Ze Grand Canyon!

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Ze Grand Canyon!

Postby oro! » Sat Jun 11, 2005 11:28 am

Whew! Ihave just gotten back from one of my most favorite vacations ever. I can't believe how fun a place wit no baech can be! I went(you guessed it) to THE Grand Canyon. It was so beautiful, fun, and exciting. (plus people watching was quite interesting). I think I saw maybe a hundered and fifty Japanese tourists! And most were in one group together too. ALso, there were a whole lot of people you jsut knew were European. No guys here would dress or talk like that.
When you look down the canyon, it's so surreal. It was hard for me to really get how far down it is. I COULD FALL THAT! We went to many different sites on the rim. Too bad we didn't get to hike that much! Oh well....

So, anyone else been? Comments, questions? :sweat:
"I've learned when you throw mud at others, not only do you get your hands dirty, but you also lose a lot of ground." Ravi Zacharias
"Pride grows in the human heart like lard on a pig." Aleksander Solzhenitzen (so call me on it)
"Zeal without knowledge can lead to chaos." - Bob Rohm
"Why don't we love his truth as much as we seem to love his love?"- Cross Movement, in their song "Check us Out"
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