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Your own little universe...

Postby kodachrome64 » Sun Apr 17, 2005 12:52 pm

Noting some of the comments from the last thread I posted, I wanted to know if some of you have your own little "universe" that balances out your introversion? The people who aren't outgoing tend to rely on escapism and life can be hard to get through if they don't have any "imagination."

I am totally functional in reality and I get along with people, but I need to have a little imagination just so that I won't go crazy. I imagine things when I go out that remind me of myself and my activities. Sort of my shifting my own thoughts to myself as the world progresses. It's almost like daydreaming, but with seeing things a little differently from the perspective of an anime fan, computer geek, artist\photographer, etc.

It is very hard to explain really, but us introverts have our own little world that we need to have in order to recharge our batteries. :)
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sun Apr 17, 2005 1:12 pm

I often struggle with 'taming' my overactive imagination and reigning in my habit of daydreaming. Between being an introvert and an artist, my mind is often brimming over with storylines, characters and thoughts. I'm just always so worried about wasting my time in the real world if I indulge my imagination. I mean, it doesn't exist to anyone aside from myself, so does it really count? I seriously hope that I never lose sight of reality, I think if I wasn't a Christian, I would probably let my imagination take over. I'm just grateful that my relationship with God keeps me grounded, though I can't really explain why..

I'm also really grateful for my drawing ability, it allows me to get all these crazy ideas out on paper and actually share them with others ^_^
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sun Apr 17, 2005 1:21 pm

It's easier to deal with reality from time to time if you have a way of escaping every once in awhile. :)
As far as I go I like to get lost in my daydreams and thoughts,sometimes I get so caught up in what I'm thinking that I have to stop what I'm doing and
wait for reality to catch up with me.
Mostly I use my reading and writing as an escape.
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Postby Debitt » Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:20 pm

xD I enjoy living in my own little world *points to location*. They know me there. :)

But seriously, being an introvert, a writer, and an artist to boot, I've got a nice little world in my head that I tend to retreat into, populated with many a story/RPG character of mine whom I converse with on a regular basis. That's not to say that I can't function in reality, because even though some of my people skills might not be as good as an extroverted person, I still get on fine. It's just nice to have a place in your imagination that you can go to once in a while, if you know what I mean.

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Postby Syaoran » Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:35 pm

When I work on wood I go into my own little world and when that happens I can't hear any on how trys to speek to me. other words try not to speek to me untill I am finished my work. you won't get a response from me.
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Postby AngelSakura » Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:41 pm

Mine is more like my own alternate reality. I have what seems to be some sort of natural tendancy to turn everything into an RPG, and thus, a lot of my reality gets twisted and introduced into my alternate world. More often than not, any fanfiction I write will include me. However, I rather think that I might go insane if I didn't retreat into the world I've created for myself.
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Postby Photosoph » Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:42 pm

I often struggle with 'taming' my overactive imagination and reigning in my habit of daydreaming. Between being an introvert and an artist, my mind is often brimming over with storylines, characters and thoughts. I'm just always so worried about wasting my time in the real world if I indulge my imagination. I mean, it doesn't exist to anyone aside from myself, so does it really count? I seriously hope that I never lose sight of reality, I think if I wasn't a Christian, I would probably let my imagination take over. I'm just grateful that my relationship with God keeps me grounded, though I can't really explain why..

I'm also really grateful for my drawing ability, it allows me to get all these crazy ideas out on paper and actually share them with others ^_^

I'm so glad to find that there are other people out there like me. I keep coming up with more and more story/world/character ideas. In fact I have to keep writing them down so I don't forget them the moment a new one comes up. Except I use writing more to get my ideas out, since I'm still learning to draw people well and so if I tried to get my ideas out that way it wouldn't flow as well as it would if I used pen and paper (or in this day and age, MS Word and keyboard).
Yeah, I have a world I can escape into. The weird thing is, if I spend too long 'in there' its almost like my imagination gets 'stuck'; I can't think of anything interesting to happen next. Thats when I generally switch to another place/time/world etc. to try and find something interesting to imagine next. But in one case it really freaked me out how much time I was spending in my imagination, so I had to stop. It was at a time when I was feeling lonely, bored, frustrated etc because of things going on in my life. It's not as bad when I've more things to occupy my attention. I guess that's another way of escapism people have: some get into sports, some imagination, some books and videos etc, others into work, and so many more things. I guess we're trying to keep our minds off the fact that we're living in an imperfect world that we can't fix. Maybe that's why God helps to keep me more grounded in reality than in my imagination: because when we come back to an imperfect reality with pain we know that one day things will be different; that we won't struggle with pain and that God will "wipe away every tear". So perhaps, though our reality is still hard and we still use escapism, it makes reality a little more bearable.
Generally, though I spend some time in my imagination, I guess I occupy myself more with writing, imagining possible plot ideas in brief, as well as characters, etc; school work, computer... those sort of things. Oh, and drawing the occassional odd created creature that only exists in my head. @_@ ^_^

