Hitokiri wrote:However, does God favor them and as Christians who are in war, is it lawful for us, who try to live the Christian life, to kill our enemies?
Hitokiri wrote:However, God has told us to follow our government cause it is the establishment of God's rule of Earth.
Hitokiri wrote:Now...to the point I'm trying to make. Would yo ukill someone? You don't know if you would until the incident actually happens but you can, based on your morals and your values, can make a smart guess. I don't thik a Christian would kill someone fo rthier own gain or just to get a kick out of it. However, and I for one agree, that if any of my family, friends, or loved ones would be threatened with thier life, I now for sure I would kill whoever is threatning them with thier life. Is that justified by saving those whomI loved or am I just as bad as the gun who treatened to kill one of my loved ones? Is it right? Even though it is for good.
Shinja wrote:i look at king david, he was called a man after Gods own heart. he was also know for slaying his tens of thousands. but it wasnt untill he murdered uria that the Lord told him he had blood on his hands and would not allow him to build the temple. i think more than anything else this shows the distiction between the two.
uc pseudonym wrote:In practice this will at times result in death, but I would gladly lay down my life for another.
VioletEyedCat wrote:One of my Bible teachers taught that there is a point of no return- a time in a sinners life where it is determined that he will not be saved.
Kokoro Daisuke wrote: I think not doing anything would definitely be just as bad.
Hitokiri wrote:To me, knowing you allowed one of your most closest loved ones die without you attempting to save them is more worse torture than killing somone. I would think that pain would be more severe.
Shinja wrote:this is true, yet you should realize a sword is a weapon made to kill, it serves no other purpose, you dont play with it, you dont hunt with it, there is no "sporting sword". "2 is enough" doesnt mean that God didnt want his disciples to protect themselves, even up to and includeing lethal force. also he clearly says in the first part of luke 22:36 to not only arm your selves for protection, but sell you cloak to do so, if you must. meaning its not only nessecry but importantly so.
VioletEyedCat wrote:Unfortunately, the situation is not always one in which a Christian can lay down his life to prevent those unsaved from dying.
true_noir_chloe wrote:God always works with "intent." What is the intent of the heart. Was your intent against a brother? Was your intent to do harm for no other reason than your enjoyment? Always look at the intent of the heart, because this is what God has always worked with. Such as, when David and his men ate of the offerings in the temple. Why was it not counted against him? Because God saw the intent of his heart, which meant not evil or disrespect to His God.
UC wrote:I agree with a fair amount of what you said, but I wouldn't be comfortable stating what I just quoted. By that logic, homosexuality is justified.
Dude, there are so many more things you can do, shoot them in the shoulder, push them out the window, why does everyone always resort to the Fatal Shot.
Volt wrote:Why Kill when you can K.O. them.
I just can't image you, chibi_chan, doing something like strangling someone. Maybe jumping up and doing a backflip and KOing them (like in tekken :grin
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