Volt wrote:The Past 2 months I haven't been myself. I don't feel like I am who I'm suppose to be.
I've been under so much stress, so many problems, as soon as I fix one, 3 more take it's place. And I've let that turn me into a really nasty christian.
I'm always so negative, I hate everything, And Lately I've lost the will to live. I've been having sharp pain in my lower right abdonim, for 2 days now. I've decided that I really don't care what happens, I refuse to get to a hospital, I'm willing to throw it all away, let it all go, everything I've worked for, Becuase it doesn't amount to much anyway.
[indent]I'm failing Classes, I'm wasting so much money, and my Parents are working themselves to death, I feel like I'm too much of a burden, and if I do get past these next set of classes, many others, more difficult, await me. I'm not going to make it. And If I quit College that means I go back home. I'd honestly rather just leave this earth than go back home to an emotionally abusive father. I love my mom and little brother, but the worth of my life is finally shining through. Me staying Alive and fighting and trying to accomplish something, is of very little worth. I've known this the whole time but... I've been in denile about it.[/indent]
And Don't try to feed me one of those "you have so much to live for" speaches. Success is something I've never had, I've always looked at, but in my life success is like a boat leaving the harbor, when It was leaving, I wasn't allowed on, and All this time I've stared and watched it float further away from me. Just now realizing how bad things are:
- I've been at Full Sail for 9 months now, and I've only passed 2months worth of classes (told ya)
- My rent is $600.00 and something a month, I can't keep sucking up money like this, sooner or later I'll have to tell my parents that I can't do this, Already, Everytime I call them I have the burden of telling them I failed a Class, or Need more money. I'm a person that feels very uncomfortable asking others for things.
- I have to ride my bike 3.5 miles to get to school everyday, then 3.5 miles back. Summer in Florida is hell on earth, 100 degree weather, Random Thunderstorms... I'm stuck in my current apartment until Sept, I'm bound by the lease. So I've got months of hell awaiting me as well.
[indent]If I go back home... I don't want to work at my old job for $5.25 an hour, I do so much work and yet Haven't gotten a raise in a year. (The conditions state that employees get 2 raises per year), so I get to work myself into a sweat while watching other employees sit around and get payed $9/hour. None of that was an exageration. I've gotten a 10 cent raise since I started working there, 1 year and 1/2 later, I get a "whopping" 10 cent raise. That's really heartbreaking.[/indent]
My Christianity... I feel like I'm growing distant from God, Every day slowly, like I'm being washed away. I'm becoming more and more negative and more hypocritical. I'm shocked to find me asking myself this question but, If something does happen to me, I'm not sure where I'll go, no one in their right mind would look forward to hell, but I feel I don't deserve Heaven. Like I'm headed towards a bad place, I can get out of this, if I get closer to God, but I feel that I don't deserve it, and So I've stayed curled up on the couch, not wanting to do anything, but just think deeply about all this.
Suddenly I realize my situation, the fact that I cannot do good in classes, I never was a bright student, I can't learn this. And I don't want to go back home... So now I'm thinking...
[indent]If My health issues get worst? Why should I try to save myself? What's the upside to that? Go back to class, fail again and again, go home, and be a no-body? It's just not worth it. So I've decided Not to go the hospital, but to just keep quite about it. Whatever happens, happens. I don't have the will to keep fighting in these pitch black rooms, with no hope for ever making it out.[/indent]
I stoped writing down new ideas, because realisticly i'll never reach a status important enough to share them. Life sucks, for me anyway.
Volt wrote:Suicide can be immediatly ruled out here. I didn't say I was suicidal, I said I just lost my will and motivation to save myself, to keep struggling.
And Don't try to feed me one of those "you have so much to live for" speaches.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I remember that one fateful day when Coach took me aside. I knew what was coming. "You don't have to tell me," I said. "I'm off the team, aren't I?" "Well," said Coach, "you never were really ON the team. You made that uniform you're wearing out of rags and towels, and your helmet is a toy space helmet. You show up at practice and then either steal the ball and make us chase you to get it back, or you try to tackle people at inappropriate times." It was all true what he was saying. And yet, I thought something is brewing inside the head of this Coach. He sees something in me, some kind of raw talent that he can mold. But that's when I felt the handcuffs go on.
Volt wrote:At least here I can get responses from poeple that feel similar like Impact. Plus when you read a post about someone whos having a hard time, it makes you feel a bit better, like "i'm glad I'm not him/her"
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I remember that one fateful day when Coach took me aside. I knew what was coming. "You don't have to tell me," I said. "I'm off the team, aren't I?" "Well," said Coach, "you never were really ON the team. You made that uniform you're wearing out of rags and towels, and your helmet is a toy space helmet. You show up at practice and then either steal the ball and make us chase you to get it back, or you try to tackle people at inappropriate times." It was all true what he was saying. And yet, I thought something is brewing inside the head of this Coach. He sees something in me, some kind of raw talent that he can mold. But that's when I felt the handcuffs go on.
Volt wrote:I've had problems in the past, but nothing is like this one.
This is the ultimate one, and over-coming it is easier said than done. I just don't have the will or motivation to accomplish anything.
Even In the past, I've had worst problems, and no matter what I've always had a bit of hope in the back of my mind, no matter how bad it was I always said, "It could get better, it might." but this time... It's different, I've let go. I have absolutely no will to fight, not a single ounce or drop. I have completely let go of all attemps to fight.
I have no will to pray or attempt to make things better, I have no will to do anything but just stop exhisting. I'm not suicidal, so I won't do something that directly endangers my life, But lets just say if something where about to fall on me, I'd walk as slowly as possible away from the spot that I'm standing.
I have no will to talk spiritual, or cheer myself up, or talk things over with God. If I do start thinking about what to say or pray about, I'm afraid I'll end up messing up my relationship with him even more, So I'd rather just keep my mind idle and blank.
kaji wrote:What kind of comment is that!?! Who in the world gets joy from other peoples honest missery!?
Raiden no Kishi wrote:Allow me to make a statement in Volt's defense. I believe what he means (at least this is what I think) is that hearing of someone going through worse makes one realize that yes, things could be worse, and knowing that you haven't hit absolute rock bottom is of some solace. Not in a "Feh, sucks to be them" kind of way, but a realizing that since people are dealing with worse, you can handle what you're dealing with.
Again, this is only my opinion.
And Don't try to feed me one of those "you have so much to live for" speaches. Success is something I've never had, I've always looked at, but in my life success is like a boat leaving the harbor, when It was leaving, I wasn't allowed on, and All this time I've stared and watched it float further away from me.
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