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:46 pm

i have my little world at times as well
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Postby Syaoran » Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:46 pm

My world no one is aloud to enter. just kiding. Ya some times it is best to retreat to your own world to relax and think about what you sould be doing and try to work out your problems.
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Sun Apr 17, 2005 6:33 pm

wow its nice to know I'm not the only one making up daydreams in my head like this. yes, I do have a fun little alternate universe, but its not like I reject reality or anything. Its just interesting to make up little situations in my head and play them out. They're usually actiony or fantasyish ^^;

and I'm alot like you it seems angel... I have alternate reality daydreamish things of something unordinary happening in a normal situation ^^; fun stuff
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Postby Cedahlia » Sun Apr 17, 2005 6:51 pm

If I finish a test, or I'm in a waiting room, or if I can't get to sleep I go into my own little world. I can completely block everything else out, and I imagine storylines or role-play plots in my head. I can picture every single detail. ^^; And that is why I am never bored!!
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:09 pm

[quote="Cedahlia"]If I finish a test, or I'm in a waiting room, or if I can't get to sleep I go into my own little world. I can completely block everything else out, and I imagine storylines or role-play plots in my head. I can picture every single detail. ^^]

That's so true! One of the definite perks to being a daydreamer; it's like having a movietheater/library/tv thingy in your mind, except better :jump:
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:10 pm

I can't picture every detail... but I can't always do it when I'm not by myself. Like if I'm at the dentist's and they're working on my mouth I have a hard time making up little stories... although the dentists office doesnt offer much inspiration in the first place... =_=;;
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Postby kryptech » Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:15 pm

" wrote:I'm just always so worried about wasting my time in the real world if I indulge my imagination. I mean, it doesn't exist to anyone aside from myself, so does it really count?

If the things you imagine can benefit others, I think they are worth sharing and *do* count. Imagination is a powerful thing, and a gift from God. I believe it is important to use it to do good, including inspiring others.
" wrote:I'm also really grateful for my drawing ability, it allows me to get all these crazy ideas out on paper and actually share them with others ^_^

I just hate it when this image I can see so clearly in my mind refuses to work its way out through my pencil (or mouse)... But yes, it is so cool when one can take something that existed only as thought and make it something that can be seen and experienced by others.

In the past year I have it more and more that stories and pictures come to my mind. I'll just be driving along and *wham* I get this image in my mind that I suddenly want to draw. Or for a few days I'll be totally into these bunch of characters I've dreamed up in a certain story setting. I'll stand in front of the mirror and with great flourish whip out my imaginary sword from its sheath on my back and visualize my black trenchcoat fluttering in the icy wind.

I do write down some of my ideas but I miss discussing them with people. My family gets a bit tired of my blabbering on and one can't bring up and discuss these kind of things with just anyone. Some people think you're weird and others just aren't interested or won't take it seriously. But it is no good to leave imagination all locked inside - write it down or tell someone! Hey, maybe after we're dead and gone someone will publish all that cool stuff we scribbled down!
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Postby Hephzibah » Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:16 pm

I used to be the biggest day-dreamer. But it wasn't pleasant. I would prefer to spend time thinking than interacting with other people, or even spending time with God. It was a real problem in my life for years and years, but God set me free of it. Now, I rarely 'enter my own little world', except when I am thinking for ideas of a webmanga, or just thinking about how the day is going, etc.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:21 pm

[quote="Kawaiikneko"]although the dentists office doesnt offer much inspiration in the first place... =_=]

Hmm...mebbe I'm very odd, but when I was younger, I probably would've started imagining myself as a warrior jungle princess of somesort who had been captured by the baddies. I'd be planning my daring escape by dragonback and refusing to succumb to their evil torture tactics.

