thing for me to consider doing with my life. Anyways, thank you for reading.
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Postby Syaoran » Fri Feb 04, 2005 5:32 pm

I know about Catholic nuns but not Christian nuns
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Postby Hitokiri » Fri Feb 04, 2005 6:09 pm

A family friend used to be and still kinda is a Christian monk. His wife was also a former Christian nun until she died a while back. I really have no information but he lived in a monistary for a good portion of his life but the guy is one of the wisest persons I know.

They exist but like I said, I have no clear info on it.
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Postby oro! » Fri Feb 04, 2005 6:36 pm

You mean protestant? I haven't heard of any, but maybe that's because I thought only Catholics had nuns and that sort of thing.
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Postby dragonshimmer » Fri Feb 04, 2005 7:14 pm

Actually, this is something I considered doing with my life as well. Seriously considered at that. It's somewhat refreshing to see that I'm not the only one.

I hope someone can answer your question. I should like to see what they come up with. I pray that you find your answers.
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Postby Arnobius » Fri Feb 04, 2005 7:38 pm

I've heard that Protestant nuns exist, but only second or third hand.

The closest thing I can think of is a men's order, called Taize, which is a fellowship of Catholic and Protestant monks, which I vaguely recall is devoted to ecumenism.

Of course, if you mean Eastern Orthodox, then yes they have their own religious orders of monks and nuns.

Oh, wait. Doing a Google just now came up with this site:
that professes to be an order of Evangelical (Protestant) nuns based out of Germany. I have no idea if this will be of use to you r not.
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Postby Technomancer » Fri Feb 04, 2005 8:26 pm

Aside from pointing out that Catholics are Christian, I have never heard of protestant monastic orders. There are any number of religious communities, but they lack the kind of organization that one assumes with a monastery or a convent. However, there are Orthodox monks and nuns.
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Postby MsShinobu » Fri Feb 04, 2005 10:13 pm

dragonshimmer I feel the same way as you, it's nice to see someone else is interested as well. I hope you are able to find support in the life you are interested in as well.

As for saying Catholics are Christians, the only problem with that is, if you express interest in dedicating your life as a nun, they ask you outright if you are a Catholic, this one website that I was looking at for info specifically stated that by filling out the form you promised you were a Roman Catholic. It makes me feel a little sad because it's like I'm unwanted because I'm a born Christian.

Then I find out that there are different kinds of Christians, depending on what Church you go to. There is alot more I need to learn, so it's partly why I've been trying to find information. When I was little I never thought of asking my parents what type of Church we went to, I always thought it was either you believed in God or you didn't. It's like I'm just trying to find out where I fit in, and I just keep having more and more of a feeling that I want to focus my life on my religion. However, I just don't know if this is something God plans for me or just something I want for myself.
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Postby oro! » Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:53 am

Well, just keep praying about it and if God wants you to become a nun, well then he'll answer with a yes and a way for you to become one.
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Postby soul alive » Sat Feb 05, 2005 9:52 am

if you feel that this is your calling, pray about it, look up verses in the Bible that deal with similar topics, and ask your or a pastor about it. even if you feel that the topic is embarrassing to discuss with family and pastor, if it is something that you may very well be doing for the rest of your life, it is very important, and they will want to help you make a decision.

also having done a quick google search, i came up with this website that might be helpful
and doing another quick search on the non-Catholic orders, i found the following:
Order of Saint Luke - The Order is Wesleyan and Lukan in its spirituality, Methodist in its origins, sacramental in its practice, and ecumenical in its outlook.
[]Sisters of the Love of God[/url] - Angelical
The Servants of God - Episcopal

i'm sure that there are others out there, try searching for monastic orders from your denomination, or for non-denominational ones.


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Postby ashfire » Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:21 pm

Are Quakers something like that. I have heard of a group that is slowly dieing out that lived in a group type center where men and women lived and had no children, had to eat at separate tables and make furniture.
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Postby Arnobius » Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:44 pm

ashfire wrote:Are Quakers something like that. I have heard of a group that is slowly dieing out that lived in a group type center where men and women lived and had no children, had to eat at separate tables and make furniture.

No, actually that's a different group called the Shakers. They got the name (I don't know what they call themselves) because of their rather active dancing.

IIRC, the hymn "Lord of the Dance" was a SHaker hymn.

MsShinobu wrote:As for saying Catholics are Christians, the only problem with that is, if you express interest in dedicating your life as a nun, they ask you outright if you are a Catholic, this one website that I was looking at for info specifically stated that by filling out the form you promised you were a Roman Catholic. It makes me feel a little sad because it's like I'm unwanted because I'm a born Christian.

I think it's more along the line of shared values. I mean, let's face it. Catholics and Protestants *are* divided on many issues. Would you feel comfortable living in a community (and religious life *is* communal) where the other members had different beliefs than you on the meaning of Church or the Eucharist, or Grace and Sacraments? Especially if you thought they were wrong?

It's not just a matter of picking an order and signing up. There's a period of living in the community to see if it's right for you and to see if you are right for it. Some people join for the wrong reasons, or don't fit into the community life well, so the religious order needs to be sure that God has called that person.

I think you would be best served by looking for an order that best shared your values as a Christian and going from there. If you can't find a way that is open to you and you really believe God is calling you to this way of life, the only advice I can think of is to pray that God opens a door for you and may give you the grace to do what you need to do to enter it.
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Postby MsShinobu » Sat Feb 05, 2005 6:54 pm

Yes that's exactly what I'm doing, basically praying and waiting. Thanks very much for the replies. I've found some information and people i can contact more about this at It's geared towards Catholics but they give information to anyone whos interested. So right now I sent them an email and if it's meant to be it will happen.

Thank you
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Postby MsShinobu » Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:18 am

I apologize for the douple posting, however I wanted to bump this topic in case there were other people who were interested in this.

I found some more information over the past few days and I'm really excited. Using this page:

you can find a list of various convents where you can call and get more information.

I'm going to call one on Monday, I tell you I feel very nervous but also very excited. I've felt so happy today but at the same time I'm scared to call because I have a fear that they will answer the phone and ask me if I'm crazy or tell me I have no business calling them or something. I just have this fear that I won't be good enough or something.

Well I hope this information helps someone here. I haven't told my family yet, I'm just waiting to see if I have any chance of this happening, then I'll most likely bring it up with them. I'm so thankful for this place, I would have exploded had I not had somewhere to talk about this.
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