Yup, I was an odd one :sweat:
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:26 pm

I can't really daydream when I'm talking to people ^^; sooo its really only by myself, especially when I'm about to fall asleep. I love having good dreams too! I haven't had a nightmare in the longest time I can remember either O.o;; Of course, my dreams can be strange, like being in a room of corpses and not caring at all >.> I'm a strange person in my dreams I guess... kinda freaky
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Postby DancingKana » Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:32 pm

[quote="Photosoph"]Yeah, I have a world I can escape into. The weird thing is, if I spend too long 'in there' its almost like my imagination gets 'stuck']
You have no idea just how much I know what you're talking about! I do the exact same thing. I have one place where I spend most of my day-dreaming in, but if I get stuck, I have several times in that place where I can go. But, like you, at times I'm suprised to find a bunch of my time gone, and I have to force myself to do something besides sit there and think. :sweat: I don't think retreating into your imagination is a bad thing, as long as we budget our time. For me, it's just like deciding not to watch too much tv. :lol: Man. Well, it's good to know I'm not alone.
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Postby kryptech » Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:33 pm

[quote="Kawaiikneko"]Like if I'm at the dentist's and they're working on my mouth I have a hard time making up little stories... although the dentists office doesnt offer much inspiration in the first place... =_=]
Makes me think back to giving blood donations... I was lying there on the cot staring up at the lights, with this tube stuck in my arm. So I imagined that I was being assimilated by the Borg. I had some pretty interesting mental images happening but ya, not very good for relaxing! An active mind can conjure up really creepy stuff just as fast (or faster) than other more cheery content... :evil:
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:52 pm

Talame totally expressed what I have always been afraid of, the idea of essentially losing myself in my imagination. But kryptech also made some excellent points. Like alot of things in life, imagination is beneficial when it's used in moderation. The key is to not let it take priority of one's relationship with God, or relationships with other people. It shouldn't be controlling you. I love the idea of actually using my creations to inspire others, I should definitely be making that my goal in life.

Overall, I wouldn't want to give up my overactive imagination. I couldn't imagine simply existing in this world, it's nice, having a crazy imagination that can put a new spin on even the most mundane things :)
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Postby holysoldier5000 » Sun Apr 17, 2005 8:17 pm

Trying to look at the world from other peoples prospective is one of my greatest tools in Evangelizing. If I can walk I can step out of my world and into the other person’s shoes, I can began to understand why they think they way the do, try to relate to them in a personal manner, and try to help them understand the gospel by putting it terms that would make since to them.
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Postby kodachrome64 » Sun Apr 17, 2005 10:32 pm

Talame wrote:I used to be the biggest day-dreamer. But it wasn't pleasant. I would prefer to spend time thinking than interacting with other people, or even spending time with God. It was a real problem in my life for years and years, but God set me free of it. Now, I rarely 'enter my own little world', except when I am thinking for ideas of a webmanga, or just thinking about how the day is going, etc.

Having things set in moderation is definately a healthy way of living life. To be optimistic and having dreams to look forward to are things that only come up from what we learn in our made-up "worlds". Like kryptech said, imagination is a gift from God and we need to use it to expand our creativity to help the world outside.

Though, you definately raised a good cautionary point. It's good to get out of our fantasy worlds and live our lives in reality as one can't be cooped up in our own thoughts all day. Life is out there for us to discover and we can't learn anything about it if it's always stuck in our heads. "Seize the day" like it is always said. But it doesn't hurt to sort of "know ourselves" and to learn what we can do from a source within.

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Postby Photosoph » Sun Apr 17, 2005 11:18 pm

[quote="DancingKana"]I can't really daydream when I'm talking to people ^^]
Dreams, my friend, are the craziest things. *shakes head* I suppose it's all metaphorical or something, so corpses could represent... hmm... um... people you felt you've known only who have kind of gone on a different path in life to you, and you can still contact them but you don't have the same level of closeness so they're sort of... dead to you? That's just a random thought.
One thing I've found is that sometimes what I imagine before I sleep is what I end up dreaming about. Weird huh?

I also agree with Talame. I may be able to understand in part what it's like to get stuck in one's imagination, though I doubt I could fully understand. I was going through a hard patch and spent so much time in there that I had fully developed this world; but in spending so much time there I almost started to doubt reality. That was scary. I'm still able to spend times in my imagination, but I don't like to do it for long periods of time in case I'm drawn back. Somehow just thinking up things -ideas for funny scenes, basic ideas for worlds e.g where up is down, down is up, left is right, right is left, don't seem to give me trouble. It's more like if I watch an anime or involving cartoon series, and build my own little world off the characters, events, places etc. That's why I can't seem to handle involving cartoons, books, anime. If I watch/read/view it then imagine I'm somewhere in it, it's just too much. Especially if I keep watching the series and there are plot/character/whatever revelations that leave me on a hanging ending. So, as said, I try to keep to more light-hearted things.

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
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Postby kryptech » Mon Apr 18, 2005 5:50 am

Ooo, I *luv* talking about dreams! I guess they are a time for your imagination to go crazy wild while the logic part of your brain rests. I've written down some of the more interesting dreams I've had and I've spent a fair bit of time talking to my best friend about dreams in general and particular.

Yes, thinking or doing something just before going to sleep can definately influence what dreams you have. I remember playing Descent 1 (or 2?) before bed and dreaming all night about flying through darkened tunnels while shooting robots. Or if I worry about a meeting the next day, I may dream that I am at that meeting.

I guess I'm not to the point where I could get stuck in imagination. I admit that sometimes my desire to capture my thoughts has led me to spend inordinate amounts of time drawing or writing when I should be doing other things... But that's about the extent of it. Some of y'all must have a much more powerful imagination than I do, I guess. (I'm kinda jealous!)
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Postby Dante » Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:14 am

Hey wait, CAA is my own little world :P. Actually whats really fun is when you merge imagination with reallity. I can be talking to someone while drawing white chalk lines in 3D space over their head. Great for making equations or other stuff, but I like to daydream, its one of the best things to do instead of homework and parents can't pull the plug :D. By the way has anyone tried expanding their range of sight in their imagination. Try the following put a simple but long math problem in your head when your eyes are closed, white chalk works the best. Then try to right out the equation and make it larger and larger. Why is it that we can only keep so many images of numbers in our head for calculation, and why is it that it starts on the left hand side of where your vision would normally begin and ends where it would normally end. Why can't we have an infinitely large blackboard in our minds?!
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:18 am

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I'm leaving CAA perminantly. i've wanted to do this for a long time but I've never gathered the courage to let go.
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Postby Aka-chan » Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:45 am

Photosoph wrote:I'm so glad to find that there are other people out there like me. I keep coming up with more and more story/world/character ideas. In fact I have to keep writing them down so I don't forget them the moment a new one comes up.

Exactly! I feel that way too!
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Postby Kenshin17 » Mon Apr 18, 2005 12:34 pm

I don't have trouble dealing with reality, but I love creating stories.

I have my own universe that is like a compelation of all the stuff I like form anime, scifi, and just about any story/movie that catches my interest. Of course being the anime fan I am it relies on that for 98% of its insperation. I even created my own species of non-humans (I read many Star Wars novels) Natural born warriros. Its fun to do and I think I use up more time then I should pacing my back yard writing stories and coming up with tech specs for there armor, mecha, and weapons.

Right now I am on a Republic Commando high so I am rewriting Star Wars to include my special species. Its loads of fun ;)
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Postby Bunny » Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:16 pm

I'm not sure I would qualify as an introvert. I can be really outgoing depending on my mood and who I'm around. I kind of tend to take whatever role is missing. (Like if I'm in a group of quiet people, I'll take charge and initiate conversations and all.) But generally I shift into my day-dreaming mode in two situations- when I'm really active or when I'm really bored.

I create entire worlds and settings and fill them with interesting people. I wish so badly that I was a better artist because I would love to show people what I see. Luckily I can write...sometimes. It's just frustrating beyond description when something doesn't come out just right and the imagery is all wrong. I always have that problem. I love making characters, though! I've been on stage for most of my life so it's really easy for me to step into a character and bring them to life.

Still, sometimes I think my imagination came at a high price. I've been told that only a very small percentage of people actually dream in color but I certainly do. I have very vivid dreams...and nightmares. Some nights I have nightmares so terrible that I wouldn't describe them to Hitler. Other times my dreams are just so active that I don't rest well and I wind up tired the next day. >.< Very annoying.
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:08 pm

Oh I know what you mean about wanting to share your thoughts! I soooo desperately wish I was better at drawing and writing so I could share this world I have stored in my head with other people. I can write and draw to an extent, and I'm trying to improve these skills, but I just wish I could convey these images to people.

as for dreams... I think I dream in color O.o;; I can't remember. But I'm pretty sure I do, because sometimes I can't remember whether something happened in reality or if it was a dream I had. Sometimes my dreams are realistic, but lots of times they just run on randomly switching subjects and characters. Lots of times its like I'm watching a movie, other times its like I'm roleplaying. and then again I'm sometimes the person, but I'm rarely just me. I've been a guy, animals, you name it ^^; and often I switch which person I am in the middle of the dream. Of course it doesn't seem weird at the time though.
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